The battle ended.

The stars burning black flames behind Lin Chen, as well as the origin of the world in the center, are like a mirage, disappearing without a trace!

The bodyguards who looked up in the distance, as well as many people of the ziluosha clan, shivered and finally recovered from the shock.

Their eyes are full of incredible looks, and their hearts can't be calm at all!

Purple micro God domain master, the supreme being who has dominated this territory for more than a million years, died at the hands of a human youth who didn't know where to come out?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they still couldn't accept the facts.

"Run! Everybody run!"

I don't know who gave a shout first, and then everyone was in a mess, like a group of lost dogs, running for their lives and fleeing towards the far air.

Lin Chen was too lazy to take care of these minions. He looked around for a week and found that the tall and thin middle-aged man who had followed Jia loupei ran away without his attention.

"That guy is very eye-catching. Once he sees the situation, he will run for his life!"

Lin Chen thought that the scene in front of him really explained what it was called "the tree fell and the monkeys scattered".

He has got what he wants. He has no will to kill others. If the tall and thin middle-aged man understands the law of fire, he will catch up, but he understands the law of thunder. He is not interested at all.

Lin Chen looked at Cassia again and said with a smile, "haven't you seen enough? I admit I look good, but you are too direct to look at me so foolishly?"

Cassia blushed, then she looked away and snorted: "I really underestimated you before! I thought you were the bottom in the middle of the supreme realm. Unexpectedly, you couldn't even beat Kalou. Your strength is very good. It's not much worse than me in the heyday!"

So she didn't mean to belittle Lin Chen.

Cassia is indeed the existence at the top of the pyramid in the middle level of the supreme realm. If it were not for this, it would be impossible to escape from the Xuanyan ancient tree.

Lin Chen said that he was only a little worse than himself. In her opinion, it was already a very high evaluation.

"Before your strength recovers, we will have a competition?" Lin Chen understood in his heart that the other party thought he had just done his best, and he suggested with a smile.

Cassia's eyes lit up, nodded and said, "that's what I meant!"

She had thought that she would make this boy suffer a little bit at that time. After seeing him, how dare she flirt with herself!

Lin Chen threw the space ring to her: "the Bodhi jade elixir should be inside. You can have a look."

After throwing the ring to cassia, Lin Chen began to study the "Heaven binding chain" he held in his other hand. With the death of jialoupei, it became an ownerless thing and fell from him.

He plans to try later to see if he can recognize it.

If you can, although it is only a supreme spirit tool, it may be useful in the future!

Cassia took a silent look at Lin Chen. This is the personal space ring of the master of the purple micro God domain. There may be other good things in it besides the "Bodhi jade Qingdan".

As a result, Lin Chen didn't take it seriously at all. When he threw it to her, it was as casual as throwing a bag of garbage.

At the same time, she felt a touch in her heart. How could she not understand that Lin Chen did this because he completely regarded himself as his own person and did not take any precautions against himself!

A nervous look appeared on her face. She checked the items in the space ring. After a while, her face showed joy. A small jade bottle with exquisite workmanship was taken out of the space ring by her.

When she removed the cork from the bottle, a strong smell of medicine and a trace of chaotic origin escaped from the pill bottle, and a cyan light emerged. In the cyan light, there were other weaker colors, which looked extremely beautiful and dazzling!

From the inside, she poured out a pill with a blue background and other colors, just like colorful colored glass.

At the moment when the pill appeared, ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and a huge tree with a height of more than ten meters appeared. The shape of the huge tree was very strange, just like an eminent monk meditating with his knees crossed.

Cassia said excitedly: "Bodhi jade elixir! This is Bodhi jade elixir. Indeed, it is in the space ring of Kalou."

"Yes, you didn't lie!" Lin Chen looked at jialoujing, who was thrown to the ground by him and wanted to run away, but he was too hurt to run away.

Jia loujing shrunk into a ball and pretended to be dead on the ground.

He really did not expect that his grandfather, who was regarded as a straw for help, was killed by the other party. At this moment, he just hopes that the other party will forget himself and never pay attention to himself.

Seeing Lin Chen looking at him, he knew he couldn't pretend to be dead. He said with a smile: "people like you, master, naturally don't dare to cheat!"

Lin Chen didn't bother to talk to such a clown. He said to cassia, "we've got the goods, so we'll go back to the snake Kui tribe. It will take some time for you to recover after you take the pill."

"Yes!" Cassia nodded excitedly.

Lin Chen raised her eyebrows and suggested, "in order to speed up the journey, how about holding you in my arms again?"

Cassia was stunned, looked at him and said, "those people you were going to save were included in the space treasure. Since you have such a space treasure, you can include me in the space treasure, and then you can go on your own way! Isn't that more important?"

She ground her teeth and said in shame, "did you deliberately take advantage of me?"

"Why do you think so?" Lin Chen looked surprised, as if he had been greatly insulted, and said angrily, "how could it be! I'm not that kind of person! I didn't include you in the space ring for a reason!"

"What... Why?" Cassia was stunned. Did she really wronged him?

Thinking that Lin Chen had done so many things for himself, he even wronged him. Cassia felt guilty for a while, and her voice was much softer. "What's the reason? Is it because your space treasure is special, and the strength of the people who enter it can't be too strong?"

Lin Chen shook her head and said solemnly, "No. It's mainly because I think I'm too bored to go alone. I want you to talk with me!"

"Just... Just for this?" Cassia, who had thought that the other party was suffering, looked frozen.

Lin Chen nodded, looking calm, as if to say, is this reason not enough?

Cassia stares at this guy. She feels that if she communicates with Lin Chen too much, she will be angry one day!

"Fuck you!" He glared at Lin Chen fiercely. Cassia turned and left. Lin Chen followed him slowly.

Seeing Lin Chen and cassia disappear, jialoujing breathed a sigh of relief and was afraid: "when did the queen of the snake Kui tribe have such a powerful man?"

In his opinion, Lin Chen and cassia were just flirting between lovers. Let alone him, anyone else would think so when they saw them. Only the two parties had no such knowledge.

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