When they saw the situation in the hall, lihaolin and Xuezhiqing were stunned.

Li Hao was stunned because he saw Sima Bo lying on the ground like a dead dog, his breath was weak, his face was full of despair, and he saw Sima Changyuan look a little scared, which was completely different from the picture he imagined.

Xuezhiqing was stunned because she saw her parents in the hall.

When luohanye and Lin Chen arrived, Sima Changyuan and Xuefengshan hurriedly led their men to meet them. They said in one voice: "I have seen the domain master! I have seen senior Lin!"

Master Lin?

The Li family and Xuezhiqing were a little silly. They didn't expect that the Sima family and Xue family would have this attitude before long.

This change is too big!

Lin Chen looked at Luo Feiyan in the hall and thought that she hadn't come back with her. Then he contacted the two people's attitude and understood what was going on.

This is to know your real strength, run to the door to show it?

Bullying the soft and fearing the hard is the case for most people in the world.

Luohanye didn't have a good way: "you two have something to say quickly."

After being dried for more than an hour, Sima Changyuan and Xuefengshan had no dissatisfaction on their faces. When they heard the speech, Sima Changyuan pointed at Sima Bo with an angry face and said to Lin Chen:

"Master Lin, after you and the domain leader left, I asked the boy in detail, and then I realized what a bastard he had done. Previously, I trusted him too much, so I didn't believe what lihaolin and Xuezhiqing said. I was ashamed when I learned from him that everything was true!

Alas! Unexpectedly, such a bullying bastard came out of Sima family. All his accomplishments have been abolished by me. What to do next is up to you, master Lin. For example, I have absolutely no objection to cutting off all his limbs. It is his own fault. No one else can blame him. "

Everyone in the Li family was dumbfounded and looked at each other. They all suspected that something was wrong with their ears.

Sima's family leader came to admit his mistake, and even abolished Sima Bo?

Lin Chen laughed to himself. He was full of shit. In the final analysis, he just knew his strength and was afraid of revenge. So he threw Sima Bo out to let him vent his anger and bow to himself.

Sima Changyuan was also cruel and ruthless, so he directly discarded Sima Bo as garbage.

He was too lazy to expose the other party's thoughts. Not only was he unhappy, but luohanye was also hard to do.

Previously, luohanye hung the other side here in front of his own face. It seemed that he was helping himself clean up the two people. In fact, he also hoped that he would not quarrel with them.

Lin Chen looked at lihaolin: "if you want to vent your anger, you can go up and cut off his other two hands and one leg, and then cut some knives on his face to let him experience your pain. Don't worry, no one dares to trouble you with me here."

Sima Changyuan laughed and said, "master Lin, you are joking. Sima Bo has suffered all this. Even if he is killed, I don't think there is any problem."

With that, Sima Changyuan smiled awkwardly and closed his mouth when he saw that others did not pay attention to him at all.

Li Haolin hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "although he has only broken one leg, his accomplishments have been abolished, and his end is worse than mine. This is more painful for him than death, and it can be regarded as retribution."

Lin Chen looked at Xuefengshan and said, "the leader of the Xue family came to me. I don't know what's the matter? It seems that there is no intersection between us?"

Xuefeng stepped forward and said respectfully, "come here. First, I want to say hello to master Lin. second, in fact, Zhiqing's parents miss her too much, so I brought them here."

He glared at xueqingyun: "it's all because xueqingyun is too old-fashioned. Face is important, but compared with Zhiqing's lifetime happiness, what is it?

If you lose face, you can get Zhiqing's happiness. Why not! It's a pity that I didn't know this before. Otherwise, I would never allow xueqingyun to mess around! "

"It's all my fault. Because of my stubbornness, Qing'er has suffered so much, and his parents are also sad. I'm really not a thing!"

Xueqingyun looked at Xuezhiqing with a regretful look on his face. "Qing'er, it's my great grandfather who is sorry for you. If you want to blame me, don't be angry with your parents. They begged me many times, but I never paid attention to them."

Lin Chen seems to be watching a play, looking on coldly.

Maybe Xuefengshan didn't know about it until today, but he was 100% sure that if his strength hadn't exceeded his expectations, there would never be a scene in front of him.

However, Xuezhiqing is a member of the Xue family after all. It is impossible for her to break off her relationship with her parents and return to the Xue family. It is not bad for her.

In fact, in addition to being forced to marry Sima Bo, xueqingyun was very kind to Xuezhiqing. When Xuezhiqing traveled outside alone, he also gave Xuezhiqing several self-defense treasures.

Even though the elders were wrong, Xue Zhiqing was kind-hearted. Seeing that the other party admitted her mistake, her parents looked at her with tearful eyes. She could not be hard hearted at all. After all, she chose to forgive the other party.

Looking at Xuezhiqing crying with her mother, Xuefengshan breathed a sigh of relief, even though she was secretly happy.

He brings people here. Naturally, it is not just as simple as reuniting Xuezhiqing's family. More importantly, Xuezhiqing returns to the Xue family, and she comes together with Li Haolin, who has a relationship with Lin Chen.

In this way, the Xue family has made friends with master Lin!

From the corner of Xuefengshan's eye, Yu guangpiao came to Lin Chen's sneering eyes. His heart suddenly jumped, and his face was pale. There was a feeling that all his ideas were seen through by the other party.

Seeing that the scene was harmonious, luohanye put his heart down and said curiously, "brother Lin, what is the relationship between you and the Li family?"

Lin Chen turned his mind and smiled: "I met him on the road when I came here. Let's not mention the specific process. Speaking of it, lihaolin's understanding of alchemy makes me feel a little amazing.

Brother Luo, you told me that although you have several disciples, your understanding is not satisfactory. Why don't you also test the little guy's intelligence? "

Li Jun was ecstatic when he heard this. Now even if Lin Chen wanted his life, he would take the initiative to put his head out to Lin Chen!

Master Lin is proposing that Lord Luo take his son as an apprentice!

Luohanye was stunned and said with a wry smile: "well... Brother Lin, you really think of him, but I have very high requirements for the disciples' understanding. He is afraid it is impossible..."

Although he doesn't want to sweep Lin Chen's face, not everyone is qualified to be his disciple!

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