The people of the nechu tribe had full confidence in their leaders. Now they saw Wu Yu become frightened and his chest was pierced. Their brains were buzzing and their eyes were black. It was hard to accept the reality.

The scene was eerily silent!

"Don't... don't kill me! Return! I'll return those two 'green flame golden ginseng' to you right away, in the space ring on my hand. Please don't kill me!"

Wu Yu is the supreme power. Even if his chest is pierced and his heart is shattered, it is still far from enough to cause physical death. However, when he senses that a terrible flame is pouring into his body and his vitality is weakening rapidly, he simply cannot keep calm and is scared to beg for mercy.

When faced with death, many powerful monks show more cowardice and panic than ordinary people.

It took them a long time to get to this point, and they were unwilling to die.

Lin Chen took down his space ring with his other hand and threw it to Cassia: "check to see if what this guy said is true."

Cassia checks and nods to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Wu Yu and said, "for your sake, I can make you die a little happier!"

"And kill me?" Wu Yu was unwilling.

Lin Chen said coldly, "nonsense! If you see us, hand over the things right away, maybe we can spare you a way to live, but you should deal with us, then you can't just hand over the things, and the gratitude and resentment can be written off!"

Wu Yu felt bitter and remorseful.

Why are you so stupid!

It should have been thought of at the beginning. With cassia's intelligence and knowing her own strength, if she dares to come here, she must be sure to deal with herself.

I really shouldn't have been tempted to get carried away and tell you the idea of taking her to the Taiyi realm!

"Don't kill me. I can tell you where there is' Bodhi jade clear pill '. In this way, you don't need to collect other alchemy materials, and you can directly get the refined pill!" Wu Yu was unwilling to die and tried to find a little life for himself.

Lin Chen is a little surprised.

How could this guy know that he and others are looking for "Bodhi jade pill"?

On second thought, I guessed that it was a member of the snake Kui tribe who had been robbed of the "green flame Golden Jade ginseng" before. He accidentally let slip.

Cassia looked excited at the bottom of her eyes and said in a flat tone: "do you know where there is a 'Bodhi jade pill'? How do I know that you are not going to lie and try to get back your life?"

Seeing that the other party was really interested, Wu Yu hurriedly said: "I can swear by the heart of Tao. There is absolutely no lie in what I say next. As long as you swear by the heart of Tao, and after you get the information I provide, let me die, I will tell you everything!

If you don't feel at ease, I can go with you and let me go when you confirm that there is really a 'Bodhi jade elixir' there. Is that all right? "

When Cassia heard this, she believed it and looked forward to it.

Even if the two "green flame Golden Jade ginseng" are taken back, there are still several materials that can be used to refine the "Bodhi jade Qingdan", and the more later, the more difficult it is to find the materials, the longer it will take to find the materials, and it will take tens of thousands of years. It is not impossible to collect the materials.

For such a long time, even if they can wait, the people who are suffering from the disease can't afford to wait!

If you can get the "Bodhi jade pill" directly, it means that you can recover immediately. In this way, it is possible to get Xuanyan fruit and save their lives before the people of the affected clan die!

"Lin Chen, how about..."

Cassia just wanted to say, or she would do as he said, but before she finished, she saw black flames pouring out of Wu Yu, and Wu Yu screamed sharply.

Lin Chen will run through his chest. At this time, the arm with black flame is pulled out of his body.

Wu Yu, who had been burned into a burning man, lay on the ground, rolled around and screamed: "why? Don't you want to know the news of 'Bodhi jade Qingdan'? Why kill me! Stop! If I die, you won't get anything!"

"Lin Chen, you are --" Cassia is also a little silly.

Lin Chen looked at Wu Yu, who was rolling all over the ground, and said indifferently, "you must understand that the so-called negotiation only exists between people who are close to each other. Do you think you and I are close to each other? What can you do to negotiate with me?"

He looked at cassia and said, "don't worry. As long as I don't want him to die, even if I burn him for seven days and seven nights, I won't burn him to death! I just want to make him weak. Otherwise, it will be difficult to ask questions based on the initial state of his supreme state."

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Wu Yu, who was burned into a living man, flew towards him.

The moment Wu Yu's throat was caught by him, the flame disappeared from his body. Wu Yu was already dying, his skin was torn, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Wu Yu looks at Lin Chen in despair.

At this time, he really realized that the young man was not only powerful, but also more terrible than Cassia. He had no possibility to escape from him.

If you were him, would you let yourself go?

Absolutely not!

It is impossible to keep an enemy in the supreme realm. After all, it is a huge hidden danger!

At this moment, he felt that Lin Chen's eyes seemed to turn into two huge whirlpools, and the already weak soul seemed to be sucked into the two whirlpools, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

"Next, I'll ask, and you answer honestly," said Lin Chen.

"Yes!" Wu Yu's eyes were dull and his expression was dull, just like a puppet.

Cassia looked at Lin Chen with a calm face, and her eyes changed slightly.

After hearing the news of "Bodhi jade Qingdan" just now, I was so excited that I forgot. Maybe I didn't need to do what Wu Yu said. I can also get the information I want to know from him.

However, in any case, when he didn't think of this, Lin Chen always took the initiative and was not led by Wu Yu!

"I thought that the biggest reason why he could grow to this level must be his good luck. Now it seems that there may be an element of luck, but it is definitely not just luck! "

In Cassia's heart, she looked at Lin Chen for a while, and immediately looked at Wu Yu, hoping that what he had just said was true and not just a lie made up just to survive.

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