Lin Chen guessed that the roots and branches that spread from the other party should have a stronger perception than the divine mind. In this way, he was not sure whether he would be punished by the other party if those roots and branches spread to him


After hesitating for a few seconds, he made a decision, disappeared and hid in the God prison tower.

In this way, not to mention the late stage of the supreme realm, even if the supreme realm master of the Taiyi God realm arrives, he cannot find Lin Chen's existence.

Lin Chen stayed on the first floor of the divine prison tower for a long time, and then carefully came out of the divine prison tower again.

As a result, not only the dense roots and branches have disappeared, but also Xuan Yan and the big man have disappeared without a trace!

"What happened! They both left?"

Lin Chen was shocked and looked around for a week. He fixed his eyes on the mountain leading to the nest of the Shekui tribe.


It is no longer a mountain, but a pile of rubble after the collapse of the mountain. There is a rotating black vortex in the air, like a black hole! "He found the independent space where the snake Kui tribe is located? This guy is really good at it. No wonder Cassia decided to leave without hesitation when she learned that he received the news! The black vortex is undoubtedly the way to

At the entrance of the independent space, he should use brute force directly to destroy the original array! "

After guessing what happened, Lin Chen continued to wait patiently.

After about half an hour, two figures flew out of the black whirlpool. It was Xuan Yan and the big man with the national character face. Both of them didn't look very good and obviously didn't get much. "Blame that loser! He was definitely discovered by the people of the snake Kui tribe. As a result, he not only fell into the hands of the snake Kui tribe, but also revealed that he had been summoned back to the Taiyi divine realm. Naturally, the people of the snake Kui tribe will not continue to stay here and wait for death

Before we came, they all left! At this point, we have made a vain trip. "

A big man with a national face swears. Xuanyan had a much better mentality than him, and said: "everything in the world can not be as we wish. We can only say that they were lucky and they escaped! Well, let's go back. Next time I get the news from the snake Kui tribe, I'll let someone go

I told you. "

With that, he turned and turned into a streamer, leaving in the direction he had come.

The big man with a national character face was somewhat unwilling, but he also knew that this trip was impossible to gain anything, so he had to follow up.

The two of them left in the direction when they came, which meant that they would fly from the place where Lin Chen was not far away again.

Lin Chen is not worried that they will find themselves. At this time, there is only one thought in her mind: let them leave?

no way!

Absolutely not!

Although Xuanyan Gushu is not the only one, there is only a middle stage of the supreme realm beside him. It is already a good mobile phone club!

If you don't do it now, next time you will go to Taiyi divine realm to find him trouble. At that time, he may be surrounded by more than the middle of the supreme realm!

"Do it! Neither of these two guys wants to leave!"

Lin Chen soon had a decision in her heart!

If you discard the ancient Xuanyan tree, you can ask him to give a large number of Xuanyan fruits to cure the strange diseases of the Shekui tribe.

If the national character face big man can let the Dragon swallow his power, he will have a great chance to make a leap in strength and break through to the later stage of the supreme realm!

Although there will be risks, opportunities are always in danger!

It has been decided to make a move. What Lin Chen wants to do next is how to make a move?

Just rush out and stop them both?

This is undoubtedly the stupidest act!

Xuan Yan and the big man with the national character face are getting closer and closer to Lin Chen's position. They don't have much time to think about it. "Sneak attack! If we can kill one first, the rest will be much easier to deal with. With all my skills, we can defeat the later stage of the supreme territory, but if we want to kill the later stage of the supreme territory in an instant, it will be very difficult even if the other side is not prepared

Difficult, the probability will end in failure.

If you attack a person in the middle of the supreme realm, with the help of the 'assassin' and 'flame spirit demon body' secret methods, you have a high probability of killing him before the other person reacts! "

Lin Chen quickly decided on his next plan, that is, to try and see if he could abolish the national character face immediately. If he succeeded, it would be much easier to deal with Xuanyan ancient tree.

Normally, according to his plan, the success rate should not be small, but if this big man with a national face has any special defense means, or Xuan Yan reacts in an instant, it is still likely to end in failure!

If you fail, you will face the situation of one enemy two. The consequences are very heavy, and you are likely to take your own life!

Lin Chen took a deep breath and stared at Xuan Yan and the big man with the national character face who were getting closer and closer.

Xuan Yan is in front, and the big man with Chinese character face is behind. There is a distance of more than ten meters between them. This distance is almost negligible for the supreme power!

What Lin Chen needs to do, however, is to abolish the national character face before Xuan Yan reacts and helps the other party!


Xuan Yan flew by not far away from Lin Chen, raising a breeze.

A pair of transparent wings appeared behind Lin Chen.

Sword fire wings!

Sword fire divine wing can speed up his speed and increase the probability of successful sneak attack to a certain extent.

Just as an unwilling Chinese faced man flew past him.


Secret method of "flame spirit demon body"!

Lin Chen's body turned into a dark flame, holding a Xuanyuan gun. The wings shrouded in the black flame fanned behind him, and rushed to the national character face big man at an astonishing speed!

"What sound?" The big man with Chinese character face was startled when he heard the sudden sound, but he was not aware of the coming crisis!

Xuanyan in front of him noticed something, and his face changed greatly. He turned around and rushed towards the Chinese character face man!

"Be careful! There is a sneak attack!"

As soon as he shook his arm, the branches of his hands were green and brown, with a metallic luster, like blue and brown thunders, and he shot at Lin Chen who was rushing towards the big man with a national character face!

"Someone is sneaking up on me? How come I didn't notice the slightest sense of crisis? Is it difficult? Where can a cat and dog come out and dare to sneak up on me?"

The big man with Chinese character face hissed and looked at Lin Chen who rushed at him. According to the voice just now, he judged that there was still a distance of more than ten meters between the other party and himself.

However, as soon as I turned around, I saw a pair of killer eyes, and the distance between them was less than two meters!


Lin Chen ignored the shot at him, just like a branch made of metal. With a loud shout, the Xuanyuan gun smashed into the chest of the national character face man!

We must abolish each other! Otherwise, those facing difficulties will become themselves!

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