The reason why Cassia knows something about chaotic fire is that she once spent a lot of time and energy looking for chaotic fire, but she didn't get any results.

She could not imagine that the little guy in her eyes was not only at the same level as her, but also controlled the chaos and fire she asked for.

"Is this guy still the same person I met? Perhaps, he was reborn by a supreme power many years ago. Although his body is in front of him, his soul has changed?

Otherwise, how could he, a little man from a remote star region, have such amazing growth and harvest in just a few decades? "

Cassia hesitated.

She looked at Lin Chen and said, "do you still remember that I once gave you a spiritual skill, what name did you give it?"

When Lin Chen saw Cassia's eyes, he suddenly became more wary. He was puzzled at first. After a little thought, he probably guessed what was going on. This was suspicion. The man in front of her was pretending to be, not the man she saw in those years?

He burst out laughing: "of course I remember. I named that spiritual skill" Cassia's gaze ". I also said at that time that I used your name because, on the one hand, you gave me that spiritual skill;

On the other hand, it is because you are too beautiful. No matter which man looks at you, he seems to fall into a dream and has an impulse not to wake up. On the second point, I still think so until now. "

The people of Shekui tribe looked at each other. The words in front of them were OK. How did they feel about the words behind them? It sounded like there was such an ambiguity or flirtation?

Cassia's face flushed slightly.

He did say that in those days!

She knew she was beautiful, but when people faced her, they were more in awe and worship. No one praised her so directly as Lin Chen. For a while, they didn't know how to respond.

Immediately, she saw Lin Chen walking towards her step by step.

"You... What are you doing?"

After learning that Lin Chen was at the same level as herself, cassia could not take him as a harmless little fellow. Seeing him walking towards her, she was somewhat confused and nervous.

"Master, please stop!"

A group of snake Kui tribe people stopped Lin Chen. Although they believed that Lin Chen would not mess with his queen, they were not afraid of tenthousand, just in case.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything unruly. If I really want to mess around, you can't stop me!"

Lin Chen disappeared from them and appeared in front of Cassia. He bent down. His face was less than ten centimeters away from Cassia's gorgeous face. He smiled:

"You may still doubt that although I remember the events of that year, if my soul was swallowed by people and my memory was swallowed by people, I still know the events of that year.

But if the soul is changed, the breath of the body will inevitably change with it. If you feel my breath carefully, you can know whether I am the original Lin Chen! "

"Too... Too close! Step back!"

Cassia's face was burning, and she thought that after so many years, I didn't remember you deeply at the beginning. How could I remember your breath? However, she turned to think that if Lin Chen in front of her was not the same person, but with his strength, why should she lie?

There is no need to lie!

With this thought, she realized that Lin Chen must not be a fake.

She thought of something again. Her eyes looked strange and said: "you specially remind me that compared with the changes in your breath now and then, it shouldn't be because I didn't recognize you when I first saw you, which made you unhappy?"

Lin Chen's expression was a little stiff, and he said calmly, "am I so naive?"

Cassia looked at him for a few times, and her expression was like a big sister who had seen through children's tricks, showing a smile: "naive ghost. Although you are strong now, you are still a little guy!"

Lin Chen raised her eyebrows and said subconsciously, "I'm not small at all. Do you want to try... Cough!"

Speaking later, he realized that he and the other party were not familiar enough to make fun of each other. He coughed twice and said: "you are kind to our earth. If there is anything I can help you in the future, just mention it.

After your body recovers, what are you going to do? If you don't, do you want to find Xuanyan ancient tree again? To tell you the truth, it has too much divine support. Even if you recover, I don't suggest going to trouble it again! "

Hearing Lin Chen talking about this, the smile on Cassia's face vanished. She was silent for a few seconds. She stood up and walked outside the hall. She said, "come with me. The rest of us don't have to follow."

Lin Chen was puzzled. She didn't answer her own words. Where did she take herself?

Although puzzled, he immediately followed up.

After walking out of the palace in the middle with cassia, the people of the snake Kui tribe who met along the way and saw Cassia said hello to her with great respect. They all cared about her health and advised her to stay in the palace and rest before she recovered.

Lin Chen can see that these people are the queen who cares and respects them from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Chen also saw that Cassia was not very good at dealing with people and didn't like to laugh. However, whenever people cared about her, she would deliberately smile and tell them not to worry too much. Her health was not so bad.

After a while, Lin Chen was brought to a house.

"Is there anything special in it?" Lin Chen knew that this was the destination that Cassia was going to bring her. She really couldn't see the difference between this place and other houses.

He didn't hear Cassia's answer. Turning around, he found this woman with a charming face. Even with a straight face, she also had a sense of seduction. At this time, her face was lonely and full of sadness.

A few seconds later, cassia turned her head and asked Lin Chen, "how much do you know about our tribe, the inborn disease?"

Lin Chen said: "as far as I know, this disease will lead to a short life of your tribe people. If you don't practice, you can only live for more than 30 years. Even if you practice, you can live longer, but only one third of the life of the same level cultivators!"

"What else?"

"And?" Lin Chen was stunned. What do you mean? The strange disease of the snake Kui tribe will only lead to a short life. Are there other symptoms?

Cassia turned her eyes to the house in front of her again. "If only the life span would be shorter. Come with me. I'll take you to see what happened to my people after they became ill."

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