The middle-aged man carried a thin old woman on his back and walked through barren mountains. I don't know when it began. The temperature of the air continued to drop, filled with a strange and gloomy atmosphere.

Finally, we came to a desolate valley.

The rocks here are dead gray without any green vegetation.

"Here comes the pillar. Put me down." The old woman said.

The middle-aged man put her down carefully.

"Well, go back. Live well with your daughter-in-law. Don't quarrel with her. Although she sometimes sounds mean, she's not bad. Don't blame her for asking you to send her. She's thinking about you and your children."

The old woman was painstakingly sent here to die, but her mind was still thinking about her son's future life. She didn't want her son's future life to be bad because of herself.

The middle-aged man sniffled and choked: "Mom -"

The old woman reached out her hand and touched his rough cheek. She smiled kindly and said, "I'm a father. Why do I still cry as much as I did when I was a child? People will always die. At my age, it doesn't matter if I die a few years earlier or a few years later. If you live a good life in the future, I will be satisfied."

The middle-aged man took off his coat and spread it on a large stone nearby.

"This damn place is not for people at all. It's cold and humid!" He picked up the old woman and asked her to sit on the paved clothes. He bit his teeth and said, "the temple of heaven and hell is abominable. Why can we only -"

"Shut up!"

Because of her son's considerate behavior, the warm-hearted old woman, hearing this, quickly reached out and pressed her son's mouth, scolded, "misfortune comes from the mouth. Don't talk nonsense. If you are heard, you and your daughter-in-law and children will die!"

The middle-aged man hated to gnash his teeth and sat on another stone beside him, feeling dejected.

"Well, you go. Just leave me here." The old woman knew that her son was still unwilling to leave her here.

Behind a boulder in the distance, Lin Chen and cassia are looking this way.

Cassia whispered, "this man seems to have no conscience. I thought he would leave his mother here and turn around and leave."

"What good is conscience?" Lin Chen said.

Cassia turns to look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said: "before him, there are only two choices, either his mother or the whole family. Having a conscience is really a good thing, but most of the time, having only a conscience without strength will only increase the pain.

If he had no conscience, he would just throw his mother down and turn around and leave. He could still live happily in the future. But now it seems that if he leaves his mother behind, he will live in infinite pain and remorse for the rest of his life. "

Cassia frowned. She knew Lin Chen was right and said, "is it a bad thing to be a dutiful person with a conscience? A person who is not dutiful to his parents is clearly the most abominable thing in the world!"

"Nature is a good thing. I just want to say that the more kind the weak are, the more sad they tend to be. Therefore, if a person with a conscience wants to live a good life, he needs to work hard to become stronger."

His voice paused and said, "have you found a problem? Their strength is too weak and far from that of ordinary people on the mainland of origin. Even if the Reiki concentration here is not as strong as that of the mainland of origin, it would not be so with a little practice."

Cassia was stunned. She looked at the mother and son carefully and understood Lin Chen's meaning.

The mother and son have never practiced completely!

On the mainland of origin, no matter how ordinary people can practice, even if their strength is not strong, they are much stronger than the mother and son.

An old woman is 60 years old. If she practices a little, she won't be so old at 60, even if her aptitude is poor. Her appearance is completely caused by overwork and no cultivation.

Logically speaking, although the Reiki concentration here is not as good as that of the original continent, it is also comparable to the top cultivation planet. It should also have the civilization of the cultivators.

"If there are cultivators here, but ordinary people can't get in touch with cultivation, it's probably because the books related to cultivation are controlled by some forces. They deliberately don't let ordinary people practice."

Lin Chen said his guess.

Cassia was about to reply when she heard the angry but helpless voice of the old woman in the distance.

"Hurry! I tell you to get out! Don't stay here. You dead child, why can't you understand me? Hurry up. After dark, no one can stay here except those who are waiting to die!"

It is getting dark.

When the old woman found that her son didn't mean to leave, she became a little anxious. At first, she kindly asked him to leave. However, she didn't listen to what she said. When she arrived at the back, she scolded him.

But this guy is like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard.

If you don't fight back or scold back, you won't go!

"Mom, I've made up my mind! If I don't send you here, the whole family will die. If I send you here, you won't survive. But you worked hard to raise me alone. I sent you to die. Am I not an animal? I've decided to die with you!"

The middle-aged man finally opened his mouth and made the old woman dumbfounded.

Lin Chen and Cassia in the distance were stunned.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth stirred up, showing a smile: "this guy is a little interesting."

"You, you're going to piss me off, aren't you?"

The old woman was so popular that she turned pale. She picked up a stone from the ground and tried to hit her head.

"Mother! What are you doing?" The middle-aged man was startled and stopped her.

"Hurry up! If you don't go, I will die in front of you now. Do you hear me?" The old woman shouted with a cold face.

The middle-aged man realized that the other party wanted to force him to leave in this way. For a while, he felt even more remorse. The more his mother thought of him, the more he felt that he was not a thing!


When the two people were in a stalemate, a rustling sound came from a distance, and the ground shook, as if there were some huge thing approaching this way.


The middle-aged man and the old woman were all shocked. They were all cold hearted when they thought of all the rumors about the soul breaking valley.

Anyone who is sent to soul breaking valley will disappear the next day. Someone once sent his parents here, but the next day he came to look for them, but he didn't even have bones.

If the people who were sent here died in the end, how did they die?

The mother and son do not know.

The next moment, they saw a huge thing in their sight!

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