"Yes, I can. I promise you."

The unexpected sound left the whole scene in a dead silence. The people who were originally full of sarcasm looked up at Guan Yu in disbelief. No one expected that he would suddenly open his mouth and agree to the other party's request.

Wang Ming didn't expect Lin Chen to suddenly speak. Hearing Lin Chen's words, he also thought he was self righteous. You are really powerful, but that is only for me.

If it were placed in front of such figures as shangguanyu, it would not be enough.

But unexpectedly, Shangguan Yu agreed directly.

Shangguan Yu walked up to Lin Chen, looked at him and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

It has been more than a year since the last meeting. But this time is just a snap for the Supreme Master. Shangguan Yu was really surprised to see Lin Chen here.

"I guessed you would be here." Lin Chen said with a calm face and a smile.

Cassia turned her eyes. Have you guessed that? When you heard that Shangguan Yu was there, I was surprised to see you?

"The reason why this guy came here was that he was thinking about the people living in this territory." Cassia thought of this and looked at Lin Chen's eyes and became very soft.

"That guy Li Mo ended up with an unknown fate. I was very happy. Naturally, I wanted to come and have a look." Shangguan Yu laughed, not concealing his happiness.

When Lin Chen and Shangguan Yu talked, they were completely equal. Their hearts trembled a few times. The eyes of wangxiyu and luan'er almost fell to the ground.

Unconsciously, Lin Chen became more powerful and mysterious in their hearts. "Little brother, you came here specially to emphasize that you can't massacre the people of the 'Taiyi divine domain'. You are kind-hearted. Don't worry, I saw many tragic scenes on my way here. I feel very sorry for them. Even if you don't tell me, I will wait a minute

I will mention that if we kill innocent people indiscriminately, we will be enemies with shangguanyu! "

Shangguan Yu said later, glancing at the crowd. It was obvious that he was speaking to everyone present.

This time, people echoed everything you said, saying that they would never indiscriminately kill innocent people in the territory of the "Taiyi divine realm". They repeatedly promised that if Shangguan Yu didn't ask for this, they would do the same.

Whether what he said was sincere or false is unknown, but since Shangguan Yu spoke in person, if they wanted to kill innocent people, they must weigh it carefully.

"Ha ha. Shangguan domain leader, you seem to be familiar with this little friend. Why don't you introduce us?"

The domain leader of "Tai Wu divine domain" is a woman with a lingering charm. With a pair of foxy eyes, he looks at Lin Chen, walks to Shangguan Yu and looks at Lin Chen with interest.

Hearing this, the people raised their ears and wondered why Shangguan Yu would give Lin Chen such a face.

Although Lin Chen came out from the crowd of Tianke divine realm, this time, no one would think that Lin Chen was just a descendant of the Wang family!

Did the descendants of the Wang family make shangguanyu so polite?

Are you kidding me!

Even Wang Ming, the ancestor of the Wang family, had no such ability!

Shangguan Yu said with a smile, "I am as curious as you about the identity of this little brother."

After that, he looked at Lin Chen with a smile, like a cunning old fox, hoping Lin Chen would say something by himself.

Hearing the speech, the people did not believe it, and their eyes fell on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't mean to say anything at all. He said: "the Lord of the official domain originally made this proposal. If I had known this, I wouldn't have come here. Then, I have already said what I should say. See you later!"

"Let's go!"

After saying something to cassia, Lin Chen turned to leave.

"Little brother!" Shangguan Yu looked worried and hurriedly said, "is it the power behind you that 'Taiyi divine domain' was destroyed?"


Hearing this, the people were scared out of their wits!

Shangguanyu's words reveal a message that the power behind the young man can destroy the "Taiyi divine realm"!

When he looked at Lin Chen again, he was not just curious, but afraid. Even the eyes of the domain masters of "Ming Huang divine domain" and "Tai Wu divine domain" became flustered!

"I don't know." Lin Chen did not look back, but his voice came.

"Don't know?" Shangguan Yu was shocked.

Lin Chen said expressionless, "I'm going to go back and ask my master what happened. Yes or no, I'll tell you if we meet again next time!"

With that, he and cassia turned into two phantoms and disappeared from the public. The speed was so fast that people couldn't react at all.

The domain masters of "Ming Huang divine domain" and "Tai Wu divine domain" turned crazy again. At this time, they realized that both of them were the peak of the supreme realm!

Lin Chen and Lin Chen left. The hall was silent for a long time.

"What he said was that the Taiyi divine realm was destroyed, perhaps by the forces behind him, but he didn't know the specific circumstances. So you need to go back and ask his master? That is to say, the forces behind him really have the ability to destroy the Taiyi realm! "

After figuring this out, everyone felt a cold breath from the bottom of their feet to the forehead, especially those who had been cynical before felt their feet soft.

Wangxiyu was paralyzed. He leaned against a pillar. He was in a panic and roared in his heart. What kind of existence did I provoke?


"Next, let's go back and ask your master, and listen to him talk about what's going on. Maybe he will give us a surprise. He already has the 'Divine prison tower' and the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'?"

Walking in the desolate street, cassia said to Lin Chen expectantly.

Lin Chen gave her a white eye: "shouldn't you praise me for my quick reaction, otherwise, I can take you away from Shangguan Yu so easily?"

Cassia's eyes narrowed, and her large, cold eyes seemed to laugh:

"Now, that guy probably believes that there is a force behind you that he can't provoke. But what should we do next? Where should we go to find the news of Li Mo?"

She looked at Lin Chen and joked, "don't you always boast that you are resourceful and resourceful? If you have the ability, please find me some clues. If you can find out the clues, I will promise you whatever you ask!"

Lin Chen smiled bitterly. He also had a headache where he would go to find the news about Li mo. he was resourceful, but it was difficult for a clever woman to make bricks without straw. Now there is no clue. How can he find someone.

Cassia was about to strike him a few words when she suddenly saw him with a look of joy. "You promised me anything, but you said it yourself!" Lin Chen took Cassia's hand and turned it into a remnant of a shadow. He swept away in the west direction.

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