"Boy, you just got the upper hand. Don't be too complacent. You will still die at my hands in the end!"

Jialoupei didn't expect that he would eat in each other's hands. At the moment, he stared at Lin Chen angrily.

"Oh? It seems that you still have some means to press the bottom of the box? In that case, show it to me!" Lin Chen looked indifferent, which made Jia Lou Fu's teeth itch with anger.

"Open your eyes! Today, I'll open your eyes."

In the space ring of Kalou, one thing flew out. It was a purple metal chain with a thumb thick and thin, and the surface was covered with mysterious lines. There were thunder flashes around it, which filled people with a palpitating smell. It was not an ordinary product at first sight.

"This treasure, named 'heaven binding chain', is a supreme spirit weapon!" In the tone of his voice, he was somewhat proud.

Cassia's heart was raised again. At present, it seems that jialoupei is not Lin Chen's opponent, but as the leader of purple micro God domain, he has some powerful cards in his hands. It's not surprising!

At this time, he took out a supreme spirit instrument. Perhaps, under the influence of this supreme spirit instrument, Lin Chen will still be defeated in the end?

"Supreme spirit tool?" Lin Chen looked at the purple chain in his hand and said, "is this your card? A supreme spirit tool?"

Cassia was speechless, and Lin Chen's tone was too big!

He was stunned and sneered: "pretend. You think I can't see it. You've been panicking for a long time. Now you must be thinking about how to escape from me. What a pity! You're doomed to escape today!"

He threw the purple chain at Lin Chenyi.

Whoa, whoa——

The purple chain continued to lengthen in mid air and became transparent. It was like a slender snake flying towards Lin Chen. In the blink of an eye, it wrapped around Lin Chen, layer by layer, and tied him firmly!

Lin Chen frowned slightly. Just now the chain came. He stretched out his hand to grasp it, but unexpectedly, it was not an entity. It directly passed through his palm and tied it to him.

"Are you afraid now?" He sneered. "That's interesting!" Lin Chen tried to move his body. He found that the chain was like a rubber band tied to his body. He could still move, but it was like a layer of bondage on his body. He was more or less affected. Show off

The same means will undoubtedly be more laborious.

The chain was not only wrapped around him, but he also felt that his soul was also bound and uncomfortable.

Lin Chen soon understood that the function of this supreme spirit tool was to tie down the enemy and reduce his combat power.

The extent to which the enemy's combat power can be reduced undoubtedly has a great bearing on the enemy's strength.

At present, Lin Chen has absorbed and transformed the energy of all channels into a part of himself. He feels that he is only one step away from the later stage of the supreme realm. This chain of heaven binding just suppresses his strength by oneortwo percent, and the impact is not great.

If he had just stepped into the middle of the supreme realm, he would undoubtedly be greatly affected.

Looking at the proud Jia Lou, Lin Chen laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Jialoupei thought that the other party was just pretending to cover up his panic, but he could not see a little panic from Lin Chen's eyes, and he felt a little uneasy in his own heart.

"I also have a treasure that can suppress the strength of others."

Lin Chen smiled, and an object flew out of his eyebrows. It was a "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river"!

"A picture of mountains and rivers!"

The space of Kalou in all directions was like wild grass blown by the wind. It shook violently, and there was a virtual shadow of mountains and rivers. An invisible space force shrouded him.

He felt as if he were in a huge millstone, which seemed to grind himself into a piece of paper. His flesh and blood seemed to be crushed, and his body began to become flat.

His face changed wildly, and he worked the power of the world crazily to resist the strange power that enveloped him.

His heart sank slowly. If he wanted to resist this force and fight with people at the same time, it was estimated that he could only exert 50% of his original combat power!

"You... Who are you?" Jia Lou roared and stared at the "meteor saint mountain and river map" in front of Lin Chen. This guy actually had a treasure to suppress others' strength. In terms of level, he must be on the "tie heaven chain"!

As far as he knows, Kasia is the only supreme of the snake Kui tribe. How could such a powerful guy suddenly appear?

This kind of person is definitely not a nobody!

Lin Chen didn't answer. The palm of his right hand burst into a dazzling red light. A slowly rotating red light pattern, about one meter in diameter, appeared in front of his palm.

In an instant, he clapped countless palms, and the majestic energy poured out of his hands.

A terrible whirlpool of air flow was generated in the sky above Kalou. The air flow turned into a dark flame. A huge pattern formed by the condensation of black flame appeared. It turned slowly. It was very similar to the pattern in front of Lin Chen's palm, but it was tens of thousands of times larger!


The next second, the pattern exploded, like a glass smashed by someone's fist.

Three successive flame fingerprints with a width of tens of thousands of meters appeared out of thin air, blotting out the sky and falling from the sky.

Everything in the world seems to have disappeared in everyone's eyes, leaving only the three flame fingerprints that make their souls tremble!

"Dahua Tianwei palm!" Lin Chen drinks low.

Kalou was scared to death, so he clapped it out again!

Thunder and lightning converged into a huge palm print, like a hill, facing the three black flame palm prints falling from the sky!


The first black flame palm print collided with the lightning palm print, causing a terrible explosion. When the storm came, the energy afterwaves full of destruction rushed in all directions, as if the end was coming!


The second palm print of the flame was patted on Jia loupei. The dark flame devoured him instantly. Only the sharp scream of Jia loupei came out of the flame.

The third palm print of the flame followed and reached the sky above Kalou.

"No! Don't kill me! I'm willing to give you the 'Bodhi jade pill' and promise you any conditions! Please forgive me!" The cry of Kalou came from the flames.

Lin Chen said slowly, "it's late!"


The third flame, the whole world, seems to have turned into a black flame.

The sound of Kalou disappeared.

The stars he developed were like smoke in the wind, which quickly disappeared.

Lin Chen reached out and grasped a space ring, which flew out of the black flame and was held in his hand! "At last we have it!" Lin Chen smiled and looked at Cassia. She found that Cassia was looking at him with a strange look.

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