The middle-aged man looked distressed. To tell the truth, he really didn't know what to do next.

The black hell demon Python escapes. He and his mother resolve the crisis. However, if he takes his mother home and finds that his mother is over 60 and still hasn't been sent to soul breaking Valley, the whole family will still be dead.

Although the Tianming continent is vast, as long as it is the place where people live, it is the territory under the jurisdiction of the Tianming temple. No matter where they escape, the final outcome of their family is the same.

The middle-aged man grimaced, shook his head and said, "I... I don't know what to do next. But anyway, I will never leave my mother. I will never! If you want her life, you must kill me first!"

Cassia couldn't bear it: "Lin Chen, let's help them?" A green pill appeared in Lin Chen's hand, and he handed it to the other side and said: "take this pill to your mother. It will make her look more than ten or twenty years younger. Then you will leave here and live in a place where no one knows you. At least for a short time

, it's safe. "

The middle-aged man took the pill and was so excited that he and his mother were going to kneel down for Lin Chen. Lin Chen stretched out his hand to stop him.

Lin Chen asked, "this can only make your mother live more than ten or twenty years. If you want, I can give you some basic cultivation skills. It may not make you strong, but at least it is much stronger than now." The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, glanced at his mother, shook his head at Lin Chen and said, "your kindness is appreciated by us. If we cultivate, we will be discovered by Tianming temple. At that time, the whole family will have to die! It can make my mother live more than ten years

For twenty years, I have been satisfied. "

"Then go." Lin Chen said.

Looking at the middle-aged mother and son who disappeared from sight, cassia lamented his misfortune, and frowned: "although he is filial, he is a coward!

If they don't practice, they will face the same situation sooner or later, but because of their fear of the Tianming temple, they don't even dare to seek that chance of life. "

Lin Chen said slowly, "the Tianming temple is in their hearts. It is estimated that it has already become an unbeatable and omnipotent behemoth. Therefore, they dare not have the slightest idea of antagonizing the Tianming temple.

And fear! You have just heard that people who are not in the temple of heaven and hell will be regarded as pagans once they practice. If pagans fall into the hands of Tianming temple, life will be worse than death, and even death will become a luxury. Human nature is complex and consists of many aspects. It doesn't mean how filial a person is, it means that he can be different from ordinary people in other aspects. He chose a road without any risk, which also means that there will be no responsibility in the future

No miracle happens. "

Cassia looked at him and said, "you let the boa constrictor go just now to see where its nest is?" "Monks never get up early without profit. There is absolutely no reason why the Tianming temple asked to send old people here as food for this Python! This reason must bring benefits to the Tianming temple. Let's go to its nest

After a visit, you may understand what the reason is. "

Lin Chen nodded.

And cassia turned into a remnant at the same time and disappeared from the original place.

The reason why the Black Ghost Python didn't catch up when it ran away was that it was impossible for the Black Ghost Python to escape from their sensing range.

It is the biggest joke in the world that the existence of a preaching realm should escape from the supreme induction!


Somewhere in the valley, the gray fog dissipated, and the Black Ghost Python appeared next to a cold pool. The pool water was mixed with a large amount of ice debris, and the surface overflowed with bursts of white fog. The temperature was bone cold. "Damn infidels, they dare to meddle in the affairs of our Tianming temple. The next time the people from the sub Temple come to take heiming Jing, they must tell them about it! We must make him pay the price. Those who are enemies of Tianming temple can't be good

end. Hum! Fortunately, I'm smart. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be really planted today! "

The Black Ghost Python said to himself and soon disappeared into the cold pool.

After a while, Lin Chen and cassia appeared beside the cold pool.

"This should be the nest of the python monster." Cassia looked at the surrounding environment, looked at the surface of the cold pool, and could sense that the python was now below.

The two men jumped into the cold pool. As they continued to dive, they soon saw a lot of black crystal inlaid on the rock wall in the cold pool.

"This thing is not crystal. Looking at its shape, it looks like the scales dropped from the python." Lin Chen caught a piece of "black crystal" in his hand and said after looking at it for a few eyes.

"EH -" he was surprised.

"What's the matter?" Cassia looked at him in bewilderment.

Lin Chen said: "there is pure energy in it, which can be used to assist cultivation!"

"Isn't that the same as the spirit stone?"

Cassia was also curious. She grabbed a piece of "black crystal" in her hand. After feeling it for a while, she frowned and said, "this thing is somewhat similar to the spirit stone, and even contains more energy than the best spirit stone, but it has an ominous smell."

Lin Chen said: "that's the breath of the law of death. The cultivator who understands the law of death can directly absorb the energy inside.

Practitioners who understand other laws can also directly absorb the energy inside, but they also need to spend a lot of time and energy to drive the breath of the law of death out of the body because they cannot absorb and transform the breath of the law of death.

To put it simply, this thing is more than ten times stronger than the best spirit stone for practitioners who understand the law of death. But for practitioners who understand other laws, they are not much better than the best spirit stone. "

He thought of something and said: "what the boa constrictor understood before was the law of death. There were fluctuations in the law of death when he shot. These black spars must have something to do with it!

Even why the Tianming Temple requires that old people be sent here, it is estimated that this black crystal stone has a great relationship with it. "

"What relationship?" Cassia said curiously.

"Where do I know?" Lin Chen shook his head, "however, as long as we ask it, we will naturally know!"

After a while.

"Roar -!"

The roar of surprise came from the depths of the cold pool.

The black hell demon Python was kicked out from the depths of the cold pool and fell heavily on the ground. Soon Lin Chen and cassia rushed out of the cold pool. "We meet again!" Lin Chen smiled, as if he had met an old friend again, but the Black Ghost Python felt creepy.

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