Luohanye is the strongest one in the Dan Qi divine realm and the first one in the alchemy. Influenced by him, the Luo family has a large number of alchemists. In addition, many alchemists from outside have led to countless alchemy rooms in the imperial city.

But one of the alchemy rooms was inaccessible to ordinary people.

This is the room where Lin Chen and cassia are coming. It belongs to luohanye alone. It covers an area of twoorthree basketball courts. In the center is a huge furnace sevenoreight meters high.

In addition, there are other furnaces or tripods of different sizes in the alchemy room.

All kinds of alchemy materials are placed on the jade platform around.

The alchemy room doesn't look very luxurious, but it seems a little old and simple. However, any alchemy materials on the jade platform can be used to buy a luxurious palace.

If you look at it carefully, you will find that the materials used to build the alchemy room are very special. They can not only isolate the sound, but also the exploration of the divine mind.

"All the materials I collected for you are here." Luohanye laughs.

Lin Chen checked the various materials on the jade platform. They were indeed the alchemy materials on the list. The quality was very good. There was no case that inferior materials were replaced by good ones.

He smiled with satisfaction and said, "things are OK. Brother Luo, I have nothing to worry about. Now I will pay you for these materials."

"Ha ha! It's not urgent. After I get all the other materials for you, you can pay again."

"Isn't this very good?"

"What's wrong? You called me brother Luo. Why do you still see the outside world like this? Or do you have a problem with me because I didn't handle the previous matter to your satisfaction?"

Seeing that luohanye had said so much, Lin Chen would not say more.

At this time, outside the alchemy room, someone knocked at the door.

"Come in!" Luohanye looks at the door.

An elder of the Luo family came in.

"What is it?"

The elder respectfully said, "Grandpa, the Sima family leader and the Xue family leader have come. They said they wanted to find you and master Lin. I asked them to wait in the hall, and then I came to inform you."

Lin Chen wondered, as soon as his front foot left, the two men followed him. What did they want to do? Could it be that they were unwilling and wanted to find their own trouble?

Luohanye looked calm. He seemed to have expected that the two of them would come. He said in a flat tone: "let them wait first. After we have handled the affairs here, we will go there. If you don't want to wait, you can leave by yourself!"

Keep them waiting?

Elder Luo was stunned. Anyway, the other side was also two supreme masters. Did he just let the other side wait?

This has never happened before.

Although he was surprised, his grandfather always said the same thing. He didn't dare say anything more and nodded back.

"Don't answer them. Let's keep talking about us."

Luohanye said with a smile, "brother Lin, among the questions you asked me before, there are several questions. After thinking about them, I have new ideas. Are you interested in listening?"

"Of course!"

It was not until more than an hour later that luohanye, Lin Chen and cassia came out of the alchemy room.

Li Jun hurriedly came up with the Li family, but he didn't see lihaolin and Xuezhiqing.

Linchen was about to ask why they had disappeared, when he heard the talk between lihaolin and Xuezhiqing mixed in the wind.

The voice was very low, but the ear power of the supreme power was too amazing, so Linchen, cassia and luohanye could still hear it.

Lin Chen guessed that the two of them should meet again after a long separation. They were hiding in a corner and whispering.

"Qing'er, do you really don't mind that I have become a ghost? Believe me, I will become immortal in the future. At that time, my limbs will grow again and my face will recover.

Do you believe me? Give me enough time and I will recover! " Lihaolin's voice was a little uneasy.

"Enough time, how long?" Xue Zhiqing said.

"I......" Li Haolin couldn't answer for a moment. There was no definite time for such a thing. It was not impossible that it would never become immortal in the future.

"Silly brother!"

"Ouch! Qing'er, why are you pinching me?"

"I pinched you. You're a rotten wood! Who wants you to answer? Can't you recover and I'll leave you? Do you think I like you because you're good-looking, smelly beauty! Among those who used to like me, you're not as good-looking as you! Talk nonsense again. Be careful I ignore you."

"No, don't ignore me. Qing'er, you're the best."

Xuezhiqing's voice was a little melancholy: "you said you didn't mind that I married Sima Bo, but... But would your Li family agree? When you were with a married woman, you wouldn't be afraid to be stabbed in the backbone by others, saying that you picked up someone else's... Other people's broken shoes? I know, some people talk hard."

"Qing'er, I don't want you to say that! You're not breaking... Breaking that. You're not allowed to say that about yourself. My father won't object. As for others, I don't care. Anyway, I think you're the best in the world!"

"Hee hee! Silly brother."


Listening to the sound of the breeze, Lin Chen felt that he had been fed dog food. He looked at Cassia. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He actually saw a trace of envy in Cassia's eyes.

Cassia noticed his eyes and glared at him. She had no good way: "what are you looking at me for? Look at Li Haolin, who is infatuated and single-minded. How many times better than you, a guy with romantic debts! Hum!"

"..." Lin Chen is covered with black lines. He feels like lying on the gun. What's my business!

Luohanye burst out laughing: "it's nice to be young. When I was young, I was accompanied by countless beauties. You and I wandered through the original continent and the universe together. Looking back now, it's still a pleasure in life!"

"With countless beauties? You are not a good thing!" Cassia said angrily.

"..." luohanye's smile froze.

Lin Chen smiled and felt more balanced. After all, he was not the only one who was unlucky.

Luohanye's laughter startled the two people who were hiding in a hidden corner in the distance. Lihaolin and Xuezhiqing hurried back and saw everyone together. Luohanye laughed:

"Come on, let's go to the main hall."

When the Li family knew that Sima family leader and Xue family leader were coming after them, they were both shocked and scared. Especially lihaolin and Xuezhiqing were worried. It seems that Sima family and Xue family still don't want to give up and want to make trouble?

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