Seeing that the big man suddenly made a move, it was a killing move. Not only did he lose his voice, but many onlookers outside the door were also scared.

Some timid women, close their eyes, can not bear to see the next bloody picture!

"If you dare to ignore us, I will let you have a long memory!"

The big man smiled grimly and cut the long knife into Lin Chen's back. If this knife was cut down, the body of an ordinary person would be broken in two. It could be said that it was extremely cruel and would kill him if he took it.

The selling price of male slaves is basically much lower than that of female slaves. Therefore, when people from the Menglan chamber of Commerce take action, they often choose men. Their means are extremely brutal, so as to make an example of others and deter the whole audience!

Seeing that the long knife in the big man's hand was about to fall on Lin Chen, Lin Chen didn't look back. His left hand poked out, and his fingers clamped the middle of the long knife. "Bang", the long knife broke.


Before people could see what was going on, they saw the big man fall to the ground, his eyes round, and the end of the long knife pierced his eyebrows, almost penetrating his head!

This scene made the whole audience silent.

The proud smiles on the faces of the Menglan chamber of commerce were all frozen.

Lin Chen seemed to have just done a trivial thing. Without looking at the corpse on the ground, he took off the veil on Cassia's face with his right hand.

"What are you doing?" Cassia was shocked, opened her eyes, and looked at the veil in Lin Chen's hands with shame. This guy said he would use some magic. How could he take the veil off his face instead?

"Look!" Lin Chen pointed to the little boy with a smile.

At this time, cassia noticed that the little boy's cry had stopped. When she looked at the little boy, she saw the other party's wide black eyes staring at herself, as if she saw something incredible.

She was so ashamed and annoyed that she finally understood the meaning of the magic in Lin Chen's mouth and spat: "I am so lecherous at a young age. I can grow up!"

Lin Chen laughed and cried out for the little boy: "he is just a little fart. At present, he seems to see something strange, such as a gem shining at night. He is more curious, but it has nothing to do with lecherous. It's just the first time to see a beautiful person like you. His head got stuck for a while."

Speaking of the back, Lin Chen looked at the little boy: "little guy, do you think so?"

The little boy shrank in his mother's arms, gave Cassia another curious look, and then buried his face in his mother's arms.

Cassia also noticed that the little boy looked at his innocent eyes, which were completely different from those lecherous men. She knew that what Lin Chen said was true, and stared at him: "you are so unreasonable!"

In fact, not only the little boy was stunned, but the rest of them were shocked by the man's murder. Seeing Cassia's face, they were also stunned.

"Hiss! What a beautiful woman!"

"Keep your voice down. Don't you see what happened to that big man just now? Her man is obviously a cruel character!"

"Hum! What about the ruthless characters? Can they still fight against the Menglan chamber of Commerce? According to me, this man is too impulsive to dare to kill the people of the Menglan chamber of Commerce. Although he only killed a thug of the Menglan chamber of Commerce, it also wiped the face of the Menglan chamber of Commerce. Now it is impossible to leave Menglan City safely!"

"Pity such a beautiful woman. If she falls into the hands of the Menglan chamber of Commerce, I don't know who will be imprisoned in the end!"

"That man is not weak. If he becomes a slave, he will definitely sell for a good price!"


Everyone whispered. Although Lin Chen's performance just now proved that he was not easy to provoke, everyone still believed that if he offended the Menglan chamber of Commerce, he could not have a good end.

The young man, led by the Menglan chamber of Commerce, stared at Cassia with greed in his eyes and ecstasy in his heart. If he could catch a woman of this level, let alone just a waste of his men, it wouldn't matter if all these guys were dead.

"Beautiful, it's really beautiful. I have seen countless beauties. I originally thought that no matter how beautiful a woman is, I now understand what it means to be a peerless beauty and turn all sentient beings upside down."

Chen Shuan laughed and applauded. Although one of his men was killed, he was still calm. It seemed that everything was still under his control.

"Damn, this woman is so beautiful! If I can sleep a few times, I would like to live a few years less!"

"You are always thinking of good things. Even if such a woman becomes a slave and goes to auction, can you get it?"

"Hey, hey! Naturally I can't get it, but before the auction, I can't play with it? Women can sleep with men without dying! Such a beautiful woman can't be a baby anyway. Let's have fun first, and there's no loss!"

"That's right. This woman doesn't know that her face is too beautiful. The most important thing is that she has that kind of flirtatious and cold temperament. Yes, I really want to take her -"

Chen Shuan and some of his subordinates were rude in their words and looked like they were trying to swallow Cassia alive.

Seeing Cassia looking at them, their eyes became colder and colder. On the contrary, they became more excited, as if they were glad to attract Cassia's attention.

Lin Chen sneered in his heart. Did these idiots think that if they didn't take the initiative and stay away from themselves, nothing would happen?

It would be a big mistake to regard cassia as an ordinary woman who can be insulted wantonly!

"Me, why can't my legs move?"

One of the big men suddenly felt a strange sense of paralysis coming from his legs. When he looked down, he saw that his legs were petrifying rapidly. He was stunned. Before he could cry out, the whole man turned into a frightened stone carving.

The other few people were creepy. Without waiting for their reaction, their bodies turned into stone carvings!

Seeing several living people turn into lifeless stone carvings in a moment, all of them felt cold. At this time, they realized that Cassia's beautiful ice blue eyes were shining with strange brilliance.

She looks more beautiful, a kind of horrible beauty!

"What have you done to them? I advise you not to mess around. Your companions have just killed one of my men. If they also have an accident, your fate will be very miserable! Our Menglan chamber of commerce is so powerful that it is beyond your imagination. Don't do anything stupid!"

Chen Shuan could not laugh at this scene. Now, except for himself, the rest of the people were either dead or turned into stone carvings.

Click click——

The sound fell.

Several stone carvings were smashed at the same time and turned into rubble everywhere!

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