The middle-aged man saw that if he did not explain clearly, the other party would not be able to change his clothes. He said, "do you know what forces are controlling Menglan city?"

Lin Chen and others didn't know. They even know now that this city was called Menglan city.

"This desert is in the territory of the Taiyi God domain. Before that, it was naturally governed by the Taiyi God domain." Replied Cassia.

"No! You are wrong. Menglan city is located in the desert, and the Taiyi divine domain is too lazy to take care of it. Moreover, the Menglan chamber of Commerce will offer a large number of treasures to the Taiyi divine domain every year, so the Taiyi divine domain will not take care of the affairs here."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said in his heart that these people really knew nothing about this place.

Those who don't know are fearless. No wonder they let them change their clothes and leave quickly, but they are dragging their feet.

"Mon Lam chamber of Commerce?" Lin Chen was keenly aware that there was a force name in the other party's words.

"That's right! Monglan chamber of Commerce!" The middle-aged man was afraid, and his voice dropped a little, "the Menglan chamber of commerce is the master of Menglan city. They operate and monopolize all kinds of businesses in Menglan City, but in fact, this business in Menglan city is secondary to them.

Their main source of income was the slave trade. Dor desert, that is, this desert and dozens of surrounding cities, are the areas where they operate the slave trade.

They are one of the largest slave traders in the Taiyi God kingdom! In the past, there were tourists passing by here occasionally. Without exception, they were basically captured by the Menglan chamber of Commerce, and then they searched their belongings and sold them as slaves. "

Lin Chen and cassia finally understand each other's intentions.

The dressing of people like me may have attracted the attention of the Menglan chamber of Commerce for a long time. The middle-aged man asked them to change their clothes here and leave quickly. He was completely thinking of himself and others.

Thinking of what he had just said, he wondered whether the other party wanted to rob. Lin Chen was ashamed. He had met many bad people and had forgotten that there were many kind people in the world.

"Change your clothes quickly and leave, or you won't be able to leave if you want to!" The middle-aged man saw that Lin Chen still didn't reach for his clothes, and hurried anxiously.

Lin Chen understands the other party's good intentions, but for him, the Meng LAN chamber of commerce is a force that is undoubtedly very suitable to inquire about information. Now that the other party doesn't come to him, he will also go to the other party. How can he leave now?

"Thank you for your kindness! But -"

Lin Chen made a sound and frowned at the door.

The middle-aged man looked at the door and heard a "bang". The door was kicked open from the outside. Some old wooden doors collapsed on the ground.

Several fierce men came in through the door.

At the sight of these people, the middle-aged faces lost their color.

The child lying in her mother's arms burst into tears. The woman quickly hugged the child and looked at them with fear.

As a timid woman, she didn't really want her husband to meddle in this kind of business. She just wanted her family to be safe. However, she didn't stop her husband from meddling. She could only pray in her heart. Don't have any accidents.

At the moment, when people from the mon Lam chamber of Commerce came to the door, the woman was so scared that her legs softened, her eyes blackened, and she lamented: "it's over! This is the end. "

Several big men walked into the house. The young man in charge looked at the clothes on the middle-aged hands, and his face showed a cruel look: "tengluo, you don't have eyes, but you want to help these foreign guys escape? You like to meddle in your own affairs, don't you?"

He glanced at the frightened woman and said with a grim smile, "in that case, don't blame me for playing with your woman, and then sell their mother and son to others as cattle and horses! You asked for it."

The middle-aged man turned pale and said angrily, "it's my own idea. It has nothing to do with their mother. What do you want? Come to me alone! Do you want to fight a woman? Are you still not a man?"

"Is Lao Tze a man? After tonight, go and ask your woman, and she will know the answer!" The young man began to laugh obscenely, and the rest of the people followed him with a loud laugh. They used filthy words and were extremely rampant.

The movement here attracted some people to stop outside the door and watch. When they saw the situation inside, especially the clothes on their hands, they guessed what was going on.

Some people sympathize, some gloat, some sigh silently, some are indignant, but no one dares to speak for tengluo!

Everyone is well aware of how ruthless the measures of the Menglan chamber of commerce are. If you dare to meddle, you will never come to a good end!

The other party will not show any mercy because he is also from Menglan city.

"Don't cry, it will be all right."

Amid the obscenities, a cold voice sounded, attracting people's attention. They looked at Cassia who came to the little boy's mother and son.

Cassia stood in front of the child who was scared to cry. She seemed to want to comfort him not to cry, but she didn't know how to comfort the child. Her words still gave people a cold feeling.

Now, the little boy cried even louder!

Cassia opened her mouth and wanted to say something. She seemed to realize that her words would only scare the little boy, so she didn't say anything. It was quite embarrassing.

"Your voice is as cold as ice. I think you want to hit him. For him, your voice at this time may be similar to that of his mother when she was angry."

Lin Chen sounded with a kind of teasing voice, and people also walked to Cassia.

Cassia glared at him: "if you have the ability, you can make him stop crying!"

"What's so hard about that!" Lin Chen smiled. "You close your eyes, and I can use a magic trick to stop the little guy crying right away."

"Magic?" Cassia frowned, suspecting that Lin Chen was talking nonsense, but the little boy's hysterical crying made her feel a little agitated and distressed, so she closed her eyes as Lin Chen said.

Let's see if this guy really knows any magic!

But it's strange. Why do you want me to close my eyes when you cast a spell?

Cassia, who closed her eyes, thought of this at this time, but her eyes had been closed, and it was not easy to open them again immediately.

What is it to despise a person to the extreme?

It's not a vicious remark or a combination of fists and feet. It's that I'm clearly in front of you, but I'm ignored as air.

The people of the Menglan chamber of commerce did not feel frightened when they saw each other's faces. On the contrary, they were still "flirting" and were almost furious.

The young man winked at a big man beside him.

The big man smiled grimly, rushed to Lin Chen with a knife, cut down the long knife, and made a harsh sound explosion!

"Be careful!" When the middle-aged man saw this scene, he lost his voice and exclaimed.

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