"After you recover from your injury, we will go to the Taiyi divine realm to find Xuanyan ancient tree!" Linchen Cassia was in a low mood and suggested, "when the time comes, get enough Xuanyan fruit from him, and you can cure all the people here."

Cassia sighed in her heart. She recovered. Even if she joined hands with Lin Chen, she would probably not be able to defeat Xuanyan ancient tree. It is very likely that she will be seriously injured again, or even worse!

However, looking at the many people suffering from the disease in front of her, she had no choice but to take risks again!

When Lin Chen left the Shekui tribe, the place where the Shekui tribe lived was empty.

Instead of staying away from here as he told cassia, he gathered his breath and hid it on the hillside of a barren mountain not far away.

He has another plan of his own, that is to confirm who will come here at that time, and then make plans for the next step.

If there is only Xuanyan ancient tree, then take it down directly. In this way, all problems will be solved.

If there are other supreme masters in the Taiyi divine realm besides the Xuanyan ancient tree, then they can only leave quietly. This matter must not be arrogant.

The reason why Lin Chen dares to hide here and wait for the arrival of the other party is also based on the special ability of "Assassin" of swallow sky dragon inflammation.

He gathered his breath and hid aside. He could not find his existence in the later stage of the supreme realm. Even if it was the peak of the supreme realm, it was difficult to notice that he was hiding nearby if he was a little careless.

Lin Chen waited for less than a day, then saw two Taoist shadows flying towards him.

The breath on those two people is very terrible. Looking at them, there will be a sense of suffocation. It seems that it is not two figures flying, but the sky collapses, and the huge pressure instantly envelops them!


Lin Chen's eyes lit up.

The best situation he expected was that Xuanyan ancient tree came alone. At this time, two people came. In any case, it could not be the best situation he wanted!

At present, what we need to determine is the realm of these two people, and whether Xuanyan ancient tree is one of them?

He took his breath to the extreme and stared at the two people who were getting closer and closer.

Both of them are middle-aged.

One of them, tall and slender, handsome, looks like a refined literati. From the appearance, he is no different from ordinary people, but his blue eyes and blue hair look a bit strange.

The other middle-aged man looks much rougher. He is a big man with an ordinary face and a tiger back. His face is full of flesh, giving people a very bad feeling.

The two men flew by the mountain where Lin Chen was hiding. They didn't realize that Lin Chen was hiding on the mountainside. Soon, they landed near the mountain where he entered the snake Kui tribe's nest!

"Here we are." The seemingly elegant middle-aged man looked around and said calmly in his voice.

"Brother Xuanyan, where is the man who sent the message to you? Shouldn't he be here waiting for you?" The big man with a heavy back frowned when he saw that there was no one around.

Brother Xuanyan?

Lin Chen, who was hiding on the hillside, narrowed his eyes when he heard the speech. He was sure that this elegant middle-aged man should be a Xuanyan ancient tree in human form!

Xuan Yan said in a deep voice: "when I was not far away from here, I tried to contact him, but I didn't get any response. In this case, there was only one explanation. He had an accident. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare not respond to my message if he had the courage."

"Doesn't it mean that the snake Kui tribe is the supreme one, that is, the queen of the snake Kui tribe? Now she is seriously injured, but your man is not far from the supreme territory! Even if the snake Kui tribe exists at the same level as him, if he wants to escape, he can't escape?"

The big man's voice was a bit startled. He thought it would be easy to come here. But now he has just come here, which is different from what he expected.

Xuanyan said lightly, "it's not strange that the snake Kui tribe, as a powerful ethnic group with a long history, has some unknown and terrible means. If that guy is too arrogant and fell into the hands of the snake Kui tribe, it's normal! Why, can't you be afraid in the middle of the supreme realm?"

The big man was excited by him and laughed: "hahaha! What am I afraid of? Let alone the snake queen has been injured. Even if she is not injured, she may not be my opponent!

If I were afraid, I wouldn't want to make her into my puppet! Ha ha ha! If she falls into my hands, I will definitely be able to refine her into a masterpiece that will shake the whole original continent! "

Lin Chen, who was on the mountainside, looked cold when he heard this.

Want to make Cassia into a puppet?

A strong desire to kill sprang up in his mind.

But on second thought, I was a little excited.

This great man is a middle stage of the supreme realm, and belongs to the category he can deal with. Since he can refine puppets, it means that he understands the law of fire!

At present, Lin Chen is not sure whether the ability of "star eater" of tianlongyan can swallow the supreme being of the same level as himself.

If you can, now you are only one step away from the later stage of the supreme realm, and you have swallowed up the power of this great man. Should you be able to break through to the later stage of the supreme realm?

On this thought, Lin Chen looked at the man's eyes as if he were staring at the meat on the pad. He wanted to rush out immediately and destroy the man!

"No! I can't be impulsive. Now I can use all my means to deal with the later stage of the ordinary supreme realm, but this Xuanyan ancient tree is an extremely ancient existence, and his real combat power may be far higher than that of the later stage of the ordinary supreme realm.

If he was the only one, I could rush out and fight him. But he had a helper at the same level as me. I'm running out now. No doubt it's too risky! Let's see what they will do next. "

Lin Chen suppressed the impulse in his heart and continued to hide aside to observe the two people in the distance.

Xuan Yan's body suddenly swelled and became a giant about ten meters high. His skin became flesh and blood. In the blink of an eye, it turned into dark brown wood. Branches and roots with thick and thin wrists sprang out of him like small snakes, growing longer and longer, spreading in all directions. It was like a sharp weapon. It was easy to drill into the fields and mountains!

"Indeed, it is an ancient tree named Xuanyan! What a strange search method. He is using this method to investigate the situation in all directions and wants to find out the snake Kui tribe's nest hidden here! "

Lin Chen immediately guessed what the other party's purpose was. Soon, his face changed. There were hundreds of branches and roots spreading towards the mountain where he was!

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