"Not the original continent?"

Cassia was shocked and felt carefully. She found that the Reiki concentration here could not be compared with that of the original continent. It was only the level of the top cultivation planet.

However, she is more concerned about another issue than whether this is the original continent.

"Where is Xuanyan ancient tree? Where has that guy gone?" Cassia looked around and found no trace of the ancient Xuanyan tree. She was worried.

Lin Chen sighed: "there are many exits in the space tunnel just now. Obviously, we lost him. However, he is definitely somewhere here. It is imperative that we first find out where this is!

In fact, the current situation is much better than I expected. Before you rush in, don't you think that maybe this is a trap, maybe he has a helper of the supreme realm here, and if we follow in, we may have to explain our lives? "

Cassia has calmed down a lot. She doesn't care about her own life or death, but she thinks that Lin Chen is involved after all. She apologizes: "I'm too impulsive."

"There's no need to apologize. I understand your mood. Let's find out if there is anyone living here. If we can find someone, we can find out where it is." Lin Chen said.

Cassia was silent for a few seconds and said, "we really need to find out where this is. But can you let go of your hand first?"


Lin Chen was stunned and looked at the right hand holding the Xuanyuan gun. Obviously, cassia wasn't talking about this one.

He looked at his left hand. His left hand hugged cassia as he had before when chasing Xuanyan ancient tree, but the position he was hugging was not on the slender waist, but on the top of the waist


"Don't take your hands away quickly!" Said Cassia with shame.

"Ah! Oh! I... I didn't mean it." Lin Chen is busy taking his hands away, and some of them smile. The original calm state of mind ripples uncontrollably, and some of them are thirsty.

"If you do it on purpose, I will fight for my life, and I will not let you go!" Cassia gave him a look of shame and changed the subject. "Which way are you going?"

There is yellow sand everywhere. Lin Chen doesn't even know where this is, and how can he know which direction to go. Cassia asks Lin Chen for his opinion, which seems to be an instinct.

Lin Chen was not in a hurry. He waited until the side effects of the secret method of "flame spirit demon body" came and adjusted his body. Then he took Cassia on his way.

After flying hundreds of miles ahead, he finally left the desert.

Instead, there are barren hills.

Lin Chen was not in a hurry to continue on his way. He released his mind and spread in all directions. Soon, he showed his joy: "there is a family five or six hundred meters in front of the left! There are people living here. Let's go and ask where it is."

This is a very shabby house. Lin Chen and cassia appear in the small courtyard surrounded by bamboo. When they go to the door, they want to knock on the door, but they hear a quarrel inside.

"Well, you heartless bastard, you don't send her to soul breaking valley. You want to kill me and my two children, don't you? Ouch! Why am I so miserable! I can't live with you, a heartless fellow. I can't live with you!"

A woman's wailing was heard, mixed with the cries of two young children.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean I want to kill you and your two children, but... But she is my mother! I heard that none of the people who were sent to the soul breaking Valley can survive! If they were sent to the soul breaking Valley, they would die. If I sent my mother to die, would I still be a person?"

"If you let your mother die, you are not a person? If you let me and my children die, you are a person, right? Sobbing! Why am I so miserable! According to the rules of Tianming temple, anyone who has reached the age of 60 must be sent to soul breaking Valley to die.

If they find her, and you hide her at home and don't send her to soul breaking Valley, then not only will she die, but our whole family will die with her! "


The sound of crying and quarreling, the sound of men sighing and moaning, and the hysterical crying of babies are mixed together, which makes people feel some sadness inexplicably.

Lin Chen and cassia, who were about to knock, looked at each other in astonishment.

At the age of 60, you have to send them to soul breaking Valley to die?

Although they don't know where the soul breaking Valley is, it doesn't matter. To put it simply, people here must be sent to a place to die when they reach the age of 60.

If the family members don't send people over, the whole family should be buried with them?

"What kind of bullshit rule is this? What good can it do to the so-called Tianming Temple by sending a 60 year old man to die?"

Cassia frowned. She was disgusted with this inexplicable rule, and also with the Tianming temple.

The people of Shekui tribe basically did not get a good end because they were affected by strange diseases.

But the people here, who can live to die naturally, will be sent to wait for death after they are 60 years old!

In her opinion, such rules are absurd!

Lin Chen had never heard of such a strange thing, and didn't even know how to answer for a moment.

Any behavior of a monk definitely has his purpose, but he really can't think of what good it would do to the power called Tianming temple to let people of a certain age die?

"Strange thing!" Lin Chen whispered.

Just then, an old voice came from the room.

"Don't quarrel. Don't quarrel... Zhu Zhu, don't quarrel with your daughter-in-law. She is also thinking about the family. Send your mother to soul breaking valley. This is life. In our world, unless you can join the Tianming temple, no one can escape this fate."

The old voice seemed very calm, but the middle-aged man inside burst into tears when he heard this.

The middle-aged woman who had been complaining stopped talking. I wonder if she thought that one day, when she was old, she would face this fate.


After a while, the old wooden door was pushed open.

A middle-aged man in shabby clothes came out with a thin old woman on his back. His eyes were red and his feet were like lead. He walked towards the barren mountain in the distance.

After he walked out of a distance, Lin Chen and cassia came out of the shadow behind him.

"Go. Follow me to see where the soul breaking Valley is. What's the matter with the so-called death? I don't think it's as simple as waiting for the old woman to die!"

Lin Chen's eyes are full of curiosity. At his present stage, there are few things in the world that can make him curious. It's really rare to meet one at present.

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