Seeing that Xuanyan ancient tree stared at him with an ugly face, but didn't answer, Lin Chen was surprised: "don't you even have a supreme artifact?"

This is so heartbreaking!

Xuanyan ancient tree gave a cold hum and didn't want to respond.


A faint wind sounded.

Lin Chen turned into an illusion and rushed to the ancient Xuanyan tree.

The huge body of the ancient Xuanyan tree showed a blue flame. The burning branches were like flexible snakes, constantly killing the remnants of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stabbed, hacked or swept the Xuanyuan gun in his hand. Every time he shot, the branches and leaves in front of him were directly burned to ashes. However, in an instant, new branches and leaves grew on the trunk of the ancient Xuanyan tree, and he was killed again!

As a result, although he completely pressed Xuanyan ancient tree to fight, he was still difficult to approach each other for a time.

Cassia, who was on the other side, gave a voice to remind: "Xuanyan ancient tree understands the law of wood. His body is huge, so his vitality is much stronger than that of ordinary fellow monks. He can continue to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth to supplement his vitality. If he goes on like this, he will never be defeated!"

"If you want to defeat me, you are dreaming!" Xuan Yan sneered at the old tree.

Lin Chen smashed several branches in front of him again. With one hand holding a gun and the other hand, Lin Chen instantly hit countless palms. A red pattern appeared in front of his palm.

On the sky, there was a terrible vortex of air flow. The air flow turned into dark flames. A huge pattern formed by the condensation of black flames appeared. It slowly turned. It was very similar to the pattern in front of Lin Chen's palm, but it was tens of thousands of times larger!


The next second, the pattern exploded, like a glass smashed by someone's fist.

Several palm prints successively hit the ancient Xuanyan tree below!

"Dahua Tianwei palm!"

Xuanyan looked at the ancient tree, his eyes were afraid, and a blue flame poured out of his huge body.

The blue flame turned into a huge lotus, completely enveloping the ancient Xuanyan tree. At first, it was just a bud, which soon burst into bloom, and the huge blue flame column rose into the sky.

"Xuanyan, the fire and green lotus!"

The next moment.

The huge blue flame column was pressed down by the huge palm prints falling from the sky.

The palm print falls on the green flame lotus, causing an amazing explosion. The flame lotus is crushed and turned into a little light to dissipate.

Several successive palm prints fell on the huge body of Xuanyan ancient tree.

"Roar -!"

The ancient Xuanyan tree roared angrily, and the leaves rustled. The huge trunk was bursting with blue flames, which fought against the palm print of the flame. The blue and black flames were intertwined and turned into a sea of fire.

When the flame dissipated, we saw the original Xuanyan ancient tree, which was shining brightly. Its color became extremely dim. The ground was full of broken branches and leaves. A large part of the tree was burnt black.

At this scene, cassia's face brightened.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said coldly, "as long as you are honest and give enough Xuanyan fruit, I can spare your life!"

"You dream!"

Xuan Yan's ancient tree's anthropomorphic face was ferocious and twisted. "Even if you can suppress me by relying on the supreme artifact, you can't leave me as long as I want to leave!"

When Cassia heard this, she became nervous.

When a Taoist confronts, one side can keep the other side, which is often equivalent to having the strength to kill the other side.

There is a wide gap between killing the opponent and defeating him.

To achieve the former, there must be a big gap between the strengths of both sides.

Although Lin Chen is fighting against Xuanyan ancient tree at this time, the latter wants to escape. It's really hard to say whether Lin Chen can leave him.

"Run away like last time? If you think you can still do it this time, try it!" Lin Chen looked very confident and indifferent.

He had expected that the other party would want to run away if he found that he could not fight!

Xuanyan Gushu sneered, "do you really think that I didn't think that what is waiting for me here might be a trap? On the one hand, I dare to come here because chaos and fire have a great attraction for me. On the other hand, I have an absolute assurance of escaping! I have a secret talent that can be used to escape. You can't leave me!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen looked more dignified.

He thought that Xuanyan ancient tree wanted to run away in the same way as last time. If so, he was confident that he would never be run away by the other party when he was staring at the other party all the time.

Now it seems that the other side obviously has other means to escape.

When you think about it carefully, the years of Xuanyan ancient tree's existence are too long to be considered. As the Supreme Master of the Taiyi divine realm, some means of pressing the bottom of the box are not strange. If not, it is really strange!

At this time, the huge body of the ancient Xuanyan tree gradually faded, and the leaves withered and fell. Instead, thousands of flower buds grew on the branches.

The green flower bud looks transparent, like a burning flame.

Flower buds bloom, one after another blue flowers appear on the branches, dense, gorgeous and beautiful.


When the wind blows, the flowers leave the branches and fly all over the sky!

"If you don't die, all flowers will give birth to Buddha!"

On the trunk of the ancient Xuanyan tree, the anthropomorphic face spits out words for the last time, and soon it is completely defeated. The whole ancient Xuanyan tree turns into ashes and disappears in front of Lin Chen and cassia.

Countless gorgeous flowers, gathered together, are like a meditating Buddha, containing terrifying vitality.

In the next second, countless flowers fly in different directions. Some fly high into the sky, some escape into the ground, and more fly in all directions. Anything you encounter on the way directly penetrates the body, but it is not an entity!

"This... What is this means?"

Cassia was startled. Several flowers flew in front of her. She reached out and grabbed them. Her palm went directly through the flowers and caught nothing.

With a cold hum, she burst out flames in her hands and grabbed the flowers flying in front of her again. This time, the flowers could not pass through her palm and directly smashed into light spots. Soon, they gathered again into flowers and flew away into the distance.

Cassia was very anxious and said to Lin Chen, "he should hide in these flowers. Can you tell that the flower is his real body?"

At this time, many flowers had disappeared in her sight. If she could not accurately judge which one was the embodiment of Xuanyan ancient tree, it would be impossible to stop him!

Lin Chen had already released his mind and felt carefully. Hearing Cassia's inquiry, he frowned and shook his head.

When Cassia saw this, she was disappointed. She didn't expect that the bamboo basket was still empty!

"This method is very magical. I can't feel his breath, but with it, maybe I can!" Then Lin Chen said.

"It?" Cassia looked at Lin Chen excitedly and puzzled.

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