Lin Chen knew that Cassia got the "Bodhi jade pill" and could not wait to return to the tribe. He told the people in the tribe the good news and wanted to practice in seclusion quickly. He still knew the importance of it. After a few jokes, he took Cassia to the third floor of the divine prison tower and set off alone to return to Yunlan grassland as soon as possible.

On the way, when he passed through an Immortal King Dynasty, he released all the people he had saved from the purple micro God domain. He could only help him. They need to fight for their own fate!

In the words of these people, Lin Chen continued to set off for Yunlan prairie.

He went on his own way. It took him less than ten days to return to the Shekui tribe.

When they arrived at the Shekui tribe, they were surprised to see that he had only returned. Thinking that something had happened to his queen, they all approached him with worry.

Lin Chen releases Cassia from the divine prison tower.

Cassia will get the news of "Bodhi jade Qingdan" and tell the public that the people of the Shekui tribe are ecstatic, and many people cry with joy.

They thought that when Lin Chen and cassia went out, they would at most snatch back the "green flame, gold and jade ginseng". However, they didn't expect to get the "Bodhi jade pill"!

"There is plenty of aura in the alien space you carry with you. The time flow rate seems different from the outside world?" After the clansman was quiet, cassia looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen guessed her idea and said with a smile, "do you want to take pills inside to recover from the injury?"

Cassia nodded.

Lin Chen naturally had no opinion. He told her that the place she had stayed was the third floor of her own space treasure. The time flow rate was 50 times different from that of the outside world. One day outside, 50 days inside.

If she wants to practice in seclusion, she can earn her income to the fourth floor dedicated to seclusion. She will stay on the fourth floor for 100 days, and the outside world will only pass by one day.

Cassia was shocked and envious. She guessed that the space treasure Lin Chen owned might be a supreme artifact. Unexpectedly, he even had this level of treasure!

"What has he experienced over the years? Not only is there an incredible leap in strength, but there are so many treasures! "

Cassia was full of curiosity.

However, every monk has his own secret. She was very knowledgeable and didn't ask anything.

After asking others to step down, Lin Chen took Cassia to the fourth floor of the divine prison tower, and he followed her into the divine prison tower.

The snow trace on the fourth floor of the retreat showed her joy when she saw Lin Chen coming, and then her eyes fell on cassia, who had taken off her veil. A startling color appeared in her eyes, and she had guessed who this man was!

When her eyes fell on cassia, cassia also looked at her.

"What a beautiful woman!"

In their minds, they thought the same thing. They secretly compared each other with themselves. They both thought that although the other was beautiful and had a superior temperament, they were still a little worse than themselves

Without waiting for Lin Chen to introduce her, cassia smiled and asked, "who is this?"

Lin Chen was about to answer, so he heard snow scar say, "his woman."

Snow scar went to Lin Chen, put his arm around him, smiled softly, and asked Lin Chen, "this should be the benefactor of the earth you are looking for?"

Lin Chen was stunned. Unexpectedly, Xue scar, who was always shy, spoke so directly. He didn't think much, smiled and nodded. He told Xue scar what had happened during this period.

Cassia gave a cold hum in her heart. Lin Chen felt nothing, but she felt that the woman had a sting in her words.

She emphasized that she was Lin Chen's woman and said that she was a benefactor. No doubt, that is to say, she was only a benefactor and an outsider after all.

Is this telling herself that she is more important to Lin Chen than an outsider?

Maybe he also specially told himself that Lin Chen already had her and asked him to stay away from Lin Chen?

Cassia pursed her lips in secret, making it seem that I don't care for your man.

However, she felt a twinge of discomfort in her heart. She glared at Lin Chen and made Lin Chen, who was talking about her experiences with Xue scar, confused. Where did she make this woman angry?

After staying on the fourth floor for a short time, Lin Chen left.

In the next few days, it was very calm. Lin Chen told the crowd that Cassia was now in seclusion in a secret place. The people of the snake Kui tribe trusted Lin Chen very much, so no one doubted anything.

Until the afternoon of the sixth day, a middle-aged man from the snake Kui tribe hurried to Lin Chen's room.

"Master! Master Lin, are you in the room?"


The door was opened from inside. Lin Chen stood in the room, looking at some anxious middle-aged man, wondering, "what's the matter?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, "yes, your majesty has got the 'Bodhi jade Qingdan'. We will inform those people who are still looking for alchemy materials to come back as soon as possible.

In recent days, the clansmen have returned one after another. As a result, it seems that some clansmen were followed when they came back! We found a guy who was searching outside. It was estimated that he was a man from the Taiyi divine realm. He saw the people of our tribe disappear in front of him, but he didn't know how to enter here. He was looking for the entrance!

The elder has gone out to clean up the guy, but the guy is an immortal realm. Things are a little troublesome. So, so... "

He said later, somewhat embarrassed.

In the final analysis, the strength of our elders is not very good. If it goes on like this, it is likely that that guy will run away. When other people from the Taiyi realm come, things will be in trouble!

Lin Chen understood what he meant and immediately said, "take me there! You must leave that guy!"

He is well aware of the seriousness of the matter.

If the nest of the snake Kui tribe is found, only the ancient Xuanyan tree comes. He thinks it's nothing, and even thinks it's a good thing. He can take the opportunity to try to catch the ancient Xuanyan tree.

The question is, what if there is something more powerful than Xuanyan ancient tree besides Xuanyan ancient tree?

You should know that Xuanyan ancient tree is not at the bottom of the supremacy of the Taiyi divine realm, but it is not at the top. As the domain leader of the Taiyi divine realm, the supreme realm exists perfectly!

Not the current self, can match!

Immediately, the middle-aged man showed Lin Chen the way. On the way, he saw some people of the Shekui tribe looking flustered. It seemed that they all knew that something had happened outside.

Lin Chen sees a little boy with a worried face. It is the little boy who was stopped when he wanted to go in to see his sick parents.

"Big brother, outside, is... Is something wrong?" The little boy saw Lin Chen and said with some fear.


Lin Chen touched his head and smiled at him. When he left the independent space where the Shekui tribe lived, his face was as cold as ice, and his eyes were full of cold, completely different from the big brother next door who looked approachable before!

"Now that you've found it, you can't leave!"

Somehow, Lin Chen felt uneasy in his heart. There was a feeling that the rain was coming and the wind was blowing all over the building.

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