Different from the desolate scenes in other places, thousands of people had gathered in this magnificent palace. Fortunately, the hall was wide, and it was easy to accommodate thousands of people.

There are people coming in from outside the temple. They are powerful people from all the supreme god domains.

In the middle, there were three people standing. One of them was shangguanyu, who had a relationship with Lin Chen for several times.

The other two are the people of "Ming Huang divine domain" and "Tai Wu divine domain".

Seeing that the people were almost here, the domain leader of "Ming Huang divine domain" stepped forward and held out his hand to signal the people to be quiet. There was no sound in the noisy scene.

He said in a deep voice: "how to allocate the territory of the 'Taiyi divine domain' has been decided by me and the two domain masters of the 'boundary moon divine domain' and 'Taiwu divine domain'. Next, listen carefully."

Upon hearing this, many people shouted abuse in their hearts!

I dare say that the three supreme deities have already discussed it by themselves and have reached a conclusion. This meeting is not to ask everyone to come together for discussion, but to tell us your decision!

Everyone was indignant, but no one dared to say anything when they thought that they were not qualified to fight against the three supreme gods.

After listening to the distribution plan, people became even more angry.

The distribution method is simple. The territory of the "Taiyi divine realm" is divided into four parts, three quarters of which are the three supreme divine realms, and the remaining quarter is divided by other forces.

At the beginning, they didn't think there was anything. After all, it was good for the remaining forces to get a quarter. They didn't expect much from the beginning.

But when they finished listening, they were not happy about the specific places of the three superior supreme god domains.

For example, two cities with the same area, one is a prosperous city in a place suitable for life and pleasant climate, and the other is a dilapidated city in a desert with few people.

Can the value be the same?

The better places in the "Taiyi divine realm" are all in the three domains of the supreme divine realm, and the remaining quarter are basically extremely barren!

It is said to be one fourth, but in terms of value, it is even less than one tenth of the overall value of the "Taiyi divine realm". In this way, people are naturally dissatisfied.

A fat old man looked at the domain master of "Ming Huang divine domain" and said: "zuoqiu domain master, you three supreme divine domains, three quarters of which are divided. We don't have any problem! Just, can you change the remaining quarter slightly?"

"Yes! The area can be a little smaller, but can we change places? For example, the cities near our 'tidal God' area are not very large, but I am very interested. It is mainly because they are close to us! Can we include those cities in our quarter?" Immediately someone smiled and agreed.

Both of them are masters of the middle supreme realm.

The man behind is the domain leader of the "tidal God domain". Although the area of the cities in his mouth is not too large, they are very prosperous. In addition, the location is close to them. If you can get them, it is much better than getting desert areas hundreds of times larger.

"It seems that you are dissatisfied with our way of distribution. In that case, how about solving it in the way of a monk?" The domain master of "Ming Huang divine domain" sneered at the speech.

When they heard the speech, their faces changed.

Naturally, the solution of a monk is to use force. In a battle, whoever is stronger will have the final say!

You know, the superior supreme realm is not only different in number from the middle supreme realm, but also there is a big gap in top combat power.

Among the three supreme domain masters, the most terrible one is Guan Yu, the domain master of "Jingyue domain", who can be compared with Li Mo, the former domain master of "Taiyi domain".

Shangguanyu stood by and looked on coldly. Although he didn't say anything, he still brought great pressure to the people. No one dared to do it at all. They were all afraid of becoming the chicken that made an example of others!

Seeing that no one answered, the domain master of "Ming Huang divine domain" smiled with satisfaction:

"If no one asks, I'll take it for granted that you have no opinion. How to divide the remaining quarter of the territory is entirely up to you. We won't interfere. In my opinion, it's better for you domain masters to have a fight and use your strength to decide?"

The crowd yelled at him again. They just thought that he had been given a piece of fat meat. Now he was full of wine and food, and wanted to have fun with others and see a good play.

But no matter how dissatisfied they were, no one dared to say anything.

Wang Ming in the crowd also looked indignant and scolded in his heart. If these damn bastards could one day become the superior divine realm and Lao Tzu could become the peak of the supreme realm, they wouldn't have to be angry.

But when I thought that I was still far away from the later stage of the supreme realm, I had no choice.

At this time, a voice sounded beside him.

"I have something to say!"

Lin Chen stepped forward and looked at the domain leader of "Ming Huang Shenyu" with a smiling face. Unlike other people who dared not even look at the domain leader of "Ming Huang Shenyu", his eyes were very calm without fear.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen in surprise. Unexpectedly, at this time, someone dared to be a leader?

When they saw that Lin Chen was standing in the crowd of Tianke divine realm, and that Wang Ming was stunned beside him, they all burst out laughing. The boy estimated that he was a young man of the Wang family. The newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. He dared to speak at this time.

"Don't say you are a junior of the Wang family. Even if Wang Ming speaks, it's useless!" Someone shook his head amusingly.

"Do you have an opinion?" The domain master of "Ming Huang divine domain" paid attention to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said calmly, "I'm not interested in how to allocate the territory of the 'Taiyi divine domain', but I hope all of you here can guarantee that after you get the territory of the 'Taiyi divine domain', you won't kill people living in that territory! If not, I'll settle this account for them."

If not, I will settle this account for them!

The people present did not expect that Lin Chen would make such a request.

Immediately, he was enraged by Lin Chen's bland but overbearing words!

They are the domain leaders or elders of each supreme god domain. When were they so coerced by others? What's more, this guy is just a descendant of the king's family of Tianke God domain!

Don't say it's him. Even Wang Ming is not qualified to say such words.

"Boy, you are presumptuous!"

"Since the territory is ours, it's up to us to kill and cut the people above. We have to settle for them. You are the only one who can't measure your strength!"


The people's angry voice rang out. The anger that had been suppressed because of the fear of the three supreme god domains could be vented on Lin Chen at this time.

The leader of the "Ming Huang divine realm" almost laughed. It was absurd. A guy who didn't have a full coat dared to jump out and make demands at this time and threaten the people present?

At this time, Shangguan Yu, who had not opened his mouth, said, "yes. I promise your request."

For a moment, the scene was silent!

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