When Lin Chen returned to the fourth floor, cassia and xuescar were practicing. He didn't disturb them. He sat down with his knees crossed, operated the holy devil's heaven swallowing creation skill, and began to consolidate his realm with the help of the special ability of heaven swallowing dragon fire.

Although the special function of "eternal fire" of swallow sky dragon inflammation can help him stabilize the realm, it is also based on the improvement speed of the realm, which can not be too amazing.

Over the years, the speed of his realm improvement has long exceeded the speed of the "eternal fire" stable realm.

It just happens that it will take more than ten years for Cassia to fully recover from her injury. Lin Chen decides to use these ten years to stabilize her state.

The years of cultivation are boring and boring. Unconsciously, day after day, year after year, time passes like a fleeting white horse.

In a twinkling of an eye, the fourth floor of the divine prison tower has passed for twelve years.

Lin Chen opened his eyes and looked at cassia, who had already got up and had a happy face. He immediately understood something and said with a smile, "is the injury healed?"

"Yes!" Cassia nodded, as if she thought her answer was too cold, and added, "not only has she recovered, but she has also improved compared with before her injury. I feel that I am not far from the later stage of the supreme realm."

"Maybe I will go ahead of you and break through to the later stage of the supreme realm!" Cassia's voice was a little proud.

Seeing that the other party was in a good mood, Lin Chen stopped beating her and said, "are you going to go to the Taiyi divine realm after the breakthrough to the later stage of the supreme realm, or do you want to go there now?"

"Go now."

Cassia answered without thinking.

She didn't lie just now. She was really one step away from the later stage of the supreme realm. However, she didn't know when she could cross over this step. She could wait, but those people who were ill could not wait!

She looked at Lin Chen and asked, "do you have any good ideas?" Lin Chen understood what she was asking, and replied: "we agreed to go to the Taiyi divine city to find Xuanyan ancient tree. But in any case, we can't fight with Xuanyan ancient tree in the Taiyi divine City, or even if we do

Hands, but absolutely can not make any movement!

After all, there are more than 20 supreme masters in the Taiyi divine domain. If we fight in the Taiyi divine City, those supreme masters will immediately help Xuanyan ancient tree. At that time, let alone deal with Xuanyan ancient tree, we can't even leave! "

Cassia nodded. She felt the same way and motioned Lin Chen to continue. Lin Chen continued: "can we find a way to lead Xuanyan ancient tree out of the holy city of the Taiyi divine domain? For example, pretend to be his other enemy, or pretend to have some conflict with his descendants, and take his valued son

Heirs and descendants will seize it and lead the snake out of the cave? "

"That's a good idea. The problem is, as far as I know, Xuanyan ancient tree has no descendants." Cassia denied Lin Chen's proposal.

Xuanyan ancient tree was born strong, and the origin of chaos is fair. The stronger the blood, the harder it will be to have children!

This is why the strength of ordinary humans is very weak compared with that of many powerful ethnic groups, but the number of ethnic groups that Terrans have multiplied is extremely terrifying!

In terms of the number of ethnic groups, there is no other ethnic group in the original mainland that can be compared with the human race!

"I don't have any good ideas for the time being. I can only take one step and take a look. I'll go there first, investigate the situation, and then make plans for the next step!"


Guiyuan city is the most prosperous and powerful city in the Taiyi region. It is a famous city in the middle of the original continent!

Taiyi divine realm, as one of the most powerful upper divine realms in the central part of the original continent, has nearly 20 supreme beings, most of whom live in Guiyuan city.

A couple of men and women mixed in the traffic.

The man was tall and fierce. The woman wore a long blue dress that covered her legs and a blue veil on her face. She could not see her face clearly.

In Guiyuan City, 60% or 70% of the residents are human, and the rest are monsters that turn into human forms and retain some animal characteristics, as well as other special ethnic groups, which also leads to a variety of strange people in the crowd.

They are short, with red skin and wrinkled faces, just like a little old man;

A graceful woman with a horse face and a horned forehead;

There are men who are more than three meters tall and have muscles like stones;

This pair of men and women mixed in the crowd, it is not obvious at all.

"This is the first time that I have seen so many different ethnic groups in a city." The man looked around at all kinds of passers-by with special looks and said to the woman beside him.

This big man is Lin Chen who has changed his appearance by using "demon change".

The veiled woman beside him was naturally Cassia.

Cassia was not the first time to come here. She explained: "there are more than 20 supremacies in the Taiyi divine realm. It is a special case that Xuanyan ancient tree has no children.

Other supremacies, including monsters and special ethnic groups, most of them not only have children, but also bring other members of their ethnic groups to the Taiyi divine realm. As a result, there are other ethnic groups besides human beings. Later, on the original mainland, many special ethnic groups who had nowhere to go saw that there were different ethnic groups living here, so they came here to settle down! After a long time

The development of the Taiyi theological realm has turned into a situation of coexistence of multiple ethnic groups. "

Cassia looked at an inn not far away and said, "let's find an inn and settle down first, and then make plans for the next step.

Don't scare the snake. If that guy knows that we have come to Guiyuan City, it's not that we are bothering him, but that he will soon bring a group of supreme masters from the Taiyi realm to trouble us! "

That's what Lin Chen meant.

Although he broke through to the later stage of the supreme realm, let alone a dozen or so supreme masters who beat the other people's Taiyi divine realm, he could not match the legendary existence of the supreme realm.

Once they are found, they may even be finished before they can hide in the God prison tower!

Lin Chen and cassia walked to an inn not far away. Before they reached the gate of the inn, Lin Chen felt something falling from above. He reached out and grabbed it. He felt that he had caught something soft and smooth.

When he took it in front of him, he was dumbfounded. Cassia looked at him suspiciously. Her face turned red and she spat, "Seki! How can you carry this with you!"

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