"Who are you?"

The purple monster was shocked. In front of him, a celebrity youth appeared. The woman was beside the youth. It was obvious that she had been saved by the youth just now.

To his surprise, the young man came and saved the woman, but he didn't notice anything in the whole process!

When he came back to himself, he seemed to feel that his words were not powerful enough, and said coldly, "where did you come from? Dare to take care of my affairs. Are you tired of living?"

"You planted the blood ghost tree outside?" Lin Chen said coldly.

The purple monster was stunned and sneered: "you have some knowledge and even know the blood ghost tree. Yes, I planted it. All the people in this prison are the nourishment I prepared for the blood ghost tree. The blood ghost flower can be used to refine pills. In addition, it is very consistent with the skills I have cultivated. Taking it directly also has a great effect on improving my realm!

In short, I need a lot of blood ghost flowers. These guys, with their cheap lives, helped me a little bit. It's their honor! "

When all the people in the prison heard what he said, they were all gnashing their teeth with hate, but they had nothing to do with him.

"I'm just asking you if you planted it. You have a lot of nonsense." Lin Chen said.

The purple monster said angrily, "boy, don't be too wild! Your strength should not be weak, but do you know I am -"


Before he finished, Lin Chen appeared in front of him and stabbed his eyebrows.

The purple monster's expression was frozen. In a short breath, its vitality was annihilated!

With a wave of his arm, Lin Chen cut off his head and put it in his hand.

This scene was so abrupt that all the people on the scene could not react, and they were numb.

Some of them did expect the mysterious strongman who suddenly appeared to be able to clean up the purple monster, but no one thought that the purple monster would be killed in a flash!

This guy is an immortal strong man. How could he look so vulnerable?

Another figure appeared in the prison. It was cassia, who was one step slower than Lin Chen. Seeing the scene in front of her, she had understood that the purple monster was the culprit who planted the blood ghost tree. After seeing the appearance of the purple monster, her face became a little dignified.

"He is a member of the royal family of the purple sky realm!"

"Royal family of purple micro divine realm?" Lin Chen looks at her.

Kasita's face was heavy, and he nodded: "Kalou, the leader of the purple micro God domain, is not human. He came from a special ethnic group called ziluocha. The ziluocha people have few members, and they are all members of the royal family of the purple micro God domain. This guy looks exactly like the ziluocha people I know!"

Lin Chen frowned. He was not afraid of the Revenge of the ziluocha family, but killed the guy himself. It was estimated that Cassia's plan to trade with the master of the purple micro divine realm would not work.

Cassia also thought of this and didn't blame Lin Chen, saying: "damn this guy, it's nothing if you kill him. But the original plan seems to need to be adjusted.

Once Kalou knew that we had killed his people, let alone a deal, it was estimated that he would immediately join forces with other supreme masters in the purple micro realm to attack us. "

She looked at Lin Chen: "what should we do next? Do you have any ideas?"

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "it's easy. Anyway, we have entered the imperial palace now, so we can just rush to the treasure house of the purple micro God domain and take the 'Bodhi jade clear pill' before they react!"

"Er..." Cassia was a little silly. She didn't expect Lin Chen's so-called method to be so simple and rough.

In fact, after learning that the purple skin monster was a royal family in the purple micro God domain, Lin Chen, together with him, didn't have any good feelings for all the people of the purple Luosha family, including Kalou!

The purple monster planted the blood ghost tree in the courtyard. It was impossible for Kalou not to know this, but he obviously did not stop it!

It is estimated that the people who are being held here know that Kalou also knows about it. He has not stopped it either!

Lin Chen didn't like the guy who did this kind of inhumane thing at all. Now he knows that the other party is still an alien. In this way, how could he be polite to the other party if he was an alien who hurt the human race!

"That's it. Let's go directly to the treasure house to confirm whether there is a Bodhi jade pill in the treasure house!" Lin Chen has already made up his mind.

At this time, the people in prison heard that Lin Chen and cassia were about to leave. Many people knelt down and begged them to take them with them.

However, there are also some people who are desperate and understand that since the other party has to go to the treasure house to rob things, it is absolutely impossible to drag their feet with others!

And staying here, waiting for the arrival of the ziluocha clan, is undoubtedly a dead end.

"My Lord, I beg you to leave with my wife. Save her life! As for me, I will not drag you down. As long as you save my wife, if there is an afterlife, I will be an ox and a horse for you and repay you for your great kindness!"

The man who was kicked out by the purple monster looked at Lin Chen with a pleading face. When he spoke, his mouth was still vomiting blood.

"No! I will never live alone. If I want to die, we will die together. I don't want to live alone!" His wife hugged him by the arm, with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to part with him at all.

Lin Chen looked at the man and said with a smile, "I'm going to save everyone, including you, from the treasure of space. Are you sure you want to stay here alone?"

Hearing this, the people in the prison looked ecstatic.

The man was startled, his face full of joy, and shook his head desperately.

A moment later, Lin Chen and cassia appeared in the courtyard again.

Lin Chen threw one thing in his hand at the blood ghost trees in front of him. It was the head of the purple monster!

"This guy has been killed by me. Rest in peace."


"Gone! Why did people suddenly disappear? Oh, what happened to those two people? They can lose people if they follow me behind my back?"

The Guard commander finally found that Lin Chen and cassia were missing. He was busy looking for them along the way. At this time, he saw the courtyard of a palace in the distance and lit a black flame.

The huge blood red trees withered in the black flames and turned into ashes!

"Well... That's the palace of Lord Kaluli. How could it be on fire?"

The Guard commander was so shocked that he hurried to steal there. Kaluli was the most popular young man among the ziluosha family. If something happened to him, the domain leader would be furious. Maybe even his own doorkeeper would be implicated!

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