Lin Chen really plans to go directly to the Leng family. It is not his character to wait here all the time.

If the Ye family can't find anyone again, they will go to the Xiang family and the Qi family's nest. If they can't find lenghanyan, he will never give up. If these people take lenghanyan away, if lenghanyan is really hurt, they will all die!

No matter how powerful the power and financial resources are, they must use their lives to compensate!

I had planned to go to the wedding tomorrow, but now it seems to be ahead of schedule.

Wangbaiyun wants to stop Lin Chen. However, Lin Chen seems to be walking around. He doesn't see him running, but his speed is terrible. He disappears in the blink of an eye.

Wang Boyun was scared to death. As the eldest son of the Wang family, he naturally knew Lin Chen's performance at the martial arts meeting. At this time, he was still shocked to see Lin Chen's ghostly body method. The so-called inborn strong in his mind were all abnormal!

Lin Chen still knew where the Ye family's half mountain villas were. He went straight there. When he passed by the people, they couldn't see him clearly. They just thought it was a gust of wind.

After a few minutes, Lin Chen's mobile phone rang.

After looking at the caller ID, he frowned and danced. Why is this woman calling herself now?

"What's the matter?" Lin Chen answered the phone at the same time, but Xiang Huowu's words made him stop. His face was frosty.

"Lin Chen, Leng Hanyan is in our hands." Xiang Huo danced.

Lin Chen took a deep breath. He was too lazy to ask the other party how he caught Leng Hanyan and what he wanted to do. He said coldly, "how is she now? If you touch a hair of her, all the people in the Xiang family will die!"

Xiang Huowu was somewhat frightened by Lin Chen's cold words, and then glanced, "hum! You are so arrogant. If you want to save her, come to the Litian repair shop in the west of Huating district."

Although Lin Chen knew that the other party was calling, he was definitely waiting for him, but he was relieved. At least he knew where Leng Hanyan was.

"Well, I'll be right there. You can't touch her at all. Otherwise, I'll definitely make you regret it!"

After that, Lin Chen said in a deep voice: "also, I thought you were a bit arrogant, but you were actually a good person, so I had the idea of taking you as an apprentice. Now it seems that I made a mistake, and you really let me down."


"I -" Xiang Huowu wanted to say something, but there was a blind tone on his mobile phone, and the other party hung up directly.

Xiang Huowu was very depressed at this time. Lin Chen was astonished at the martial arts meeting, and even the elders of the Xiang family were trampled under his feet. No doubt, the Xiang family and he are now at odds.

Originally, Xiang Huowu didn't have much to worry about, and she didn't know Lin Chen very well. Now this guy has become enemies with the Xiang family and stepped on the Xiang family's face. As a child of the Xiang family, she has the responsibility to defend the dignity of the Xiang family and has nothing to do with Lin Chen.

However, it's really shameless for Lin Chen to attack Lin Chen's woman. In her opinion, since there is hatred, let's fight openly and honestly. Be happy with gratitude and hatred. Don't play any tricks!

Originally, her father also planned to directly attack Lin Chen to save the Xiang family face. However, Lin Chen somehow offended the Qi family.

The Xiang family and the Qi family have always been friends. The Qi family put forward a plan, but her father could not refuse it.

Therefore, the Xiang family sent an expert from the early days of their birth to help Qi Chenghan's people. Because she had been in contact with Lin Chen before, and the plan also needed a woman, she was called together.

According to the Qi family, Lin Chen had other women besides Leng Hanyan, so she was asked to pretend to be another woman of Lin Chen, pretend to look for Leng Hanyan, ask her out, and bring her uniform.

Xiang Huowu also felt that he did this and threatened each other with women, which was really disdainful. He was already a little annoyed. When Lin Chen said this, he was even more depressed and thought hard, hum! It's not your own fancy radish, otherwise, how can I cheat this woman out!

Seeing Xiang Huowu's face was not very good-looking, the man beside her frowned and said, "Miss Xiang, how about that boy now?"

Xiang Huowu looked at the one eyed middle-aged man in front of him and the evil looking men behind him. He was very contemptuous. He also said that the Red Devils mercenary regiment was very powerful, but he only dared to deal with others with intrigues. It was a group of cowards.

She did not have a good way: "all his women have been captured. Can he not come here? Is it difficult that everyone is a coward?"

At the same time, Xiang Huowu actually had some admiration for Lin Chen. As soon as he heard that his woman was here, he immediately came over. No matter how dangerous it was, he didn't even beat around the bush. He was really a man. No wonder he could step on several boats at the same time.

The one eyed dragon heard the taunt in Xiang Huowu's voice, and his eyes lit up with anger. However, considering the horror of the Xiang family, the girl in front of him was the daughter of the Xiang family owner. After all, he didn't say anything, but gave Xiang Huowu a cold look.

"Xiao Wu, how can you talk? You can't be so rude." An old man nearby said faintly. While talking, he was staring at the one eyed dragon. If the one eyed dragon dared to shoot Xiang Huowu, he would do it too.

This man is the inborn strong man of Xiang family, the second grandfather of Xiang Huowu, who came to help.

Xiang Huowu snorted and said nothing more.

"Boss, this woman is really good at Tai Chi. Anyway, it's estimated that she will be killed later. Why don't you let me play first? Looking at her, I feel a fire burning in my body." At the corner, a foreign blonde youth with feminine appearance swallowed his saliva and could not help but speak out.

Beside him was Leng Hanyan, who was tied like a rice dumpling, and her mouth was covered with tape. At this time, she was shaking her head in horror and making a purring sound.

She was so regretful that she called herself a fool. How could she be cheated here by the other party's mobile phone? Now, not only did she have an accident, but also hurt Lin Chen!

She would rather die now, so that she could keep her innocent body, and would not become a tool used by the other party to intimidate Lin Chen.

At present, this feminine looking foreign youth, from the moment he saw her, his greedy and obscene eyes had been looking at her.

The young man spoke English, but lenghanyan naturally understood it. She was scared to hear that the other party wanted to insult her. It was more frightening than killing her.

All of the Red Devils mercenary regiments are from their twenties to forties. They have Asian faces, white and black people. But the same thing is that they all have a fierce and fearless temperament, giving people a very fierce feeling and making people afraid of death.

Other big men couldn't help laughing when they heard what the young man said.

"The viper is out of control again. Ha ha!"

"This guy is a whore. He wants to play when he sees a beautiful woman. Last time he saw a woman in the Middle East, he directly killed the man. After playing with that woman, he was shot dead again. It's not a damn thing!"

"Fuck! Panther, did you play with that guy and that woman?"

"Ha ha! Well, everyone is the same. There is no man who doesn't like playing with women. But let's not say that this chick is really excellent. Look at her face. It's much more exquisite than the Chinese beauties she usually sees. It's just that she's still a mixed race. Her facial features are like carved ones. She's not like ordinary Chinese women. It's OK to look at the front, but not the side. Besides, she's really sexy. Ordinary Chinese women are so tall. They are almost all Chinese It's like a bamboo pole, but she can be so - "

"Shit! Black tiger, why do you say so much bullshit? Don't you want to do it too? A lot of chirps. Are you bored? Just play together!"

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