"My guest, looking at the stranger, you should be the first to come back to Yunmeng building?"

The procuress walked to Lin Chen with a smile and looked at Cassia. She was amazed. In her heart, she said that she had such a beautiful companion. She also came to the brothel to look for flowers and willows. Sure enough, men don't have any good things. People at home always feel inferior to those outside.

"Once born, twice cooked. You'll find the most beautiful one here to serve me well. Won't I become a regular customer here in the future?" Lin Chen smiled.

"My guest, what you said is that we lack everything in Yunmeng building, but there is no shortage of beauties. They are rich and thin. They have all kinds of styles. People who have been here will only complain that the price here is a little too expensive, but they are all very satisfied with our service."

Lin Chen sneered: "tell me in a roundabout way that the beautiful ones here are very expensive? Hum! You just find the most beautiful ones. I lack everything, except the yuan coins and spirit stones!"

The procuress's eyes were bright, and she directly regarded Lin Chen as a fat sheep. After this kind of fat sheep served well, it would be an endless cash cow in the future.

"My guest, I'm joking. You are not short of money. Please follow me to the elegant room on the second floor. I promise you will be satisfied with the girl you find later!"

With a smile on his face, the procuress welcomed Lin Chen and cassia to the second floor. They were about to go upstairs when several others came down from upstairs.

The leader happened to be the lion who opened his mouth a short time ago and took 10000 top-grade spirit stones from Lin Chen.

Seeing the young man, the procuress said hello respectfully: "young master Pei!"

The young man's name is peiluoxuan, and she is highly valued by the female boss of Yunmeng building. Although she is the procuress here, she is still a lot worse than those popular prostitutes, let alone peiluoxuan.

Peiluoxuan nodded at her and looked back at Lin Chen. At this time, Lin Chen looked completely different from the original. He didn't know that the man in front of him was the guy who had redeemed him from Yunmeng building not long ago.

After peiluoxuan passed by, the procuress continued to take Lin Chen and cassia upstairs. As a result, as soon as she took two steps, peiluoxuan's voice came from behind.


Cassia's heart beat.

Lin Chen looked as usual.

The procuress turned to peiluoxuan and said, "young master Pei?"

Peiluoxuan ignored her, walked up to cassia and looked at Cassia with a frown.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" Peiluoxuan looked suspicious. He felt that the woman was familiar, especially the eyes. But for a while, he couldn't remember where he had met her.

Although Cassia had been veiled before, her appearance had changed a little, but her eyes were still the same as before.

Her eyes have a kind of weird beauty, which is hard to forget.

Therefore, Pei lengxuan felt that he had seen Cassia somewhere, but he could not remember when he had seen the woman in front of him.

According to the truth, if you have seen this woman, you should not forget her because of her beauty!

"We adults ask you something. Are you deaf? Don't you answer quickly!" A big man beside peiluoxuan shouted in a deep voice.

The procuress didn't expect peiluoxuan to come out like this, and he secretly roast that it wasn't Mr. Pei who took a fancy to this woman and deliberately accosted others?

However, in any case, since Prince Pei asked questions, he could only answer honestly.

The next moment, she saw Lin Chen suddenly step forward and slap him in the face.


The big man was slapped by Lin Chen and stepped back. His face was stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect the other party to dare to beat him.

The loud slap immediately attracted many eyes.

"What kind of thing are you, dog? You deserve to yell in front of my women? Do you believe it? Even if you are from Yunmeng building, I have ways to kill you!"

Lin Chen was angry and pointed at the man's nose.

The big man was angry and wanted to fight back, but he was shocked by Lin Chen's words. This guy has a big voice. Even if he is from Yunmeng building, he can kill himself?

In his anger, the man dared not answer back. He knew that there were some people who could not be provoked by themselves.

I can only look at peiluoxuan.

After all, he is his own man. If the other party beats him, he is beating Lord Pei in the face. He will vent his anger for himself!

The procuress was also startled by Lin Chen's actions. She wondered whether the young man was ignorant of life or death, or did he really have a big background. Even peiluoxuan dared to fight?

Many people looked here, whispered, and looked at Lin Chen with curiosity.

"That's a big tone. Even my people don't take it seriously? I'm a little curious. What are you, daring to be presumptuous in front of me?"

Pei lengxuan said with gloomy eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Chen stepped forward and slapped him in the face.


This slap was too fast and too sudden!

Pei lengxuan staggered back, his right face red and swollen, and his expression was dull. It seemed that he had never thought that the other party would dare to beat him!

The procuress was dumbfounded!

The crowd was numb!

Cassia also looked at Lin Chen with astonishment on her face. It's all right for you to beat his men. Even this guy is beaten. How can it end up like this?

What the hell is this guy up to?

If things get too big, we will bring Xuanyan ancient tree to us. At that time, we will not find Xuanyan ancient tree to be in trouble, but become Xuanyan ancient tree to find ourselves in trouble!

"You... Dare you hit me?"

Pei lengxuan's eyelids jumped wildly and his face was unbelievable. This was the first time he had been slapped in the face since he was a child. He almost suspected that he was dreaming.

"I beat you! Which onion are you? Don't say it's yours. I don't even care about you! What the hell!"

Lin Chen seemed to be an arrogant and lawless dandy. He slapped peilengxuan in the back hand.

Peilengxuan's left face became red and swollen, and he sat down on the ground.

At last, he came to his senses.

"I will kill you! Asshole! I will definitely kill you!"

Pei lengxuan was so angry that his face was twisted and ferocious to the extreme. The expression that seemed to be holding everything in his hand had long disappeared, just like a mad dog.

Before he rushed to Lin Chen, Lin Chen threw something into his arms and said with a sneer, "do you want to know my identity? Open your eyes and see what it is! I want to see. After you know who I am, do you dare to fight with me!"

Looking at the things in peilengxuan's arms curiously.

Cassia was also curious and puzzled. Like everyone else, she looked at the things thrown to peilengxuan by Lin Chen!

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