"Do you really know where there is a 'Bodhi jade pill'?"


"Where is it?"

"The treasure house of Ziwei divine realm."

Lin Chen's question was very direct, and Wu Yu's answer was also very concise. Soon, the information Cassia wanted to know was said by Wu Yu himself.

"Ziwei divine realm..."

Cassia repeated it. Seeing Lin Chen clearly didn't understand the purple micro divine realm, she explained to him, "the purple micro divine realm is a subordinate divine realm near the south of Yunlan prairie. I have been there, but I haven't stayed there for a long time. I don't know much about the purple micro divine realm and the royal family of the purple micro divine realm."

Lin Chen looked at Wu Yu again and said, "how do you know that there is a 'Bodhi jade pill' in the treasure house of the purple micro God domain?"

Wu Yu said: "when I was young, an elder who has fallen told me. He said that once there was a Supreme Master of the purple micro divine realm who was seriously injured and needed the 'Bodhi jade Qingdan' to save his life. Therefore, the purple micro divine realm spent countless time and energy to finally gather the materials to refine the 'Bodhi jade Qingdan' and refine a 'Bodhi jade Qingdan'.

However, when the pill was successfully refined, the supreme one had fallen. Therefore, the 'Bodhi jade clear pill' was placed in the treasure house of the purple micro God domain. "

Lin Chen asked a few more questions. When he got the answer, he frowned and said, "if you're right, the 'Bodhi jade clear pill' is still in the treasure house in the purple sky realm. This is just the guess of Wu Yu's elder.

To say the least, even if the treasure house in the purple micro God domain has been gone for so many years, it may have been taken by others, or it may have been changed into something needed by the royal family in the purple micro God domain!

Although the information he provided is not false, it can not guarantee that there is a 'Bodhi jade pill' in the treasure house of the purple micro God domain. "

Cassia's eyes also showed a trace of helplessness, but she soon pulled herself together and said, "anyway, I'm going to go to the purple micro realm. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I don't want to give up. Can you -"

"Don't worry, I'll go with you!" Lin Chen knows that even if Cassia wants to make a fair deal with the other party when she goes to the purple micro realm, there may be some accidents due to her physical problems.

As I said just now, if the strength is not at the same level, there is no qualification for negotiation.

Cassia said softly: "as far as I know, the master of the purple micro divine realm is also a middle-term supreme realm. But don't worry, I won't let you fight with him, so there will be no danger.

Although our tribe does not have a 'Bodhi jade Qingdan', it can still exchange the treasure of 'Bodhi jade Qingdan' with Ziwei divine realm.

I believe that if the treasure we give exceeds the value of 'Bodhi jade and pure pill', the domain master of the purple micro God domain should be willing to exchange it! After all, although the 'Bodhi jade clear pill' is the supreme spiritual pill, it is used for healing. He doesn't need it at all. "

Lin Chen didn't care whether he would take the initiative with the purple micro God domain. What he cared about was another point. He asked, "does the domain master of the purple micro God domain understand the law of fire?"

Cassia was stunned by Lin Chen's expectant eyes. She didn't understand how Lin Chen cared about this.

She shook her head. "As far as I know, he understands the law of thunder!"

Lin Chen looked disappointed.

Cassia thought for a while and added: "however, he is not the only Supreme Master in the purple micro divine realm. Among the other supreme masters, there may be the existence of understanding the law of fire."

Lin Chen immediately looked happy!

In my heart, I said that if there is a supreme person who understands the law of fire, it is actually quite good to have a conflict. After all, if people cooperate very well, it is always difficult for me to fight with them!

After confirming that all the questions had been asked, Lin Chen killed Wu Yu and beat him to death, which also gave him a good time.

"What are you going to do with the rest of these people? Do you want to find out those guys who beat the Shekui tribe and take them back to the Shekui tribe?" Lin Chen looks at the remaining members of the nechu tribe.

The people of the nechu tribe were already terrified. When they heard this, some knelt down and begged for mercy, and some turned around and tried to escape. As a result, they felt an invisible force enveloping them like a chain, which made them unable to move and could not leave Lin Chen at all!

Cassia shook her head, turned and walked out first. "Let's go."

Lin Chen showed a smile on his face. He followed up, walked beside cassia, and said with a straight face: "there is a saying from my ancestral star, that is, cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the spring wind is blowing again! Are you sure you want to let them go, in case they retaliate in the future?"

Cassia's tone was flat: "then let them retaliate. In the long years of existence of the snake Kui tribe and in the process of my journey, I have never been afraid of any retaliation. If they still want to retaliate, let them become a sharpening stone for me to strengthen myself. It will not be too late to kill them then."

"You are very confident!" Lin Chen smiled and blinked, "I like it."

Cassia gave him a look of shame. This guy was the first one she knew who was classified as her own and dared to talk to her like this.

"Next, please go to the purple micro divine realm with me. You and I came to the nechu tribe and helped me clean up the intruder in the Shekui tribe. I have all these feelings in mind. When I recover, I will repay you." Cassia whispered.

Lin Chen shrugged casually: "just think that I'm here to repay you for your kindness. If it weren't for the star moon ark you left to the earth, we people on earth would not be able to go this far."

Cassia shook her head with a straight face: "at that time, I used the earth's aura and the faint chaotic breath to heal the wound. It can be said that the earth was kind to me. What she did later was to repay the kindness. Therefore, the original thing was already clear.

Now you have helped me a lot. What I owe you, I must pay it back if I change it. This is my principle! You may not, but I must not! "

What Lin Chen did was not intended to be repaid by the other party. Seeing that Cassia had said this, he could not continue to refuse, and simply asked, "how are you going to pay it back?"

"...." Cassia frowned. She had not thought about it. After thinking about it, she could not figure out the answer. She said, "how do you want me to pay it back?"

Lin Chen looked at her up and down for a while, and said with a bad smile, "why don't you think about making a promise directly?"

Cassia's expression froze.

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