"Brother Luo, do you think that I want you to take him as a disciple, just to find him a backer, not that he is really refining pills? What's the difference?"

Lin Chen saw luohanye's face embarrassed, and immediately understood what he was thinking.

"Hehe. That's not true." Luohanye did think so, but he was helpless. He secretly said that in this case, as long as lihaolin's qualification is not too poor, he would be accepted as a disciple, which can be regarded as a favor to the other party.

Luohanye asks lihaolin some questions about alchemy. He finds that lihaolin has a solid foundation in alchemy and has some new ideas, so he is not so exclusive.

"The foundation is good. It is a good habit not only to copy other people's Alchemy methods, but also to know how to constantly think, summarize and improve. Next, I will ask you a few more questions, which will slightly exceed your ability, mainly to see your understanding in alchemy."

Luohanye showed a smile on his face. The next questions he asked were beyond lihaolin's ability. For example, although lihaolin is an alchemist, he can only refine the holy elixir of the seven level Taoist realm at most.

What luohanye asked was what should be paid attention to in the refining process of several nine grade Taoist realm holy pills.

Originally, I thought that even if lihaolin could answer, he would be vague and could not say the key point at all.

I didn't expect that lihaolin had not refined any pills, but relying on the characteristics of the alchemy materials and the pills with similar properties, he deduced dozens of points that needed attention.

He speaks clearly and confidently, giving people the feeling that he has refined the holy pill of the Ninth level Taoist realm.

"Ha ha! That's right! There are many ways to refine pills. You can infer the key points of refining these pills based on your existing experience and knowledge."

Luohanye smiles with satisfaction and finally believes that Lin Chen's words are true. He may really want to find a backer for Li Haolin, but he also really thinks that Li Haolin has the savvy to become his own disciple.

Of course, the understanding of alchemy can not be completely judged only by such a verbal communication.

Li Haolin's understanding of what can be achieved still needs to be confirmed later in the process of alchemy, but at present, it is much better than ordinary people.

In addition, he is the person recommended by Lin Chen. Luohanye wants to sell Lin Chen a face, so it is inevitable to take lihaolin as an apprentice.

"You really have a good understanding. Are you interested in being my disciple?" Luohanye asked with a smile.

The Li family are all overjoyed. Li Jun can't wait to promise to come down instead of his son and wink at Li Haolin desperately.

Xuezhiqing is as happy as her parents, but Sima's family is embarrassed. Sima Bo can't move, can't speak, and his eyes are full of jealousy and unwillingness.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted to the extreme.

If Xuezhiqing said that she had a loved one, did not want to marry herself, and hoped that she would push the marriage with her, if she agreed, perhaps there would be no situation at present?

When people thought about it, Li Haolin naturally agreed with rapture, fearing that he would miss it.

But Li Haolin hesitated and looked at Lin Chen and said, "if I could, I would like to learn from master Lin."

The scene is quiet!

Luohanye, who has an enigmatic face and a smiling mouth, has become a little stiff. He wants to accept disciples, but he was rejected?

In the past, he accepted disciples, but the other side was all excited, ecstatic and grateful. Today, this situation has never occurred to me. The main disciple of Danqi divine domain was rejected one day!

Xuefengshan looked at Li Haolin in astonishment. Before, he thought that the boy was nothing strange and looked mediocre. Now he found that at least the boy's brain circuit was not normal!

"Son of a bitch!"

Li Jun was so angry with this bastard that he almost burst out of his old blood. If he could, he would prefer his son to become a disciple of master Lin. the problem is that he had been rejected once before. Now the old story is brought up again, which not only hit luohanye in the face, but also may annoy master Lin.

"Bastard, who do you think you are? Is this what you can choose? The domain leader is willing to accept you as a disciple. It is a blessing for your third generation. You dare to choose. Believe it or not, I will break your dog leg!" Li Jun scolded angrily.

"Hahaha! It doesn't matter. It seems that the little guy likes brother Lin better. In that case, why don't you take him as a disciple yourself, and I won't win the favor of others."

Luohanye shook his head with a smile that didn't mean anything.

He really doesn't take it seriously. Although lihaolin has a good understanding, he doesn't have to accept this disciple.

Besides, who is he?

Domain master of Danqi divine domain!

You rejected me. I have the cheek to take you as my disciple. Where will my face go?

Now, even if lihaolin changes his mind and wants to be his disciple, he doesn't want to accept it.

Hearing the meaning of Luo Hanye's words, Lin Chen sighed, looked at Li Hao's scales and said with a bitter smile, "do you know that brother Luo's accomplishments in alchemy are stronger than mine?"

The implication is that if you want to go further together in alchemy, luohanye is actually a better choice than yourself.

Lihaolin said, "but I still want to be your disciple, because I want to be like you!"

"People like me? What kind?" Lin Chen laughed.

Lihaolin said with a straight face: "you are a great husband who will help us when we are not satisfied with the injustice. In fact, there is no deep relationship between you and the Li family. But when I asked you to help us, you agreed to come even though you knew that the other party was one of the most respected in the Dan Qi realm.

I have heard that the kind of master will teach the kind of disciple. I want to be a person like you. I want to become stronger and make the world a better place at the same time! The big husband stands between heaven and earth, and what he pursues is definitely more than the word "strong"

"You look honest, but you flatter me very well. But I like it." Lin Chen burst out laughing.

Cassia looked at Li Haolin and said, "he has become a great hero in your heart. What about me?"

Lihaolin looked at cassia and said, "master Lin is a great hero, so are his Taoists. Would you please say something nice for me? If master Lin is willing to take me as an apprentice, I will try my best to serve you both."

From lihaolin's point of view, only elder Lin is worthy of such peerless beauties as Cassia. Of course, they are a couple. They don't even have to think about it.

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