In the streets of Shekui tribe, there are many clansmen, men, women, young and old. When Phelps took Lin Chen into the tribe, they all stared at Lin Chen with vigilant eyes.

There are members of the snake Kui tribe with snake tail people everywhere. Lin Chen, a human, is naturally very conspicuous.

"Who is he, Phelps? Why did you bring a human?"

Several members of the snake Kui tribe stopped Lin Chen and Phelps in front of them. The middle-aged man headed by Lin Chen glanced at Lin Chen and asked Phelps.

"He is an earthling and an old acquaintance of her majesty." Phelps replied.


The middle-aged man showed a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, he also heard about the earth, "are you sure?"

"I'm sure! He told me that her Majesty's grace to the earth is consistent with what I know. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his hand and the star moon ark that her Majesty gave them!"

Phelps was very sure, "if I wasn't 100% sure, I wouldn't have brought him back at this juncture!"

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Chen and became a lot kinder. He nodded friendly to Lin Chen and asked Phelps, "how did you get out this time?"

"I got two 'green clothes and silver blood grass' at the auction in the West!" Phelps said excitedly.

"Ha ha! Good boy!" The middle-aged man beamed and slapped Phelps on the shoulder. "Go! I'll go with you to see her majesty!"

With that, he and several other people led the way into the ancient and magnificent palace, which was a 100 meter long passage. Then he turned around seven times and finally came to the hall. When Lin Chen saw the stone chair in front of the hall, the woman with a snake tail body, although it was not the first time to see her, he still had eyes

There was a thick surprise.

Ice blue crystal eyes, dark green long curly hair falling down to the waist, world-renowned face, and that evil temperament, combined, are a kind of soul catching beauty.

Lin Chen has never seen a beautiful woman, especially the appearance like snow marks, which can be called the ultimate beauty.

But when I saw cassia, I was still shocked by her beauty again.

It's not that her appearance is more outstanding than the snow marks. In fact, the temperament of the two women is completely different, and there is no comparability!

If you want to use two words to summarize Cassia's appearance, Lin Chen thinks it should be -- flirtatious! This is a woman who is extremely flirtatious. She sits there with a dignified face, saying nothing and doing nothing. However, when the man's eyes fall on her, they are uncontrollable, as if she were a master

A banshee who kills men's lusts.

It can make all men in the world fall for it.

Lin Chen has learned from Phelps that Cassia is injured. After carefully observing the other party, he does find that the other party's face is morbid pale, and the light in his eyes is dim, like a weak firefly.

In the hall, in addition to Kasia sitting on a stone chair, there are also people of the Shekui tribe standing on both sides.

When Lin Chen and others walked into the hall, their eyes looked at them.

"Who is he?" Cassia's eyes fell on Lin Chen, and her voice asked weakly. She knew that the person below was bringing a human. Then there must be something special about this human.

There is another reason for asking aloud.

She felt that the man seemed to have met somewhere, but she couldn't remember for a moment.

Hearing this, Lin Chen's expression was slightly stiff.

He thought the other party would be surprised to see him!

What happened?

People have forgotten who they are!

What a surprise!

He was a bit hit

I thought that the other party would always remember her as well as myself. As a result, I think too much!

However, it seems normal to think about it.

To the original self, cassia was a benefactor of the earth, a gorgeous and peerless beauty, and a strong person whom he could only look up to. Of course, he was deeply impressed by her.

But what about Cassia? She is just a weak aborigine of a remote planet. Even in her mind, she is estimated to be thousands of miles away from the Tianjiao of the original continent. How could she still be such an ordinary little person after decades


For example, several decades later, xieqingqiu appeared in front of him.

I have a high probability, and it is also difficult to remember for a while. Who is this person?

Phelps' heart jumped when he was asked. What does that mean? Didn't the man say that he knew her majesty well? Why didn't her majesty seem to know him? Was he cheated?

He didn't know how weak Lin Chen was decades ago. He just thought that even if Lin Chen was not as good as now, he would not be forgotten by her majesty.

"Tell your majesty that he says he is a man from the earth, and he also knows you. He also has the star moon ark you left to the earth. So I will bring him here to see you." Phelps told the truth.

"Earthman..." cassita's good-looking eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her eyes fell on Lin Chen again. A few seconds later, she smiled and said, "I remember. It's you, little guy. I didn't expect you to come to the original continent, and you also found me. Between us,

It's fate. "

At the beginning, what Lin Chen saw was only a wisp of ghost left by her.

But memory and noumenon are interlinked and have been recalled at this time.

Lin Chen, who was not happy in his heart, said secretly that fate was not shallow. Did you turn around and forget me?

What's more, he felt strange when he heard the other party call him a little guy.

Unless the world of monks is related by blood, their seniority is determined by their strength, not by their age!

It is perfectly normal for an old man to respectfully shout "senior" in the face of a young man who is stronger than him.

It doesn't matter if you treat me as a junior.

The question is, did you just say something, little guy?

If his strength is far stronger than his own, it's all right. But Lin Chen just sensed that the other party is just like himself. They are all in the middle of the supreme realm!

Everyone should be on equal terms!

Of course, these Lin Chen just spit out a few words in her heart, so she doesn't really mind.

What made him care was that while he sensed the other side's state, he also sensed that the other side's breath was extremely weak and his body was full of dead gas. It seemed that the injury was more serious than he had expected!

"Who hurt you?" Lin Chen couldn't help asking. Cassia smiled and shook her head. "I'm glad you could come to see me. You don't need to know who hurt me. Your strength is too weak. For you, it's better to know something than not."

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