Before long, the Li family were brought here.

One by one, they were dishevelled and covered with blood. They were very embarrassed.

As an immortal strong man, Li Jun's physical self-healing ability is self-evident, but his body is also full of crisscross ferocious wounds. It is hard to imagine what inhuman torture they have suffered.

They were brought here. They thought Sima's family was going to take them to a remote place to die together. When they saw Lin Chen and cassia, they were stunned.

"Father!" Lihaolin shouted in surprise.

"Are you... Are you lin'er?"

Li Jun looked at Li Haolin and saw that he was neither human nor ghost. His heart was broken and his voice was full of grief and indignation. Even though he knew that he and Sima family were just hitting stone with eggs, he still had the impulse to fight with them.

"How vicious! You Sima people are so vicious that they tortured my son like this. Even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go. Kill if you want, and I will not bow to you if I die!" Li Jun gnashed his teeth.

The Sima family stared at him unkindly. Anyone who dares to go to the Sima family and make a big remark is going to die. However, with Lin Chen here, none of them dare to act rashly.

"You all stand behind me. With me here, you can't die today." Lin Chen said.

Li Jun hurriedly took a group of his subordinates to Lin Chen's back, and said: "elder, what's going on?"

At this time, he noticed that the two people in front of Lin Chen had a half body embedded in the ground and a young man whose leg had been cut off. How could this young man look familiar?

"Simabo! It's you!"

After Li Jun recognized who the young man with the broken leg was, he became more suspicious of the current situation. At the same time, he felt extremely happy and laughed:

"Hahaha! I didn't expect you to end up like this! This is retribution for torturing my son like this!"

Sima Bo stared at him angrily, but dared not speak.

"Father, the man next to Sima Bo is the head of Sima's family." Lihaolin warned.

"Who?" Li Jun said in astonishment.

"The master of Sima family, the one in the early days of the supreme realm!"

Although it is said that master Lin Chen is sitting here, and Sima Changyuan is half of his body in the ground. It seems that there is no danger, but seeing that his father and Sima Changyuan are so close, he is still a little afraid that the other party will suddenly explode.


Li Jun was like a girl in a good family who had been molested by evil young people. He made a harsh scream, and it was like someone put a needle into his foot. After screaming, he immediately jumped back and looked at Sima Changyuan in horror and disbelief.

This man is the master of Sima family, the existence of the supreme realm?

He felt that his mind was almost turning into paste. He couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. How could Sima's family leader fall into such a situation? How could the two elders appear here?

"No, I bleed too much and have an illusion?" Li Jun wondered.

Lihaolin was puzzled by his father's reaction, but he also understood it because he still doubted the authenticity of the scene.

At that moment, he briefly told Li Jun what had happened after he met Lin Chen and cassia again and came here.

After hearing this, Li Jun looked at Lin Chen in a frenzied way.

This elder is not the peak of immortality, but a more powerful supreme master than Sima family leader?

Before he could speak again, he saw a dense crowd flying in the far sky.

"Who is that?"

One after another, they looked at the flying crowd. When they saw the first few people, the Sima family seemed to see the Savior, and their faces were ecstatic.

"Look, the leader is the Lord!"

"Several people next to the domain master are other supreme masters of our Danqi God domain. They came together. Not only they, but also the elders of other supreme families!"

"Hahaha! The Lord of the domain came here in person. This boy can't fly. But is it too timely?"

"Stupid! What comes in time? You can think about it. It's definitely our side -"


Sima's family was extremely happy. At last, the man wanted to say that someone on his side sent a message to the other supreme masters. He said that half his busy life was to stop. He was afraid of provoking Lin Chen, which would lead to Lin Chen's death. Maybe he would suddenly attack and kill himself and others.

"The supreme of Danqi divine domain, even the Lord of divine domain has come?"

Li Jun didn't expect that he would bring people to Yunding city to ask for a marriage. As a result, things would get so big that even the leader of Danqi God domain came forward in person.

Looking at the approaching crowd, a strong sense of fear grew in his heart.

It was the fear of the weak to the strong, just like a cat trembling uncontrollably when it saw the tiger.

"Before we could be happy, we ended up in a desperate situation. Several supreme families from the Danqi divine realm came together. There is no possibility of escape! "

Li Jun was bitter, but on second thought, instead of being tortured by Sima family, if he could die happily, the outcome would be better than before.

Several dignitaries flying from afar, including Xue Fengshan, the master of Xue family, and an old man behind Xue Fengshan, jumped at the sight of Xuezhiqing and Li Haolin in the crowd below.

He is xueqingyun, Xuezhiqing's great grandfather. He arranged the marriage between Xuezhiqing and simabo. He didn't participate in the case that Li Hao was cut off by simabo behind his scales and became a beggar, but he also learned later.

Seeing the scene below, I felt a click in my heart. This thing is not related to Zhiqing, is it?

Glancing at Lin Chen and Sima Changyuan, who was half of his body in the ground, he drove the absurd idea out of his mind. It was impossible. The Li family and his son could never know such a strong man!

'ha ha ha! coming! The domain master and several supreme masters are here. I see how you can leave here alive! "

Unlike Xuezhiqing and lihaolin, Sima boxing's face turned red. He just wanted domain leader luohanye to clean up Lin Chen.

Sima Changyuan was relieved to see luohanye and others coming. At the same time, he was extremely ashamed and angry. This humiliating scene was seen, and he was afraid that it would become a joke for the rest of the supreme family.

Thinking of this, he hated Lin Chen even more, and immediately wanted to ask luohanye to help him kill Lin Chen.

Luohanye's words stuck in his throat before he said anything.

"Brother Lin, what is the situation?" Luohanye looked at Lin Chen and asked with a puzzled face, "why did you have a conflict with Sima's family?"

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