At the bottom of the giant tree, there are several metal cages of about the same size that can be stuffed into an adult. The surface of the cage is wrapped with blood red roots, and the inside is incomplete human corpses.

Some people seem to have been dead for only a few days. Their faces are extremely twisted and ferocious, full of fear and resentment. If they are timid, they will faint at the sight.

Cassia was not timid, but when she saw the picture, the mutilated bodies, the soil dyed crimson by the blood, and the red liquid in the trunk of the blood ghost tree, she felt a bit creepy and almost screamed.

"Lin Chen, what's the matter? Why are these people buried under the tree after being killed? Also, you just said that this is the blood ghost tree. Is there anything special about the blood ghost tree?"

Cassia looks at Lin Chen. From Lin Chen's reaction, she guesses that Lin Chen should know what's going on.

Lin Chen looked at the incomplete corpses in the cage below and said in a deep voice, "not after they were killed and buried underground, but directly buried them alive."

Cassia looked at the mutilated bodies in the cage again. She also thought that if they were buried after being killed, why should they be locked in the metal cage?

It is clear that people are still alive when they are buried, so they will be locked in metal cages to prevent them from escaping!

After figuring this out, she looked at the dazzling blood ghost trees, but she didn't feel any better. She felt that these huge trees were ferocious ogres, who absorbed the nutrients of living people to expand themselves?

And in this process, how painful should the people buried alive be?

It is simply purgatory on earth!

"The blood ghost tree has extremely harsh growth conditions. It can only grow by feeding on the flesh and soul of living creatures. The blood ghost flower it produces is a kind of precious alchemy material, which can be used to refine a variety of top-grade divine pills!

Although the blood ghost tree makes me feel sick, the most disgusting thing for me is the person who planted the blood ghost tree! Feeding the blood ghost tree with living creatures, the blood, flesh and soul will be slowly swallowed by the roots of the blood ghost tree. The pain of this process is beyond ordinary people's imagination. "

Lin Chen said coldly.

"It's hateful to use living people as nourishment for trees!"

Cassia also showed some indignation and pondered, "since the blood ghost tree was openly planted in the courtyard, it means that the person who planted the blood ghost tree is not afraid of being known by others, but also has a high probability that he should be the owner of the palace!"

She looks at Lin Chen and finds that Lin Chen forces her eyes and is silent.

Suddenly he realized that Lin Chen should be exploring everything in the palace with the help of divine thoughts!


The underground prison with humid air is filled with a strong smell of blood. From time to time, there are various sharp voices, such as begging for mercy, or scolding, or crying, which makes people shudder.

In one of the cells, a pair of Terran men and women were kneeling on the ground. The woman was constantly shaking because of fear. The man kowtowed desperately and begged:

"My Lord, please let us go! Please, my wife and I still have old parents to take care of. If we don't go back, they won't survive. Please, have mercy on us!"

In front of them, there was a guy who was very similar to people, but more like a monster.

He is tall, more than two meters, with bulging muscles and an ugly face. He has purple skin. When he grins, he can see the sharp teeth like wild animals in his mouth.

"Originally, I was going to feed you to the blood ghost tree today, but just now I heard you comforting your wife, saying that as long as you were there, you would protect her?"

The purple monster clapped and joked on his face, "moved! I was so moved. I didn't expect that you still have the heart to comfort others in this situation. For the sake of your deep love for your wife, I would like to give you two a chance to live!"

The Terran couple were delighted at the speech and looked at the purple monster with eager eyes.

The purple monster showed a cat and mouse smile in his eyes. He threw a knife in front of them and said:

"Since it is a chance to live, naturally only one of you can live. Whoever picks up this knife and kills the other, I will spare his life!"

Before the meeting, their expressions solidified, and the smile on the purple monster's face immediately became more brilliant.

Cultivation is a very boring thing. Many monks have some ways to delight themselves, and his entertainment is to torture these weak and humble human beings, break their beauty, and enjoy the pleasure of dominating everything!

He has decided that when one of the two people in front of him kills the other, he will kill the other when he or she thinks he or she is saved. In this way, he or she will experience the despair of falling from heaven to hell for convenience!

Thinking of this, the purple monster was even more excited and thought it was a good fun.

At this time, he saw the man in front of him and picked up the knife.

"Good! That's it. Kill her! Kill her and you will be saved. It's just a woman. As long as you live, you can go and find another one. Only living can have a future. If you die, everything will be over!"

The purple monster smiled with a bewitching voice, like a demon whispering.

The man thrust the handle of the knife into his wife's hand, then grabbed his wife's hand and stabbed him in the throat!

The purple monster's face darkened.

"No!" The woman screamed and struggled desperately. The knife did not pierce the man's throat, leaving a shallow scar on the man's neck.

"No. No!" The woman was in tears and shook her head desperately. Her voice choked. She couldn't say a complete sentence. She just kept repeating. She didn't want to kill each other.

The man picked up the knife thrown on the ground by the woman and stabbed it in his throat!

"Shit! It's disgusting! I told you to kill each other, not to kill yourself. Obviously, I'm just two waste people, humble human beings, and I'm not afraid of death. I'm going to vomit!"

The purple monster kicked the man out.


The man fell on the wall and vomited blood after falling to the ground. The woman ran to him with a distressed face and cried loudly. She looked like a crazy female beast. She picked up a knife and rushed to the purple monster!

"I'll fight with you!" The woman screamed.

"Die!" The purple monster grinned grimly.

"No!" The man lying on the ground uttered a cry of despair.

It was a close call. When the huge palm of the purple monster wanted to pat on the woman's head, the woman disappeared in front of him out of thin air!

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