"What an amazing speed. This guy's strength is definitely above the Xuantian God domain leader Luo Wen!"

Lin Chen felt a sense of panic in his mind. This is an instinct that only appears when his life is threatened.

Even Cassia didn't know how long the Xuanyan ancient tree had existed. She only knew that this guy was an extremely ancient existence and was terrible!

In the face of the strong at this level, Lin Chen dare not relax at all, otherwise, he may end up in a moment!

"A picture of mountains and rivers!"

Seeing that Xuan Yan was about to rush in front of him, Lin Chen gave a low cry.

An old stone picture flew out of his eyebrows.

The space within a hundred miles began to distort, like the water surface blown by the wind, like the virtual shadow of a paradise, like a mirage, appearing in this world.

A strange space force shrouded Xuan Yan like a huge millstone to crush him!

Xuanyan didn't think much of it at first, but he soon changed his face. His speed slowed down with the naked eye, and finally stopped. There was a roaring sound like a river running in his body. He was running the power of the world to resist the power enveloped in him.

He looked at the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" in front of Lin Chen in shock and anger, and his eyes showed some fear. He said unbelievably:

"Supreme artifact? This is a supreme artifact! Boy, what are you from and how can you have so many treasures?"

Xuanyan found that although he could resist the force shrouded in him, he had to be distracted to resist the force when fighting with others. He was afraid that he could not give full play to 80% of his original combat power!

If the opponent is at the same level as himself, it is not impossible to achieve this effect by using a powerful supreme treasure.

The problem is that the other side's realm is not as good as their own!

But can you rely on that stone map to suppress your own strength?

Not surprisingly, this is definitely a supreme artifact!

On this boy, there is not only a supreme treasure level armor, but also a supreme artifact?

With so many treasures on his body, Xuan Yan guessed that the other party's background was definitely not small.

"My background is too big. I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I say it!" Lin Chen grinned, "why don't you be obedient and give enough Xuanyan fruit to cure the strange disease of the snake Kui tribe, and I'll spare your life?"

Xuanyan's face was gloomy and he sneered: "no matter how big you are, I will kill you and keep your hands and feet clean. Who knows that you will die in my hands? Although there is still some risk, after you die, everything on your body will be mine. A supreme artifact and a supreme treasure are also worth my risk!

As for xuanyanguo? Don't even think about it! It takes my blood essence and soul power to produce Xuanyan fruit. If I want to produce a large number of Xuanyan fruit, it may even cause my realm to regress! Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to have Xuanyan fruit! "

A long green sword flew out of his space ring and was held in his hand!

"You deserve my sword! But that's all. Even if my strength is suppressed, it's easy to deal with you."

After Xuan Yan, the space was severely distorted, and the world became dark. The cyan stars appeared behind him, as if the stars were coming.

He waved a sword across the air, and a thunderous blue light flew towards Lin Chen, tearing the space along the way.

The green light of the sword became brighter and brighter. In the end, it was like a big day. It was so bright that people could not open their eyes. Even the dazzling light was like sharp sword light, which could easily blind ordinary monks!

Obviously, Xuan Yan is completely serious!

Although Lin Chen was not confused, he had already guessed that the guy in front of him was more difficult to deal with than the later stage of the supreme realm he had met before.

He also showed "I am the world". When the bright sword light was about to reach him, he threw the Xuanyuan gun in his hand. If the sword light was compared to a bright star, the Xuanyuan gun burning black flame was like a ghost hiding in the dark. It was extremely terrible and difficult to touch.


The sword and the Xuanyuan gun collide together, and the space is shattered like glass, generating a terrible energy storm that surges in all directions.

Lin Chen and Xuan Yan both have their hair dancing wildly, and their clothes and robes are hunting loudly!

Xuan Yan still looked flat, but he was also surprised. The Terran youth in front of him was the most powerful one among the mid-term monks in the supreme realm he met!

With such strength, there are also supreme treasures and supreme artifacts, which really have the capital to compete with the supreme realm in the later stage!

"I admit that you are really strong. It is really possible that you could fall in your hands at the later stage of the ordinary supreme realm. However, you are still too far behind to compete with me!"

Xuan Yan's voice was low, his sword disappeared, and thousands of sword lights appeared in all directions.

Just when Lin Chen thought that the other party was going to use more powerful attack methods, he saw Xuan Yan's body expanding rapidly, flesh and blood turning into wood, and turning into an ancient tree with a height of more than ten thousand meters, just like a giant mountain!

The branches and leaves are dense. Both the branches and leaves are shining like metal!

"This is its essence?"

Lin Chen was awestruck.

At this time, he was as small as dust in front of the ancient Xuanyan tree like a huge mountain. A leaf of the ancient Xuanyan tree was much larger than him!

"At the middle level of the supreme realm, only the queen of Shekui tribe and you can make me appear. Your strength is even stronger than her. Even if you die in my hands, you will be proud!"

Between heaven and earth, the sound of Xuanyan ancient trees came from all directions, giving people a feeling that he was everywhere.


The branches and leaves of the ancient Xuanyan tree trembled and made bursts of sound. Thousands of leaves broke away from the branches and merged with the sword lights in the air. It was like a storm sweeping towards Lin Chen!

"The dance of the dark leaves!"

"I'd like to see how long you can hold on to me in the middle of the supreme realm. Don't even be able to take over this inferior supreme skill. If so, it would be too disappointing!"

The voice of Xuanyan ancient tree was somewhat ironic, like a cat playing with a mouse. Although Lin Chen had brought him many accidents, he did not think that he had the slightest possibility of defeat.

The only thing he was curious about was how long the guy in front of him could support himself. If he could support him for a long time, he would bring more fun to himself!

Facing the terrible attack like a torrent, Lin Chen was still calm, and a streamer flew out of his eyebrows.

"Prison!" he whispered

Golden light, come to this heaven and earth!

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