It was a big snake with a length of more than ten meters. It was covered with black scales like crystal. In the golden eyes the size of lanterns, there was a cold light, staring at the middle-aged mother and son.

The rustling sound is caused by the friction between its abdomen and the ground.

"Ah --!"

At the sight of this python, the mother and the son were so scared that they screamed out. They were all stupid. Their eyes were full of fear, and there was only one thought in their minds:

It turns out that the old people who were sent to soul breaking valley were eventually eaten by this Python?

Seeing the mother and son in front of him, the black hell demon Python was slightly stunned and growled: "you must leave before dark after you send people here. This is the rule set by the Tianming temple. Since you don't obey the rules of the Tianming temple, I will eat you too!"

The middle-aged mother and son are completely convinced that the people in the Tianming Temple must send them here after they are 60 years old, that is, they will send them as a Chinese meal for the python.

They really don't understand why Tianming temple should do this. What good can it do to Tianming temple?

But this is clearly not the time to think about it.

The middle-aged man's reaction was fairly quick. He immediately carried his scared old mother on his back, screamed, and turned his head and rushed out of the valley.

"In front of me, you still want to leave? It's ridiculous!"

The black hell demon Python disdained to smile, opened his mouth, sucked, and a gust of wind rolled up the middle-aged man's mother and son and flew toward his mouth.

When the middle-aged man's mother and son were about to fly into his mouth, they suddenly stopped in mid air.

It seemed that the two of them were caught in the air by a mysterious force. No matter how the Black Ghost Python inhaled, they could not suck their mother and son into their mouths.

"Who? Who, get out of here and dare to meddle in the affairs of Tianming temple?"

The black hell demon Python immediately understood that someone was obstructing him. His eyes were full of fierce light. He looked around and shouted in a low voice. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at a huge rock in the distance. Two figures came out from behind the rock.

The mother and son, who were frozen in the air, also looked at Lin Chen and cassia, who suddenly appeared, and looked at them for help.

"Who are you?" The Black Ghost Python stared at Lin Chen and cassia with fierce eyes.

Lin Chen said, "I have some questions to ask you. You'd better answer them honestly. Why did Tianming Temple send old people here to eat for you? What good would it do to Tianming temple?"

"Let me answer the question. You deserve it!"

The black hell demon Python opened his mouth, and the smelly fog rushed to Lin Chen and cassia like a gust of wind, and instantly swallowed Lin Chen and cassia.

Seeing this, the black hell demon Python smiled grimly: "two idiots, dare to fight with me? Even the bones will turn into thick water in an instant when I am touched by this poisonous fog! If you dare to meddle in my business, you are completely ignorant of life and death!"

"Who do you say doesn't know what to do?" A voice with ridicule came from above.

The black hell demon Python looked up and was scared to death. I didn't know when the man and woman appeared over his head. Before it could make the next reaction, Lin Chen kicked him in the head.

This scene looks like a three-year-old child kicking on a building. The volume difference is too big.

However, the black hell demon Python screamed, his head was broken and his huge body flew out, hit a mountain not far away, fell to the ground, and did not move. He did not know his life or death!

Lin Chen and cassia fall to the ground.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and the middle-aged man's mother and son flew towards them and fell in front of them.

"Ask you a few questions." Lin Chen said faintly.

The middle-aged mother and son are extremely worried. Today's experience is like a dream for them.

Unexpectedly, there was such a huge Python in the broken soul valley. When they opened their mouth and sucked it, a gust of wind appeared. As a result, this Python looked like a demon God in their eyes. It seemed so vulnerable to the sudden appearance of the young man.

Although they knew that Lin Chen had just saved them, it was like a mortal facing God. They were always nervous and afraid.

"What is this place?" Lin Chen said.

The middle-aged man was stunned and hurriedly said, "soul breaking Valley!"

"Er..." Lin Chen realized that there was something wrong with his expression, so he changed his way of asking, "I mean, what is the name of this continent?"

The middle-aged man suddenly understood, but he was full of amazement. There were people who didn't know the name of this continent?

Even a three-year-old should know!

Feeling strange in his heart, he answered orally: "Tianming land!"

"Tianming land?"

Lin Chen and cassia looked at each other and thought of the Tianming Temple mentioned by the middle-aged man.

"Does the name of Tianming land come from Tianming temple? That is to say, Tianming temple is the most powerful force on this land?"

Lin Chen thought that if it weren't for this, it would be impossible for this continent to be named after a force directly.

"The Tianming temple is indeed the most powerful force on the mainland! As for the origin of the name of Tianming continent, whether it is related to the Tianming temple is unknown." The middle-aged man shook his head.

Cassia looked at the old woman and said, "is it difficult to practice on the Tianming continent?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "all the cultivation classics on the Tianming continent have been taken away by the Tianming temple. Moreover, the Tianming temple also stipulates that no one except them is allowed to practice without authorization. Otherwise, once they are found, they will be regarded as pagans!

If a heretic falls into the hands of the temple of heaven and the underworld, it is an extravagant hope to die. He will be subjected to all kinds of inhuman torture. Life is nothing like death! "

"This Tianming temple is really hateful!" Cassia said indignantly.

Lin Chen felt a little lucky. Fortunately, on the mainland of origin, there were thousands of ethnic groups, and various forces restricted each other. This could not happen.

If there is a super force on the original continent that is superior to all forces, once this force is as selfish and dictatorial as the Tianming temple, it will be a disaster to all creatures on the original continent!

Many years later, Lin Chen thought of the idea at the moment, and even felt ridiculous. How could he decide that there was no super power above any other power in the original mainland?

"Ah! Sir, look, it... It is still alive! It has escaped!"

The middle-aged man turned startled and pointed to the Black Ghost python.

The black hell demon python, who seemed to have no idea of life or death, turned into a fog and rushed in the direction of coming. It was obviously trying to escape.

The middle-aged thought Lin Chen would catch up immediately. Who knows, Lin Chen looked as usual, as if he hadn't heard what he said, and didn't seem to know what was going on behind him. He asked him:

"What are you going to do with your mother next?"

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