"Since you paid for her, does that mean I can pay for her?" Lin Chen looks at the young man with feminine temperament.

The young man was stunned and immediately said, "yes. As long as you can give 10 million yuan or 10000 top-grade spirit stones, she will be yours."

Hearing the price, all the people around exclaimed.

Guiyuan coin is the circulating currency of the Taiyi divine realm. The value of onethousand Guiyuan coins is probably equivalent to a top-grade spirit stone.

To redeem a prostitute for her life, she even asked for 10 million yuan. This is clearly the lion's big mouth!

The girl hiding behind Cassia couldn't help saying, "before... Before, they bought me from my father for tenthousand yuan."

Hearing this, everyone thought that Yunmeng building was too cruel!

Ten thousand yuan, a thousand times in an instant!

"If you can't afford it, just get out of here. Don't waste our time!" The feminine young man was impatient. Even though he knew Lin Chen's strength was extraordinary at this time, he still didn't take it seriously. He decided that the other party didn't dare do anything to him.

Lin Chen said coldly, "don't be too arrogant, or you will fall over sooner or later."

"Hiss! Are you threatening me?"

The young man scoffed and said, "I'm looking forward to seeing someone who will make me stumble. Don't talk nonsense! Do you want to redeem her? If you want, give her a yuan or a spirit stone. If you can't afford it, get out of here!"

Lin Chen didn't know when he had a space ring in his hand. He threw the space ring to the young man, "there are 10000 top-grade spirit stones inside."

The young man examined the inside of the ring in the lower space with his mind, smiled, turned and walked towards the Yunmeng building. Several people he brought hurriedly followed him.

The middle-aged man who claimed to buy the girl for the first time was unwilling, but he knew that Lin Chen could not be provoked by his own moves, so he had to leave in despair.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen and cassia, with the girl, disappeared into the street in the sight of the crowd.

When he came to a remote alley, Lin Chen stopped and looked back.

Instead of looking at cassia and the girl behind him, the girl's unreliable father followed them.

Seeing Lin Chen, a flattering smile appeared on the girl's father's face, he ran to Lin Chen and said:

"My Lord, you have a crush on my daughter, right? Although I have sold her to Yunmeng building before, anyway, I am still her father! Since you have a crush on her, why should you give me some benefits?

After all, it's not easy for me to raise this girl! I don't want too much. It's just as good as the cost of redeeming her. It's just 10000 top-grade spirit stones! What do you think? "

Seeing his appearance, the girl was almost angry and cried. Her eyes were red and she said, "get out of here! I don't have a father like you. You have sold me to Yunmeng building. I have nothing to do with you in the future!"

When the middle-aged man heard the speech, he slapped her in the face and cursed: "dead girl, you are wrong. Dare you talk to me like this?"

Before the slap fell on the girl's face, Lin Chen grabbed her wrist.

Lin Chen threw his arm and flew him out!

Cassia said with disgust on her face, "get out of here!"

The middle-aged man, like a dog skin plaster, covered his bleeding head and ran forward again. This time, he knelt down for the girl and begged:

"Good daughter, anyway, I'm your father. You can't ignore me! I still owe tens of thousands of yuan to the casino. They said that if I don't come up, I'll cut off my hands and feet. At that time, I'll be worse off than dead!

Please ask these two adults to give me some money to pay my debts. I promise I won't gamble again! Please help me this last time! "

The girl cried out. She was angry and said, "last time you sold me, you said you needed the money to pay off the debt, and you said you would never gamble again. Now you owe so much again, how do you want me to believe you?"

The middle-aged man promised, "I swear! This time it's true, this time it must be true!"

In the same way, the girl has heard this man's words many times. She won't believe a word.

Cassia looked at the girl with a dead heart on her face and showed some sympathy. It was a sad thing for anyone to have such an unreliable father.

She can easily help the other party pay off the gambling debt. The problem is, it can't solve the problem at all.

When he and Lin Chen leave, the girl's final fate is still likely to be sold to brothels.

She could see that the girl seemed indifferent on the surface, but she actually cared about her unreliable father. As long as she was still alive, it was impossible to refuse to save her father.

"I can help you pay off your gambling debts, but you must promise that you can't gamble any more in the future, and you must treat your daughter well." Lin Chen said.

The middle-aged man was so excited that he looked at him and hurriedly promised that he would never gamble again in the future, and would treat his daughter well and never let her suffer.

Cassia frowned at Lin Chen.

She knew that this kind of guy's words couldn't be believed at all. Lin Chen was not a young man who didn't know the world. He should also know this truth!

Why would you want to help the other party pay off his gambling debts?

After the gambling debt has been changed, it will not be long before middle-aged people will definitely gamble again. In the end, the situation is no different from that at present.

"Are you sure you want me to help you pay your gambling debts? My money is not so easy to take. And once you take it, you can't go back on it!" Lin Chen said.

The middle-aged man nodded like a chicken pecking rice. He thought to himself, you are a big man. You can't always stare at me. As long as I am honest for a while, how can you know what I have done after you leave?

It seems that this guy is powerful, but his brain is not very easy to use!

The middle-aged man laughed in his heart.

Streamers of light flew from Lin Chen's eyebrows. In front of the middle-aged man, there appeared a hundred top-grade spirit stones.

The girl said nervously, "my Lord, I can't believe what he said! He has promised me many times before, but he has never really done it once. People like him are prone to lying, and nothing they say is true!"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed. Hearing the girl's words, he quickly put all the best spirit stones on the ground into his arms and held them in his arms. He was afraid that Lin Chen would take them back a step later. In his heart, he secretly said that after a hundred best spirit stones were exchanged for gambling debts, there was still some left. Maybe he could use the rest to win back all the lost ones!

"Don't worry, no one can take my things for nothing!"

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