Cassia recovered and found that Lin Chen was staring at her, as if she had been dazed by the flowers, and her eyes were straight.

Her cheeks were a little hot. She put away her smile and said:

"I'm very grateful for your kindness. However, Xuanyan ancient tree is the late stage of the supreme realm, and its existence has been unimaginable for a long time. You can't deal with it. If you really encounter it, your best choice is to turn around and run for your life immediately!"

Cassia didn't understand how Lin Chen reached the present state in just a few decades.

However, in any case, it must rely on a large number of external forces, which means that his foundation is not stable. Let alone fighting over the ranks, even among the practitioners of the same rank, the probability is the lowest.

She is the outstanding person in the middle of the supreme realm, and she is still far from the opponent of Xuanyan ancient tree, which means that the gap between Lin Chen and Xuanyan ancient tree will only be greater. If he really runs to fight with Xuanyan ancient tree, his end will be more miserable than his present self.

"Her majesty!"

Not far away, there was an eager voice.

When Cassia turned her head, she saw a dozen or so clansmen coming here at a fast pace. Some of them, with blood stains on their bodies and pale faces, were obviously injured.

Seeing this, she said in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

Lin Chen also looked at these people curiously. He hadn't noticed any fighting nearby just now. In addition, the blood on these people had already dried up. He guessed that they should have been beaten outside, and then ran back.

Although there is something wrong with the snake Kui tribe, ordinary people still dare not provoke it.

Those who dare to attack the members of the snake Kui tribe either do not know their identity or are not afraid of the snake Kui tribe because they have a big background.

Soon, cassia and Lin Chen knew what had happened from these people.

The injured people went to the outside world to find the alchemy material for "Bodhi jade Qingdan", but they were very lucky. They accidentally found "Qingyan jinyushen" under a cliff in the grassland, and "Qingyan jinyushen" is one of the materials for refining "Bodhi jade Qingdan".

Although it is one of the more common materials for refining "Bodhi jade and pure pill", it is still extremely precious and difficult to find. It can be accidentally encountered by people like myself. They believe that this is a chance for their queen!

However, before they could bring the two "green flame Golden Jade ginseng" back, they were robbed by people from another tribe.

"It's the scum of the nechu tribe! People from the Taiyi divine realm are arresting us. It has also been reported that your majesty has been seriously injured. Therefore, the nechu tribe has paid no attention to us since their leader was a supreme territory.

They not only robbed 'Qingyan jinyushen', but also wounded us all! Threaten us. If they dare to go to trouble with them, they will join forces with people from the Taiyi God kingdom to deal with us! "

The blood stained middle-aged man said angrily.

"What a damned fellow!"

The old man standing in front said to cassia, "Your Majesty, although these guys are hateful, we really can't afford to provoke them right now!"

Another old man beside him glanced at Lin Chen and said with a wry smile, "that's right! If the queen wasn't hurt, how could they dare to be so presumptuous!

There are also some guys who have received the favor of our tribe. After we were chased by Taiyi divine realm, they looked like turtles. Let alone ask them for help. It is hard for them not to help Taiyi divine realm to deal with us. Hum! They are really a bunch of wolves. "

"Although 'Qingyan Jinyu ginseng' is a common material for refining 'Bodhi jade Qingdan', it is also difficult to find! In this way, her majesty will be less likely to recover!" Another sighed.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "how do I feel that you are deliberately saying this to me? You want to ask me for help to help you deal with the initial stage of the supreme realm of the nechu tribe and get back the 'Bodhi jade Qingdan'. Then just say it bluntly. It's nothing to support when you're full, right? It's all right to ask people to help. You guys are really hypocritical!"

The angry people were embarrassed by Lin Chen's words.

With a cold face, cassia said in a deep voice, "put away your little cleverness! If you treat others as fools all day long and think you are smarter than others, you will sooner or later kill yourself and find that you are the real fool!"

She looked at Lin Chen and said, "you just said that you would help me. You should keep your word."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes: "you are not hypocritical, but are you too direct?"

Immediately he smiled: "but I just like to be direct! Find someone to show me the way. I'll go to the nechu tribe now."

"I'll show you the way."

"You? I don't care, just your body..."

"Don't worry. Although I'm weak, as long as I don't fight with others, I won't have any problems. I haven't been out since I was injured. I just went out to get some air."

Hearing Cassia say so, Lin Chen would not say anything more.

He guessed that the reason why Cassia wanted to lead the way for herself was to express her value for herself. It was estimated that she was also worried because the careful thinking of those people just now led to her bad views on the snake Kui tribe.

"How far is the nechu tribe from here?" Lin Chen asked.

Cassia said, "if I hadn't been injured, I would have arrived in less than half a day, but I'm weak now. If I went with you, I would slow down the speed. It is estimated that it will take me a day or two to get there."

"This is simple!"

Lin Chen smiled and appeared in front of cassia, directly holding Cassia up.

Cassia screamed out with fright and said, "what are you doing? Put me down!"

Lin Chen didn't expect her reaction to be so great. He thought that according to Cassia's cold appearance, she would probably frown and look cold, and calmly ask herself, "what are you doing?"

"You... You still don't let me down!" Cassia's white neck showed a layer of purplish red.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you are too shy?"

"I'm not shy, I just... I just don't like being too close to men!" Cassia tried to keep her face cold, with a dignified expression.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "that's my misunderstanding. I just think it's no different from my own hurry. We can reach our destination in half a day!"

As he spoke, his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

All the people of the Shekui tribe present were numb, and had already seen it with silly eyes.

It was the first time that they had seen anyone dare to eat her Majesty's tofu!

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