It was more than nine o'clock the next morning.

Venus Hotel, Lin Chen's room.

Leng Hanyan is sitting on Lin Chen's bed, with a tangled face and a pout, just like a little girl, but no one can treat her as a little girl with her tall and sexy body.

"What is Lin Chen doing now? Is he busy? Will he be disturbed if he calls now? Will he think I am very upset?" Leng Hanyan murmured to herself.

Last night, Lin Chen called to say that he would not come back. Leng Hanyan naturally didn't say anything. Although she was a little disappointed, she was not a woman who asked the other party to stay with her all day.

When she woke up in the morning, she didn't see Lin Chen, but she was a little lost. She wanted to talk to him and wanted to know what he was doing, but she was afraid that he was busy and annoyed him. Leng Hanyan didn't know how to do it.

Leng Hanyan can already be regarded as an imperial sister, but this feeling of passionate love for a girl is the first time in her life.

She has been sitting on the bed for almost two hours. She hasn't eaten any food yet. She is tangled and sweet.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. Leng Hanyan's face showed a happy look. She was busy looking at the screen, but then she was disappointed. It was a strange call, not from Lin Chen.

"Hello, who is this, please?" Leng Hanyan said.

"Are you Leng Hanyan?" A sweet but cold female voice came from the other side.

"It's me. Who's calling, please?" Leng Hanyan frowned slightly. The other party's tone was really domineering.

"I'm Lin Chen's woman. I want to have a good talk with you. Also, I hope you don't tell Lin Chen that this is a matter between us women. I hope we can solve it by ourselves." The cold road opposite.

Leng Hanyan turned pale. Lin Chen told her that he had a woman. She always had the feeling that she was a junior. Now it seems that the other party's palace has come to her.

The other party didn't hear Leng Hanyan's reply, and said, "how dare you rob my man, but you dare not even meet me?"

Leng Hanyan, pale, bit her lips and said, "OK, I'll meet you. Where are you now?"


The rising sun was in the sky, and it was already noon.

Pinglan mountain ushered in a new day. Everything looked the same as yesterday. Who knows, just last night, the snake king who had harmed one side for hundreds of years had died.

After swallowing the snake king's blood essence in the middle of the night yesterday, Lin Chen felt that there was a powerful force running in his body. He quickly sat down with his knees crossed and operated the second level of the "Saint demon Xiaoyao Jue".

"Saint devil's untroubled formula" is extremely overbearing and can directly transform the internal power into its own use.

The fighting power of the snake king is comparable to that of the middle period of his birth. The power contained in the blood essence is extremely huge. Lin Chen didn't finish his training until this time.

"Although a large part of the power of the snake king's blood essence has been lost, even so, my strength now is much stronger than that of last night. I believe that in a short time, I will be able to enter the inborn middle stage. In addition, there is Huoyang grass refining the blood burning pill. Now, even if I stand in front of the inborn middle stage, I am not afraid!"

I feel that the second level of the "Saint demon Xiaoyao formula" has taken a big step forward. Lin Chen has a bright smile on his face. He is confident. Now even if he is standing in front of him in the middle of the congenital period and does not rely on external forces such as Dan medicine and acupuncture, he can compete with each other!

If you guessed right, there is only a thin line between now and the mid-term of congenital!

With the help of pills, the general inborn mid-term strong should not be their own opponent!

At this time, he got up to check the body of the snake king beside him.

Lin Chen digs out the snake gall after wasting some Kung Fu. The snake gall of the snake king is absolutely a good thing. Countless methods of using the snake gall have come to Lin Chen's mind.

As for the snake king's body, it still has some use value in general, but he is too lazy to take it away. He doesn't care whether it was eaten by beasts or found by drug farmers or hunters.

He didn't hurry back to the hotel, but went to liuxiaozhu's house again. After all, all the herbs he bought yesterday were still there.

Moreover, it would be very troublesome to refine the pills he needs when he returns to the hotel. He can't make the room full of drugs. It's very suitable for liuxiaozhu's family.

When Lin Chen finished everything and returned to the hotel, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening.

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is turned off."

Lin Chen frowned and listened to the voice coming from his mobile phone. At noon, he called lenghanyan. At that time, he prompted that the mobile phone was turned off. Now when he called, he said it was turned off.

Leng Hanyan, the chief physician of Yuehai people's Hospital, seldom shuts down her computer for fear of an emergency. Especially now that she is away on leave, she should always turn it on to facilitate contact.

Even if the cell phone is dead, it will be enough for her to recharge from noon to now.

Lin Chen felt a little uneasy in his heart. He hurried to his room. When he opened the door, he saw that there was no one inside. He went to lenghanyan's room and knocked on the door. There was no movement inside.

Lin Chen was even more upset. He went directly to Leng Hanyan's parents' room. After knocking on the door a few times, the door opened.

Lengzhenyu appeared in front of Lin Chen and asked with a smile, "Lin Chen, what's the matter?"

Lengzhenyu is extremely satisfied with the son-in-law in front of him. Besides, his wife said yesterday that his daughter has stayed in Lin Chen's room these two days. That is to say, Lin Chen has determined that she is the real family member.

"Uncle Leng, do you know where Han Yan has gone?" Lin Chen asked directly.

"She's not with you?" Leng Zhenyu was stunned. He thought that you still came to ask me. I should ask you. My daughter stays in your room all day. Even if she doesn't see her, I will go to you.

Lin Chen shook her head and said, "no, I didn't come back last night. At noon, I called Han Yan to remind her that it was turned off. Just now I called again, but it was still turned off. I looked for it. I didn't see anyone in my room and her room."

Lengzhenyu's face also changed. He knew his daughter's situation. Because of his work, he never turned off his phone. He was busy taking out his mobile phone and dialing Leng Hanyan's number. Sure enough, there was a prompt sound of turning off the phone.

"Han Yan has definitely had an accident. According to her character, if she goes out, she will tell us. Now her mobile phone can't get through. Something must have happened!"

Soon, all the cold family members were disturbed and began to look for them.

Lin Chen even called Wang Baiyun to ask him to use the strength of the Wang family to help find Leng Hanyan.

However, what made Lin Chen more anxious was that there was still no news about Leng Hanyan until about 10 p.m.

Lin Chen's face was hard to see the extreme, and his heart was heavy. If something happened to Leng Hanyan, it would be an unbearable blow to him.

At this time, wangbaiyun also came to the hotel and stood beside Lin Chen. He watched Lin Chen rarely smoke and was silent. His eyes looked like he was going to kill someone. The cold feeling made him shiver.

"Boss, we have also transferred the surveillance video of the hotel. My sister-in-law walked out of the hotel by herself. She should not have been captured." Wangbaiyun carefully said that Lin Chen at the moment gave him a feeling that although he was silent, he seemed to be ready to kill people at any time.

With that, he added: "boss, did you say it was the Ye family? After all, you have ruined yeboyan's legs before."

"Ye family?" Lin Chen's eyes flickered with cold light. Tomorrow is the day when ye Yiren and Qi Chenghan will have their wedding. Now, he naturally suspects the Ye family.

Not only the Ye family, but also the Xiang family and the Qi family are within the scope of his suspicion.

Lin Chen threw away his cigarette and walked out of the hotel.

"Boss, where are you going? You don't want to go directly to the Ye family? Don't mess around. The Ye family is so easy to break into!" Wangbaiyun was startled.

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