After receiving the subpoena from Sima's family, several other people from the supreme family came immediately. They met on the road and came together. Seeing the situation in front of Sima Changyuan, they stared at Lin Chen and cassia one by one.

Not surprisingly, these two people should have caused trouble in Sima's house.

A group of people came and fell on the ground. They were about to make trouble, but luohanye's words stunned them.

Brother Lin?

What's the situation? The domain owner seems to know this person and has a good relationship with him?

The people who came with luohanye looked at each other and kept their mouths shut. No one spoke. Since this person seems to have a good relationship with the domain master, he should be cautious.

At this moment, Sima's family was in a bad mood. They couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Brother Luo." Lin Chen smiled.

Hearing Lin Chen's address to luohanye, the people of Sima's family were all shocked. On the contrary, the people of Li's family were ecstatic when they came back to their senses.

Li Jun's heart beat wildly, and he exclaimed in his heart, what is the origin of this elder? He has not only a good relationship with the leader of Dan Qi God domain, but also a peer relationship?

Luohanye glanced at Sima Changyuan, half of whose body was embedded in the ground, and said with a smile to Lin Chen and cassia: "didn't you two say you were going to visit the city? How could you have a conflict with Sima's family? Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Lin Chen pointed to Li Haolin and said, "the Sima family made my younger generation look like this. It's not just a misunderstanding."

Luohanye looks at Li Hao Lin, and his eyebrows immediately wrinkle. His limbs and face are cut off. For the strong in the immortal realm, it is nothing, and he can recover.

But he saw at a glance that this man was not immortal, but just a Taoist realm. In this way, he became a waste. To some extent, it was more hateful than killing him directly!

Several other members of the supreme family were surprised at the speech.

They thought it was the Supreme Master from other places who broke into Sima's house to make trouble, so they were in the same mood. Unexpectedly, Sima's house made the younger generation look like a ghost.

In this way, it's normal for people to come to the door to find trouble!

Xueqingyun's face changed. After a moment of hesitation, his lips wriggled and whispered in the dark. Xue Fengshan, the leader of the Xue family, stood in front of him. His eyebrows screwed up and his ears moved. A moment later, he turned and stared at him angrily.

Xueqingyun lowered his head.

"This is the domain master of Danqi divine domain. He is fair and aboveboard. If you make things clear to him, he will uphold justice for your Li family!" Lin Chen looks at Li Hao.

Luohanye smiles bitterly. Brother Lin says that he is fair and aboveboard. Obviously, he is implying that he should not take sides with Sima family.

Lihao Lin is facing luohanye, and his voice trembles with nervousness. However, he clearly explains what happened after the Li family came to Yunding city.

After hearing this, their eyes fell on the Xue family. Unexpectedly, this matter also had something to do with the Xue family. Xuefengshan looked calm and respectfully said to luohanye, "I just learned about this. Xuezhiqing is a member of xueqingyun, the elder of the Xue family. She has been out for many years. After she came back, she said she had someone she likes, but she still

Before he came back, he was already betrothed to simabo. This matter concerns the face of both families, so she is still married to simabo. The people of the Li family came to ask for marriage. Although they didn't get their wish, the Xue family didn't embarrass them, but just drove them away. Unexpectedly, when they left Yunding City, they were

Simabo's ambush. "

Xuefengshan spoke frankly about this matter. Although the Xues' performance was somewhat old-fashioned, from the beginning to the end, the Xues never bothered the Li family.

Simabo's attack on the Li family was unexpected and had nothing to do with them.

After hearing Xuefengshan's explanation, luohanye looked at simabo and said slowly, "if you have any objection to what they said, you can say it. If you have no objection, it means that what they said is true."

Sima Bo opened his mouth and tried to lie, but luohanye's plain eyes still put him under terrible pressure. He didn't dare to lie at all and said:

"My Lord, what they said is true. I used to use extreme methods, but now I have to pay the price by cutting off one leg."

Lin Chen sneered: "is it difficult for you Sima people to be more noble? One leg is comparable to other people's hands, feet and a face?"

Sima Bo was afraid of Lin Chen, and he didn't dare to talk back.

"The Sima family really went too far in this matter." Luohanye's words are tantamount to closing the coffin. In this way, even if Sima's family is still dissatisfied, for example, Sima Changyuan is unwilling to give a fart.

Although he and luohanye are both the supremacy of the Danqi divine realm, in fact, there is a great difference between them. There is no comparison between the initial stage of the supreme realm and the peak of the supreme realm.

Luohanye, the domain leader, can't help but make Sima's family disappear!

"Brother Lin, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Luohanye looks at Lin Chen and asks.

Seeing that luohanye even asked Lin Chen for his opinion, the people were even more curious. What was the origin of this man that made the domain master so attach importance to him?

Only luofeiyan beside cassia and luohanye is not surprised.

"How to deal with it is up to the parties themselves."

Lin Chen looked at the Li family and said, "what kind of way do you want to deal with this matter? Tell me."

"Tell the elder that we don't have any requirements, as long as we can leave safely. If we can keep this life, we don't have any requirements!" Li Juncheng was so scared that he could not keep his normal mind to talk with Lin Chen. His heart was full of awe and curiosity.

Lihao said, "master, I don't want anything. I just want to take Qing'er away. Do you think it's ok?"

"Yes." Lin Chen said.

Sima Bo was angry and resentful. Anyway, Xue Zhiqing was his nominal wife. The other party wanted to take people away without even asking his own opinions. It was arrogant.

He only dared to scold in his heart and did not dare to say anything at all.

This is the end of the matter. Luohanye tells Lin Chen that most of the materials collected for him have been collected. He asks him if he wants to go and have a look.

Lin Chen leaves with cassia, the Li family, Xuezhiqing and luohanye.

The rest of the Luo family also left with luohanye, leaving luofeiyan alone. The rest of the supreme masters stayed. After luohanye and Lin Chen disappeared, Xue Fengshan set up a horse and said:

"Feiyan, tell Grandpa Xue what is the origin of that boy?"

Luo Feiyan didn't hurry to answer, but looked at Sima Changyuan, who was climbing out of the ground with a hate look on her face. Her tone was somewhat ironic:

"Sima family leader, do you still have the idea of revenge? My grandfather asked me to stay, just to warn you that you can die if you want, but don't involve the whole Danqi divine realm!"

When this was said, everyone was shocked! "Can this boy still threaten our entire Danqi realm? Feiyan, do you think highly of him?" The head of the Shen family, one of the eight supreme families, was so shocked that luofeiyan's words were too exaggerated!

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