Looking at the endless prairie, the sound of the wind blowing weeds and the occasional sound of insects from the weeds set off the stillness and desolation of the grassland.

A human figure walked through the weeds more than one meter high. It was so fast that it could not even see the remnant. It was like an untouchable ghost.

"You... You obviously took advantage of me!"

"You think too much. I'm just a little guy. I don't know anything. How can I take advantage of you? Just treat me as a three-year-old who doesn't know anything. There's no need to take it seriously."

Cassia ground her teeth and stared angrily at Lin Chen's close face. She said in her heart, is there a three-year-old child as big as you?

This guy, obviously, said he was a little guy before he took revenge on himself!

She snorted and simply ignored this guy, mainly because of the conversation along the way. She found that she couldn't say anything about this guy!

The clothes on her body are like fire red armor, which is much cooler than the common heavy armor, but it also covers most of her body. The skirt like armor on her lower body almost blocks the whole tail.

Lin Chen didn't put her hand where it shouldn't have been, and she was honest and didn't move, so she wouldn't have any extreme reaction after the initial embarrassment.

When Lin Chen saw that she was silent, he took the initiative to say, "I'm a little curious. Can the people of your snake Kui tribe become human?"

Cassia knew what he meant, and there was a certain complacency in her voice:

"Even those stupid monsters can become human beings when their strength reaches a certain level. Naturally, we can. I can turn my tail into legs, but why should I do that stupid thing?"


"It is certainly a stupid thing to change from a perfect form to a mediocre form!" Cassia looked proud. "The posture of the snake Kui tribe is undoubtedly the most perfect in the world!"

Well, this is completely the surprise of the ethnic group's Aesthetics... Lin Chen was speechless. In fact, he wanted to see what Cassia was like when she was completely human. But since others were not happy, he could not embarrass others because of his curiosity.

He tried, "don't you wonder what the tail will look like when it becomes human legs?"

"I'm not curious at all. I'm not interested in this. Why should I become human? Can I please a human male? It's impossible. Let's not say that I don't care about men and women. Even if I really have that mind in the future, with my temper, it's absolutely impossible to please each other!"

Cassia speaks with conviction, like a queen.


The leaders and elders of nechu tribe and other core personnel gathered in the hall.

A tall middle-aged man said cautiously, "that's how it happened. You don't seem very happy. Do you think that small people shouldn't rob the Shekui tribe?

It seems a little thoughtless! Anyway, the snake Kui tribe has a deep foundation and should not be provoked. How about we send the two 'green flame Golden Jade ginseng' back to them now? "

The tall and thin old man standing in front of him was Wu Yu, the leader of nechu tribe.

Wu Yu glanced at him unhappily and said coldly, "send them back? The question is, do you know where their home is? If you don't even know where their home is, where will you send it?"

"This..." the middle-aged man looked at him, obviously he didn't know.

Wu Yu scolded: "stupid! I don't think I can't provoke the people of the snake Kui tribe, but since they have already provoked, don't think about leaving any way to go. Just don't do it all the time! Get more benefits from them."

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "I searched the things on them at that time. Except for 'green flame, gold and jade ginseng', there was no other good thing!"

"It's true that you're a fool! The benefits I'm talking about are not the things on those guys, but the specific location of the snake Kui tribe's nest and the way to get into it if you catch them back."

Wu Yu's eyes twinkled. "Later, we don't need to do it ourselves. We just need to spread the news to the Taiyi divine realm! In this way, we can not only get a lot of benefits from the Taiyi divine realm, but also take the opportunity to hold the big tree of the Taiyi divine realm. Even, maybe I can become one of the supreme beings of the Taiyi divine realm!"

Then all the people in the room realized what he was up to.

"Damn it, I didn't even think of this! I just thought that the Shekui tribe had a deep foundation after all. Even if it was in trouble now, there was no need to make a death feud, so I let people go."

The middle-aged man looked remorseful. If the nechu tribe could hold the thigh of the Taiyi God realm, they, the tribe members, could also get many benefits.

In the final analysis, the reason why he let those people go was that although the Taiyi divine realm heard that the queen of the snake Kui tribe was seriously injured and could not fight with others, there was no other supreme among the snake Kui tribe!

But even so, because of the long-standing reputation of the snake Kui tribe, he was still afraid of the snake Kui tribe. At most, he was greedy and went to rob the other party's things, but he did not dare to make a death feud with the other party and wanted to leave a way for himself.

Compared with Wu Yu's idea, it seems too timid!

"Why don't we send some people out to find the people of the snake Kui tribe? Maybe we can catch oneortwo!" Someone suggested.

Wu Yu looked at him and said in a cold voice, "if the people of the snake Kui tribe were so easy to catch, Taiyi Shenyu would have caught them all long ago and got us? Those people would have been met by you. It can only be said that it was a coincidence. If you went to find them, it would be impossible to find them!"

"Is it... Is it possible that if we rob the Shekui tribe, they will send people to steal it back secretly?" Another said.

Wu Yu's eyes lit up slightly, but he quickly shook his head and said, "this is a special time for the snake Kui tribe. They will never do such a risky thing. I have met Cassia for several times. She is a very cautious guy, and can never do such a stupid thing!"

Just then, a cold cry, such as thunder, came in from outside.

"You're right. The snake Kui tribe doesn't send people to steal things back secretly. However, they will come here and steal them back openly! All the people of the nechu tribe, get out of here!"

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