When Cassia looked at Lin Chen, she saw the picture of the meteoric holy mountain and river in front of Lin Chen, which was suffused with waves of space ripples and rushed in all directions. She immediately understood that Lin Chen wanted to lock the breath of the ancient Xuanyan tree with the help of this supreme artifact.

"The 'meteor saint mountain and river map' is a treasure of space. The 'mountain and river picture' can not only suppress the strength of the other side, but also further strengthen my control over the surrounding areas! It is equivalent to an amazing improvement in my perception."

Lin Chen explained to cassia, closed his eyes again and felt carefully.


A blue flower, gorgeous and beautiful, flutters on the endless desert.


The flowers bulged like balloons, getting bigger and bigger, and soon became the size of a house.

The petals closed, like a time reversal, and changed back to the original flower bud. The blue flame dispersed, and the flower bud disappeared. Instead, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

"Damn it! That boy broke through to the late stage of the supreme realm! Fortunately, I have a powerful means to escape. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll fall into the hands of the other party this time!"

Xuanyan Gushu was shocked and angry. He guessed that the other party would not give up. He would also try to find his own trouble. In his heart, he decided to shut down for ten thousand years after he returned this time.

If the other party dares to find trouble in the imperial palace of Guiyuan City, he will be killed!

At this moment, he felt a sharp edge in his heart. Turning around, he felt his scalp numb with fear. Lin Chen and cassia appeared behind him. The distance between them was rapidly shortened, and the distance between them was less than 200 meters!

"No way! How can you find me?"

Xuanyan ancient tree screamed, and flew frantically to the front, trying to distance himself from Lin Chen and cassia.

Behind him, Lin Chen hugged Cassia's waist and flapped his wings behind him, desperately chasing after her.

Cassia blushed slightly. This time, she offered to let Lin Chen catch up with her, because if not, her speed could not be compared with that of Lin Chen and Xuanyan ancient tree. In a moment, she would be thrown away!

She shouted to Xuanyan ancient tree who was running for her life: "you can't run away. As long as you are willing to give enough Xuanyan fruit, I can guarantee that I will never kill you!"

Xuanyan ancient tree bit his teeth and did not look back. He replied, "I can give you a hundred Xuanyan fruits. You must promise that you will never come to my trouble again from now on!"

"Impossible! A hundred are too few. Each of my clansmen must be able to get a Xuanyan fruit. Only in this way can we completely eliminate the strange diseases that have plagued the Shekui tribe for countless years." Cassia answered without thinking.

"You dream! I can't accept this condition!"

Xuan Yan roared at the ancient tree.

The number of the snake Kui tribe is estimated at tens of thousands. If he is asked to give tens of thousands of Xuanyan fruits, it is likely that his realm will directly fall from the later stage of the supreme realm to the middle stage of the supreme realm. In addition, his vitality will be greatly damaged, which is unacceptable in any case!

Lin Chen sneered, "wait a minute. If you don't accept it, you will die. At that time, you can only accept it!"

Xuanyan ancient tree was gloomy and speechless. He ran away desperately. However, he found that the distance between the other party and himself was still getting closer and closer. He could not help being more and more anxious.

"Damn it! At present, my strength is not suppressed by the supreme artifact in his hands. Why is my speed not as fast as him? I know. In addition to the pair of wings behind him, he probably uses a secret method that can improve his strength in a short time! As long as I can delay for a while!

no If this situation continues, in a little while, I will be caught up by this boy. It is impossible to delay! Find a way, find a way! "

Xuanyan ancient tree ran wildly and tried hard to run his brain, hoping to find a way to escape the current dilemma.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the boundless desert below and the barren mountain with a shape similar to that of a gourd in the distance. His eyes were bright, as if he saw the dawn in the dark.



It was a team of six, all dressed in tawny and shabby clothes.

Clothes like withered tree bark, worn on the body, are undoubtedly a very good camouflage in this golden desert.

"This place is already in the center of the desert. There are many powerful monsters. It is likely that monsters will emerge from the dust and drag you to the ground in the next second! Be smart, especially you two little guys. Follow us and be on guard all the time! Remember, here, if you lose your mind, you may lose your life!"

The man walking in the front, his face solemn, whispered to several people behind.

They are village villagers in an oasis in the desert. Their main source of food and income is hunting monsters in the desert. These six people are one of several Hunter teams in the village.

This time, in addition to the four old hunters, they also brought two young people who are equivalent to mops. Although carrying these two burdens will cause more trouble, only in this way can the young hunters in the village grow up.

It is absolutely impossible to be an excellent Hunter without real combat experience!

"OK, uncle Hui."

"Uncle, don't worry. I won't cause any trouble!"

The two young men looked around nervously and excitedly, as if they were hoping for a monster. Seeing them like this, the four middle-aged people all smiled. They thought that when they were young, they went out with their elders to hunt monsters for the first time, and their newborn calves were not afraid of tigers!


A gust of wind swept the gravel from the front and turned into an amazing dust storm. For a time, the sky was covered with yellow sand, and the naked eye could not see the distance!

"Be careful! Hurry up! Hold a weapon in one hand and hold the people around you in the other. Speed up and don't get separated! Especially the two little guys, if you are alone and lost in the desert, you may lose your life if you don't have enough experience!"

The six men hold weapons in one hand and grasp the people around them with the other hand. They move forward quickly.

Unknowingly, they deviated from the original direction. When they came out of the dust storm, not far in front of them, there was a dark vortex, just like a black hole. The surrounding dust touched the black vortex, and was swallowed into it and disappeared!

"This is --" the two young people were surprised and curious when they saw the black vortex.

Several middle-aged people turned crazy with fear. The leading man, his eyes full of fear, exclaimed: "meteor God cave! Damn it! Stay away from it! We unexpectedly came here unconsciously!"

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