As the queen of the snake Kui tribe, cassia's eyes immediately cooled when no one dared to speak to her like this. She was about to punish the feminine youth. A middle-aged man jumped out of the crowd nearby.

"Dead girl! You want to kill me, don't you? If you die, the people in Yunmeng building will come to trouble me? Thanks to my hard work, you have no conscience. You can't think about me! Death will drag me down?"

The middle-aged man walked angrily to the girl behind Cassia.

"Who are you?" Cassia stood in front of him.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, "who am I? I'm her father! This is our family's business. It's not up to you, an outsider. Get out of my way!"

The young man with a feminine temperament looked at the middle-aged man and said coldly, "we will give you money to buy her. That is based on her honesty. If she asks for short-sightedness or is unwilling to cooperate, you will not only return the money, but also be severely punished. Do you understand?"

The middle-aged man was startled. The chicken nodded like a peck of rice and said with a smile: "don't worry, adults. This kind of thing is familiar twice. As long as she receives guests for the first time, she will be obedient and never do such stupid things again!"

Cassia frowned and asked the girl behind her, "is he really your father?"

The girl nodded darkly: "he drank and gambled every day, owed a lot of money to the casino, and... Sold me."

"Selling your daughter to such a place is not as good as a pig or a dog." Cassia is not good at staring at the middle-aged man. He looks good, but he is thin and his face is blue, giving people a feeling of being hollowed out by wine.

The middle-aged man said angrily, "it's our family's business. What's your business? I'm her father. Let alone sell her to a brothel. Even if I let her die, she should listen to me!"

With that, he suddenly rushed to catch the girl hiding behind Cassia.

Before she came to cassia, Lin Chen kicked her out and rolled out a dozen meters on the ground like a tire.

He got up from the ground and was already bleeding. He looked at Lin Chen and Cassia in surprise and anger. At this moment, he didn't dare to start.

"You two really want to meddle in this business?"

The young man with a feminine temperament stared at Lin Chen and cassia with dark eyes, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.

Several big men who had followed him surrounded Lin Chen and cassia. Each of them was like a thick mountain, and powerful pressure spread from them, covering Lin Chen and cassia.

These big men are all in the same realm.

A brothel thug has this level of strength, which is amazing enough to make many onlookers turn pale.

"Yunmeng building deserves to be the first brothel in Guiyuan city! A strong Taoist priest is willing to be a thug here!" Someone took a breath and said in shock.

Lin Chen didn't answer each other's words. He looked at the people who surrounded him and cassia and said, "if you want to start, you can go together, so as not to waste time."

Before the young man could speak, several big men were enraged by Lin Chen's words and rushed to Lin Chen from all directions. Different colors of energy surged, either fist, foot, or weapon. The moves were different, but they were generally fierce.

The sound of space explosion was heard all the time, and some onlookers were startled.

However, they haven't got close to Lin Chen yet.

A heat wave surged out of Lin Chen's body, flapping several big men like flies.

Several big men spat blood, fell to the ground, and looked at Lin Chen in horror. They also had a fight with the strong in the Taoist realm, but they were not beaten away before they started. This means that the strength of the other side completely crushed them!

The crowd of onlookers burst into an uproar, and the look in Lin Chen's eyes also changed.

"I thought these two people were fearless. Now it seems that they dare to meddle in other people's affairs out of their confidence in their own strength!" Someone said.

The leading man stood up with his chest covered. He felt as if his internal organs were stirred together. He looked at the feminine young man and said:

"My Lord, this man is at least the top existence in the great perfection of the supreme realm. He may even be an immortal strong man. His subordinates are incompetent, not his opponent!"

When the big men were beaten out, the young man's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. In addition, there was no other expression. At present, Lin Chen's strength was not enough to make him care.

He ignored the big man, stared at Lin Chen, and said slowly, "I'll treat you as the immortal. But the immortal cultivator is not qualified to meddle in our Yunmeng building. I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise, you can't go if you want to go later!"

In the crowd, someone said, "where on earth does the Yunmeng building come from? Even the immortal strong people don't care?"

"Hum! Are you from outside? Haven't you heard of the background of Yunmeng building?" A middle-aged man in luxurious clothes glanced at the man who had spoken before with some disdain.

"Why, you know?" The man didn't mind being despised and looked curiously at the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man saw that many people looked at him, he was somewhat proud of himself. He stopped showing off and whispered:

"The elders of our clan have warned us not to provoke Yunmeng building. The young people of our clan can go to Yunmeng building for fun, but they can't conflict with Yunmeng building! This is because a woman is the boss of Yunmeng building!"

"What does that mean? I have heard of the female boss of Yunmeng building, but I only heard that she is beautiful. Is it difficult to say that she is still an immortal strong man?" Someone answered.

The middle-aged man hissed: "the immortal strong man is a fart! That woman is not an immortal strong man, but she is Xuanyan's supreme woman. In the final analysis, this Yunmeng building is also Xuanyan's supreme industry! Making trouble in Yunmeng building is equivalent to looking for the supreme trouble. Do you understand?"


Although there are more than 20 supremacies in the Taiyi divine realm, the supremacy is still like a God to the people here. Most people will never see a supremacy in their life.

Hearing the background of Yunmeng building, it turned out that it was a supreme master. Many people were too scared to speak.

Lin Chen doesn't like being threatened and is about to go back. As a result, the voices of passers-by come into his ears.

Is this Yunmeng building the property of Xuanyan ancient tree?

Is the female boss of Yunmeng building the woman of Xuanyan ancient tree?

Lin Chen moved in his heart, looked at cassia, and found that Cassia was also looking at him. Obviously, she also heard the conversation of the passers-by just now.

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