A ray of black flame, with the momentum of lightning, penetrated into the middle-aged man's eyebrows.

The delighted middle-aged man let out a scream. The best spirit stone in his arms fell to the ground. He didn't care to pick it up and rolled all over the ground. He was burning a black flame.

But the strange thing was that the fire did not even damage his clothes, let alone burn his body.

But when I saw the middle-aged man's appearance, it was like being burned by flames, and my face was distorted with pain.

Seeing this scene, cassia was stunned. The girl turned pale and said in panic: "my Lord, this... This... Please don't kill him. Although he has many problems, it is my father."

"Don't worry, I won't kill him. Just let him experience the pain of burning his soul. It will only last for a quarter of an hour."

He looked at the middle-aged man rolling on the ground and said coldly, "you will feel this pain once every month. There is a remnant of my soul in the fire. Once you gamble again or treat your daughter badly, I can immediately detect it.

If you gamble once or beat your daughter once, the duration of this situation will increase by one year! As long as you start today, make a fresh start and become a father well, then one year later, this situation will not recur again! "

Middle aged people almost want to die.

This kind of pain, let alone a quarter of an hour, let alone once a month in the future, he simply did not want to endure it for a second. The pain of burning his soul was beyond words.

"No! No! I don't want those excellent spirit stones. I'll give them back to you! Spare me, please, spare me!" The middle-aged man was unwilling and begged for mercy.

"As I said, my things are not so easy to take. Now that I have taken them, it is impossible to return them! Everything I can do has been done. Let's go."

The last sentence is what Lin Chen said to Cassia. He turned and walked towards the entrance of the alley. Cassia followed. The girl looked at her father, who was burning all over. Although she could not bear it, she also knew that serious illness needed strong medicine. Only this cruel punishment could make it possible for her father to return

Head, from now on, make a fresh start. Seeing that Lin Chen and cassia were about to disappear from sight, she knelt down in front of their backs and said with gratitude: "I can't repay the kindness of the two adults. I will pray for them every day and wish them a long life together without disaster


When Lin Chen heard the voice coming from behind, he raised his eyebrows, looked at cassia and said with a smile, "that girl seems to treat us as a couple?"

Cassia's face flushed slightly. She didn't answer. She asked, "do you really leave a wisp of ghost in his body?"

Leaving a remnant soul in the middle-aged human body has little impact on Lin Chen, but it doesn't mean that it has no impact at all.

For example, at the beginning, she left a remnant soul on the earth. When she ran into trouble later, she immediately recalled the remnant soul, so as to ensure that her combat power was at its peak.

"I lied to him!" Lin Chen replied.

Cassia was speechless. The middle-aged man was absolutely frightened by Lin Chen. Although Lin Chen lied to him, it can be expected that he would never dare to go to the casino again or be bad to his daughter.

"I plan to go to Yunmeng building again. This time, I will go there as a guest." Lin Chen said.

Cassia's face brightened. "Have you got an idea?"

She already has a certain understanding of Lin Chen, and understands that Lin Chen has definitely made a plan to deal with Xuanyan ancient tree.

Lin Chen nodded mysteriously and didn't say what he planned to do.

"I'll go with you!" said Cassia without asking

Lin Chen said in silence, "it's a brothel. I pretend to be a guest. What's it like for you to go with me? Do you say that although you are a woman, you also like women?"

Ordinary female monks can change their looks a little and maybe dress up as women. But Cassia's looks are too flirtatious. In terms of femininity, few in the world can compare with her.

No matter how she changes her appearance, unless she controls the same means as "demon change", people will know that she is a woman at a glance.

Cassia stared at him suspiciously. "Are you going to go there and really be a guest and have fun?"

"Do I look like that?" Lin Chen pretends to be angry.

Cassia snorted coldly, "anyway, I want to go with you!"

Lin Chen touched his nose and thought, "OK! Then you can go with me. I have a way."


A couple of men and women walked into the gate of Yunmeng building, attracting the attention of many people.

The man is in his early twenties. He is well-dressed and arrogant. He looks like a dandy. The woman is wearing a long green coarse cloth dress. The skirt is too long to cover her lower body.

The reason why it is remarkable is that the woman is so beautiful.

In particular, those attractive eyes, after any man takes a look, are somewhat reluctant to look away.

When Lin Chen saw this, he was helpless. He asked Cassia to change her face a little, and then pretended to be her servant girl. Cassia did what he said.

However, cassia will not change her appearance completely by means of "demon change".

She can only control the flesh and bones on the basis of her original appearance and make some minor adjustments. After adjustment, she is indeed different from the original and uglier than the original.

But even if it is only the original sixorseven beauty, it also attracts the attention of countless people. There is no way to keep a low profile.

Lin Chen wanted her to continue wearing the veil. The problem was that a servant girl in coarse cloth was wearing a veil. It was strange, so she thought about it and could only forget it.

"What are you looking at? If you look again, I will dig out your dog's eyes. This is my servant girl and my woman. Can you see my forbidden shoes?"

Lin Chen's face was angry, like a spoiled young master. He directly scolded those who looked at Cassia.

Many guests showed indignation.

However, seeing Lin Chen coming to Yunmeng building, he dared to be so arrogant. It was estimated that his background was good. For a while, no one dared to trouble him.

Cassia glared at Lin Chen. This guy really jumped out of everything. He even said he was his forbidden man. What a nuisance!

I'm the queen of the snake Kui tribe. I can't be a forbidden man in my life! At this time, a bustard with some exposed clothes and still charming, with a smile on his face, hurried towards Lin Chen and cassia.

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