Although he believed that if he fought alone, the other party would not be his own opponent, after the last experience, Xuan Yan and Gu Shu did not dare to underestimate Lin Chen.

The terrifying Qi machine diffused from the ancient Xuanyan tree, turned into a powerful air wave and surged in all directions. The whole volcano vibrated violently and the magma rolled!

Bang Bang - when Lin Chen rushed to the ancient Xuanyan tree, hundreds of vines thick and thin on the thighs of a grown man rushed out of the ground below him, twining around Lin Chen in an instant, like a huge cage or a cocoon, trapping Lin Chen in

Of which!


In less than a breath, the blue giant cocoon ignited a black flame and exploded.

Lin Chen holds a Xuanyuan gun. The Xuanyuan gun smashes the space and blasts the head of Xuanyan ancient tree!

A long green sword appeared in the hand of Xuanyan ancient tree. The sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, cutting the space like cloth and silk. With a wave of the long sword, it was as bright as the sword light of the stars, and collided with the Xuanyuan gun in Lin Chen's hand.

Lin Chen was beaten upside down and flew out tens of meters!

Cassia's face tightened.

Xuanyan ancient tree's face became a little startled. Although he seemed to have the upper hand, he felt very wrong. It seemed that the boy had not used all his means. How could he directly confront himself?

"Flame spirit demon body!"

Lin Chen whispered, and his body turned into a burning fire.

A pair of wings appeared behind him. The wings fanned and rushed towards the Xuanyan ancient tree at a faster speed. Where he passed, the space was distorted by the flames on his body, setting off an amazing heat wave!

The ground near the rock wall directly melts into liquid.

"No! The boy, has made a breakthrough?"

Xuanyan ancient tree finally realized that something was wrong. He screamed, and Lin Chen had rushed to him. Even if he wanted to retreat, he had no choice but to take Lin Chen's shot again!

The blue long sword ignited a flame. When it was stabbed out, the light of the sword was even brighter, like a green dragon going to sea. It collided with the Xuanyuan gun in Lin Chen's hand again!


This time, they both flew backwards!

Xuanyan Gushu blushed and coughed violently. It was obvious that the blow he had just made had a great impact on his body.

He stared at Lin Chen angrily and shouted, "have you broken through to the late stage of the supreme realm?"

"Has he broken through to the later stage of the supreme realm?" Cassia was surprised and delighted. Lin Chen broke through to the later stage of the supreme realm, so the possibility of taking down the ancient Xuanyan tree would naturally become much greater. When I thought about it, I proudly told Lin Chen that I was only one step away from the later stage of the supreme realm. Maybe I would step into the later stage of the supreme realm one step earlier than him. I was a little embarrassed: "this hateful fellow could not have laughed at me in his heart at that time


"Why, you dare not fight with me when you find that I am on the same level as you?" Lin Chen's face showed some sarcasm.

Xuanyan ancient tree looked gloomy and said with a sneer: "even if you break through to the later stage of the supreme realm, there is still a big gap between you and me in the realm! What am I afraid of?"

Lin Chen knew that the other party's words were right.

It is a very big span from the later stage of the supreme realm to the peak of the supreme realm. Even if they are both in the later stage of the supreme realm, there is a gap between themselves who have just stepped into this realm and Xuanyan ancient trees who have stepped into the later stage of the supreme realm for many years.

But in any case, the gap in realm is not as exaggerated as last time!

As long as he is at the same level with the other party, even if there is still a big gap, Lin Chen is confident that he can win the other party by various means!

"In the realm, I may still be a little worse than you, but in terms of combat power, you are far worse than me!" Lin Chen's voice fell, his wings flickered behind him, and he rushed to the Xuanyan ancient tree again.


Xuan Yan shouted angrily at the ancient tree.

On his body, there was a blue flame, which was dazzling, and his body changed. In a moment, it turned into a huge tree with a height of more than 10000 meters, and a leaf was comparable to a house.


The surrounding rock walls were pierced by lush branches and leaves. In a moment, the volcano collapsed and made a loud noise!

Whoa, whoa——

The branches quivered.

Leaves with a sharp sword meaning, like a peerless sword, swept towards Lin Chen.

One by one, the green branches with metallic luster twined the flame, and immediately it was like a metal whip that could stretch infinitely, pulling towards Lin Chen!

The green leaves and the burning branches were like an impenetrable torrent rushing towards Lin Chen, who could not escape. The fierce and blazing pressure shrouded Lin Chen, making him feel a strong sense of crisis.

Seeing the frightening sight, cassia's eyes were silent and she wanted to help.

As soon as he was about to rush to Lin Chen, he heard Lin Chen shout, "don't do it. I'll deal with him!"


Lin Chen murmured. The space behind him was distorted, and stars appeared behind him like stars in the sky.

A streamer of light flew out of his eyebrows.

In an instant, the golden light enveloped the heaven and earth, like invisible golden chains tied to the ancient Xuanyan trees and the branches and leaves flying to Linchen.

That's more than that!

"A picture of mountains and rivers!"

The ancient stone figure appeared in front of Lin Chen, and the spatial fluctuation surged in all directions like ripples. The virtual shadow of mountains and rivers appeared in this heaven and earth. The huge body of Xuanyan huge tree and the branches and leaves flying to Lin Chen all looked distorted!

The Xuanyuan gun in Lin Chen's hand split towards the front, and the black flame vented out, just like a mountain formed by the condensation of flames, and collided with the branches and leaves rushing forward.

Collision, space smashing!

The violent air waves swept the remains of the volcano into the air. The whole mountain range shook violently, and one mountain after another collapsed. The movement was amazing!

Some of the branches and leaves that flew to Lin Chen were smashed back, and some were burned to ashes by the fire. They could not reach Lin Chen. Naturally, they could not have any impact on him.

The feeling of Xuanyan's ancient tree was like being thrown into the mire that was difficult to move after being shackled. The double bondage of "prison" and "mountains and rivers painting" made him feel powerful but unable to move out.

On his trunk, an anthropomorphic face appeared. His face was extremely angry, and he roared: "boy, you are at the same level as me. If you have the ability, you can fight with me openly! Dare you not use these supreme artifacts! If you don't have these supreme artifacts, you are a waste. Give them to me

No one is qualified to carry shoes! "

He tried to provoke Lin Chen.

Lin Chen frowned, thought for a while, and said faintly, "OK! Let's be fair!"

Xuanyan ancient tree was ecstatic and said, "don't you use the supreme artifact to fight with me?"

Lin Chen said, "to show fairness, I allow you to use the supreme artifact! Come on, take out your supreme artifact." Xuanyan ancient tree almost gushed out a mouthful of old blood. I have the supreme artifact of NIMA!

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