This is a house with an independent courtyard. When you open the gate, you can see the courtyard planted with some flowers and plants and several bodyguards guarding in front of the room.

To Lin Chen's surprise, in front of the guards, a seven or eight year old boy was crying and seemed to want to enter the room. However, the guards refused to let him in. They all calmly told him to leave quickly and told him that children should not be near here.

When they saw cassia, several bodyguards were surprised and hurried to salute.

"I have seen her majesty!"

When the little boy saw cassia, he hesitated and seemed to summon up great courage. He ran to cassia and begged: "Your Majesty, my father and mother are in the room, but they said my father and mother are ill and won't let me in!

Would you tell them to let me go in and see my parents? I am so worried about them! Will nothing happen to them? "

The little boy said, wiping away his tears.

Seeing this scene, several bodyguards at the door could not bear to look away. They were very clear that if the boy was allowed to go in and saw the scene inside, it would probably leave an indelible shadow in his heart, so he could not go in anyway.

The house is bounded by array. The scene in the room is unimaginable outside.

Cassia smiled and said to the little boy, "what they said is right. Your parents are ill. Now you can't go in. However, when they are well, you can see them."

"Will... Will it be all right?" Although the little boy is young, he is very smart. It can be seen from the attitude of the guards that his parents may be ill. At this time, his small face is full of expectation when hearing Cassia's words.

"Do you believe what I say?" Cassia said.

The little boy nodded hurriedly and said firmly, "my father and mother said, your majesty, you are the leader of the snake Kui tribe. As long as you say it, it is absolutely true!"

Cassia reached out and touched the little boy's head. "Then you can trust me. Your parents will recover. Then you can be reunited."

The little boy's face was happy and his tears flowed faster. This time he was crying with joy. He believed that her majesty had said so, so his parents would be fine!

Lin Chen looked at the little boy who was happy to leave, then turned around and looked at Cassia with heavy eyes. In his heart, he concluded that the matter of the little boy's parents was definitely not as simple as Cassia said!

"Open the door!" Cassia takes Lin Chen to the door.

Several bodyguards immediately opened the door.

The door was opened, and a burst of hot air rushed to his face. There were bursts of painful moans and screams. Even Lin Chen was a little scared. He didn't know that he thought he had come to the legendary purgatory!

His heart grew more confused.

When I walked into the room with cassia, I found that it was an empty hall.

In the hall, there are hundreds of simple wooden beds. On each bed, there are people of the Shekui tribe.

There are men and women. Their hands and tails are bound by chains. Their exposed skin is like a red soldering iron, emitting an amazing high temperature.

Besides, some parts of the body turned into rocks, which looked very frightening.

Each of them had a very painful expression, a ferocious face, and a sharp scream from time to time, just like a prisoner tortured in purgatory!

Even though Lin Chen has seen countless big scenes, seeing the situation at this time is also a cold heart!

"To bind them in chains, and to leave a restraint on their souls, is to prevent them from committing suicide in extreme pain."

Cassia's voice was still cold. If you listened carefully, you could hear her voice trembling slightly.

She turned to look at Lin Chen and said, "the strange disease that snake Kui tribe was born with will not only make our tribe's life span only one third of that under normal circumstances, but also bring a painful death process.

When only about one tenth of your life span is left, your body will begin to petrify. If it is burned by fire, how painful it is. Do you need me to explain this scene? "

Lin Chen was silent. He didn't know what to say.

This scene in front of him also made him feel heavy. This strange disease of the snake Kui tribe was like an extremely vicious curse and punishment!

People shudder!

Seeing the arrival of cassia and Lin Chen, the people in the room became agitated. In addition to the screams, many people opened their mouths and begged Cassia to kill them and relieve them from this pain;

Some people tried to bear the pain and shut up those who begged Cassia to kill them. They said that the pressure of her Majesty was beyond our imagination. Don't make trouble for her;

Some people became crazy under extreme pain, saying that Cassia wanted to torture them by letting them live;

All kinds of words, some touching, some chilling.

Cassia said "let's go" to Lin Chen, turned expressionless and walked towards the door, went to the gate, and turned back to the humanity in the room:

"If you hold on a little longer, I will save you! I will!"

When they walked out of the gate, cassia looked at Lin Chen and said, "now, do you still think that after I recover, I shouldn't go to find Xuanyan ancient tree? What should I do, watching them die, and then waiting for the next group of people to have physical problems, and then watching the next group of people die?

If it were you, would you do that? Including the child just now, send them away one by one. Anyway, I'm the supreme one. This strange disease can't affect me. It seems that I really don't have to do anything! But... "

She sighed, her eyes lonely, "I can't do it."

Her tone of voice was not questioning, but like sighing, lamenting the numerous disasters of the Shekui tribe. At the same time, she hated herself and was respected by countless people in the clan, but she was unable to bring the clan out of that terrible fate!

Cassia felt heavy and thought that Lin Chen would still remain silent, or still advised herself not to provoke Xuanyan ancient tree for the time being. As a result, she listened to Lin Chen nearby and said viciously: "fuck him!"

"..." Cassia turned to look at Lin Chen in some astonishment.

He saw the fierce light in Lin Chen's eyes. At this time, he also looked at her and said: "I'll help you! After you recover, we'll plan how to do that Xuanyan ancient tree. When the time comes, we'll beat it back to its original shape and turn it into a big tree without producing enough Xuanyan fruit. I have to burn it!"

Fuck him!

I help you!

The simple words made cassia, who had always been strong, have an impulse to cry.

She lowered her head slightly, reached out and pinched the bridge of her nose to ease the sour feeling of her nose. With a snort, she smiled. It was beautiful and gorgeous!

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