Without waiting for the national character face to react, the Xuanyuan gun wrapped around the flame hit him in the chest!


Earth shaking sounds sounded like two stars collided!

The chest of the big man with Chinese character face sank down, and a hideous crack appeared. At the chest position, almost two-thirds of the flesh and blood were separated from the body. The viscera were shattered, and the blood mixed with visceral debris gushed out. It can be seen that the jade like bones had been broken, and there was a dark flame, like gangrene, pouring into his body!

The most powerful person has incomparably strong physical vitality. Even if half of his body is shattered, he can be easily reborn.

The most terrible thing about Lin Chen's strike was not the damage to the physical body, but the fire mixed with the power of the world and the power of the spirit. It poured into the other party's body and frantically damaged the other party's body functions. In a moment, it hit the Chinese character face big man hard!

"Ah --!"

The big man with Chinese character face uttered a terrible howl and fell straight down.

But he had no other choice but to run the power of the world desperately to drive out the flames pouring into his body. Otherwise, in a little while, he would end up dead in his body and severely damaged in his soul!

Lin Chen's goal was to hit him hard, not to kill him. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, he couldn't help showing his joy.

Poof! Poof! Poof——

The sound of space being torn.

The blue brown branches with cold light one by one have reached behind Lin Chen, and the distance between them is less than one meter.

Lin Chen just ignored Xuan Yan's attack and just wanted to abolish the national character face. At this time, he had no time to use his defense means and could only take the attack.

However, he had already figured out how to resist.

He doesn't think he can't stop the other party's hasty means!

"Yan magic armor!"

Dark red armor appears on the body surface of Lin Chen.

The bluish Brown branches, like spears, hit the armor and made a deafening sound. Lin Chen was shocked by the violent force and flew more than ten meters ahead.

After stopping, he turned around and stared at Xuan Yan, who was a little suspicious. There was no injury on his body!

"The supreme spirit tool? No! You are just in the middle of the supreme realm. The words of the supreme spirit tool are not enough to help you completely block this blow. This is the supreme treasure tool!"

Xuan Yan stared at the dark red armor, with a bit of surprise on his face. He looked at the national character face man who could not recover in a short time. His face was very gloomy.

"Boy, who are you? In the middle of the supreme realm, you are also a dignified figure on the mainland of origin. It's shameless to sneak attacks!" Xuan Yan shouted angrily.

Lin Chen was on alert and said, "shameless is shameless. What can you do to me?"

Xuan Yan was stunned. He thought the other party would sophisticate. Unexpectedly, he admitted so simply. His eyebrows screwed up. This kind of guy who doesn't care about his face is often the most difficult to deal with.

He scolded the other party for being shameless, but in fact, he was also a shameless person. It was through his insidious shamelessness that he avoided many crises.

What he likes to deal with most is the kind of people who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. That kind of guy can shake each other's mood with a little tongue and tricks.

Unfortunately, this one is obviously not.

Lin Chen sneered, "I'm not interested in telling the enemy who is about to die what rules! The only rule is that whoever loses will be slaughtered!"

Xuan Yan frowned and said, "what do you mean by this? I don't know you at all. There's no injustice or hatred. You -"

His voice paused, and he thought of something. With a gloomy face, he said, "do you have anything to do with the snake Kui tribe?"

Seeing Lin Chen's silence, he instantly understood that the other party was acquiescence.

He was not surprised, but laughed and said: "good! Very good! I didn't know where to find the people of the snake Kui tribe. Unexpectedly, you sent them to the door by yourself!"

His voice was full of disdain, and he snorted coldly: "do you think you can fight me if you have a supreme weapon in the middle of the supreme realm? Just now I just hit you casually. If you try your best, this supreme weapon can't protect you!

I advise you not to go on looking for death. As long as you are willing to cooperate, I will give you a chance to atone for your sins! Tell me, where did cassia and the people of the snake Kui tribe move. I can not only spare your life, but also make you the Supreme Master of the Taiyi realm! "

Lin Chen said hesitantly, "are you sure?"

Xuan Yan nodded: "I promise, as long as you are obedient, I will definitely do what I say!"

Lin Chen said, "what if your former subordinate was killed by me?"

Xuan Yan said with a smile, "I've thought of this for a long time after I understand your relationship with the snake Kui tribe. Don't worry, I won't pursue it!"

"OK! Come here and I'll tell you. This matter contains some secrets. I'll just tell you. No one else can hear it!" Lin Chen said excitedly.

Xuan Yan walked towards him. When the distance between them was only about one meter.

In an instant, they both shot at the same time!

Xuan Yan's eyes flashed across the cold light, and a fist hit Lin Chen's head. The fist turned blue brown, and the fist surface surged with liquid blue energy. The fist was furious and shocking!

The Xuanyuan gun in Lin Chen's hand is like a black dragon going out to sea, and collides with Xuanyan's fist!


Almost at the same time, the amazing anti shock force made Xuanyan retreat a few steps, while Lin Chen flew backward. However, his wings fanned behind him, removed his power, and only flew backward a few meters, then stopped.

"Cunning little bastard!" Xuan Yan's eyes were gloomy and he scolded coldly.

If the other party really wants to tell him where the people of the snake Kui tribe have gone, even if he doesn't want others to know, he just needs to whisper in secret!

Let yourself walk in front of him. Wait a minute. I guess it is to let myself put my ears close to him!

I just want to plot against myself!

If you dare to be clever in front of yourself, you will be killed!

"I have both parents. How can I be a little bastard? But you have no father or mother. What is that? Old bastard?"

Lin Chen grinned. He was not irritated by the other party at all. In terms of his abusive Kung Fu, he had fought against the keyboard man many times on the earth, and did not give advice at all.

Just now he really wanted to see if he could sneak attack again and kill Xuanyan ancient tree, but he knew it was unlikely, so he didn't care much about the failure.

Xuan Yan's face became more gloomy. He looked at Lin Chen's right hand, which was holding the Xuanyuan gun, and was quietly twisting his wrist. He sneered:

"You have a weapon and I'm barehanded. You can't stand this? You feel your wrist is going to break? I said, you're not worthy to fight with me! If you don't respect me, I'll abolish you first!"


The voice fell, and he instantly disappeared in the same place. He rushed to Lin Chen. This time he had no hands left. Lin Chen was so fast that he couldn't see clearly!

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