Lin Chen turned a blind eye and said that he would fall into the hands of the other party as soon as he fought. How much do he look down on the other party, or should he look down on himself?

"Since I'm waiting for him to come, I naturally have the idea of fighting him. Even if he doesn't find me, do you think I won't take the initiative?" Lin Chen said.

Cassia was stunned.

Indeed, since Lin Chen is waiting for the arrival of Xuanyan ancient tree, it is naturally impossible. Just to see what the other party looks like, he must be ready to make a move.

"You... Did you really fight with him? Then you -" Cassia looked up and down at Lin Chen to make sure that Lin Chen seemed to be OK, but in fact he was seriously injured.

"I'm fine, but that guy ran away." Lin Chen looked pitiful.

Xuecheng looked at him with some amusement when he heard this. This guy clearly thought that Xuanyan ancient tree chose to run away, which was a good ending for him. As a result, he looked like Xuanyan ancient tree would fall into his hands if he didn't run away.

"Run... Run?" Cassia gaped!

When she heard Lin Chen fighting with Xuanyan ancient tree, her first reaction was that Lin Chen was defeated by Xuanyan ancient tree and ran away from Xuanyan ancient tree. She never thought that it was not Lin Chen who ran away, but Xuanyan ancient tree.

"Yes! However, the middle period of the supreme realm with him fell into my hands!" Lin Chen looked sorry again and said something that made Cassia look foolish.

Xuanyan ancient tree ran away, and the supreme one who came with him fell into Lin Chen's hands?

Cassia looked at Lin Chen in shock.

"Well, did you find out again that you underestimated me? Were you scared?" Linchen saw Cassia staring at her and asked with a smile.

Cassia snorted and refused to admit it.

She was delighted that Lin Chen could defeat Xuanyan ancient tree. In this way, when her injury recovers, she will have the confidence to go to Taiyi divine realm!

As long as we find the right time, it is possible to really seize the Xuanyan ancient tree!

Lin Chen stayed on the fourth floor of the divine prison tower for a short time. After the side effects of the secret method had passed, he went to the first floor of the divine prison tower. His heart was full of expectation.

If the "star eater" can swallow up the existence of the same level as him, it means that he is likely to break through to the later stage of the supreme realm. In this way, the next time he encounters Xuanyan ancient tree, he will never let him escape;

If the "star eater" can't swallow the existence of the same level as him, the bamboo basket will be empty and still stay in the middle of the supreme realm. Although it's only one step away from the later stage of the supreme realm, it's normal that he can't do it for hundreds of years!

The middle-aged man with a national character face saw Lin Chen appear in front of him. He was fierce and weak. He threatened again: "boy, when are you going to lock me up? Sooner or later, you will have to let me go! In that case, you might as well let me go now!

As long as I return to the Taiyi realm safely, I will persuade many supreme masters of the Taiyi realm not to trouble you. You have some skills, but - "

"Noisy!" Lin Chen's palm surged with black flames and hit him on the head.


Click click——

Cracks appeared on the middle-aged man's head, such as smashed porcelain and dark flames, which rushed towards his body and instantly drowned him!

"No! How dare you? How dare you kill me! Do you know what you're doing? Asshole -"

The middle-aged man's eyes were stunned and he made a sharp scream. However, his voice did not last long, and he became quiet.

Lin Chen's face was expressionless. He looked at the burning black flame in front of him with a little expectation in his eyes. After a while, he showed a bright smile!

"Yes! It can devour the existence of my level."

There is a strange connection between Lin Chen and tuntian Longyan.

At this time, he sensed that the sky swallowing dragon inflammation on the middle-aged people with Chinese characters' faces was just like a whale swallowing the power of the middle-aged people's inner world.

This time, it took much longer to devour than those who devoured the first stage of the supreme realm.

Lin Chen waited patiently.

Finally, swallow the sky dragon fire into a fire dragon, flew toward him, and sneaked into his body.

The corpse of a middle-aged man with a national character face has already turned into ashes, and both form and spirit have been destroyed!

At the moment when the black fire dragon entered the body, Lin Chen sat on the ground with his knees crossed, and ran the holy devil swallowing heaven and nature skill. The world force in the inner world was running wildly, and the sound of rivers was heard from his body.

"If I can break through to the later stage of the supreme realm, I will be able to sweep through the same level by various means, not to mention that there is no comparable level in the world, but at least, I will definitely be able to crush Xuanyan ancient tree! The next time I meet him, I will be beaten violently!"

Lin Chen was a little excited.

After swallowing tianlongyan and returning to his body, a magnificent and pure energy flowed into his inner world, which was pulled by the power of the world and merged into stars.

The stars and the origin of the world in the central position are like growing fruits, growing at a slow and sustained rate.

Before long, Lin Chen felt that he had reached the limit of the middle stage of the supreme realm!

This feeling is very strange, as if he had been rushing forward with that external force, but now there is a closed door in front of him.

He had to stop!

This gate is the bottleneck from the middle stage to the later stage of the supreme realm. If you want to break into the later stage of the supreme realm, you need to work hard to break through this bottleneck. In this way, your strength can have a qualitative leap.

"Give it to me!"

Lin Chen's heart roared.

His body ignited a black flame, and his breath was violent and hot to the extreme, just like a volcano about to erupt!

I don't know how long it took——

"Boom -"

A dull sound came from Lin Chen's body, as if the door was finally pushed open.

A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face. When he opened his eyes, the fierce and hot air surged in all directions, like a storm, and the whole hall was shaking violently!

"It's more difficult to take the last step than I thought. If I just devour a person in the early stage of the supreme realm, it's estimated that I can't take this last step at all. Fortunately, this guy is in the middle stage of the supreme realm! He has finally broken through to the late stage of the supreme realm. Now I am in the same realm with Xuanyan ancient tree. He will never leave in front of me next time we meet."

In Lin Chen's mind, the arrogant words of Xuan Yan and Gu Shu when they left emerged. They couldn't wait to find him again to fight!

"Next, I will spend some time to consolidate the realm. When Cassia recovers from her injury, I will go to the holy city of the Taiyi divine realm. I want to see what the look of Xuanyan ancient tree will be when he finds out that I have broken through to the later stage of the supreme realm?"

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