When the Viper saw that he was talking, the other big men were ready to move. He said in a hurry, "say yes first, I'll play first, and I'll come to you after I've had enough!"

The one eyed dragon had long been used to this situation. In his opinion, as long as the woman didn't die, there was nothing to play with. He laughed and scolded: "you guys can only play with women all day. Take it easy for me. You'll kill people later! Don't play dead. Maybe you can use it if you keep it."

The Viper looked happy when he heard the boss' permission. Hehe said with a smile: "boss, in fact, there is no need to threaten a Chinese man with a woman. There are two inborn strongmen here, and we are not vegetarians. When the boy comes, we can kill him directly. But you are worried that I won't kill this girl. I will give you a taste of it after washing it. Ha ha!"

"Hmm......" Leng Hanyan shook her head in horror, her eyes full of begging.

The Viper was even more excited when he saw it. "Beauty, don't be afraid. I'm much better than your Chinese man. You'll know what a real man is!"

With that, he was eager to untie Leng Hanyan's rope. After all, if she was tied, she couldn't take off her clothes, let alone have fun.

"Stop it! You'll be shameless!" Xiang Huowu rushed directly to Leng Hanyan, kicked away the poisonous snake's hand and stared at him coldly.

For such a man who wants to rape a woman, she feels disgusted when she looks at him!

"What do you mean? It's none of your business. Get out of here!" It's a good thing that the poisonous snake was disturbed. Although he knew that Xiang Huowu had a bad background, he still couldn't help scolding.

Xiang Huowu's eyebrows turned upside down and he was about to start.

"Miss Xiang, do you care too much?" The one eyed dragon squinted and stared at Xiang Huowu. His tone was not good. These people are always on the verge of life and death. They take money for their lives. They are not very good tempered. There is no room for a fire dance to be arrogant in front of them all the time.

"Little dance, come back!" Old man of the that family murmured.

"Second grandpa!" Xiang Huowu frowned, unwilling.

The old man looked coldly at the one eyed dragon and said, "this time, it is the joint action of our Xiang family and Qi family. I hope you can control yourself. If your inexplicable behavior affects this plan, you will definitely have no good fruit!"

The one eyed longan horn drew. As the leader of the Red Devils mercenary regiment, he was also a congenital strong man. For many years, this was the first time he was threatened, and his face immediately became angry. However, considering that the Xiang family behind the old man and the old man himself were not inferior to his strength, he did not explode after all.

With a gloomy face, the one eyed dragon looked at the poisonous snake indifferently and said, "well, kill the boy first, and then play with his woman."

"Boss, why are you afraid of the old man? He even threatened us. It's --" the poisonous snake was very unwilling and glared at the old man.

"Enough!" There was a fierce light in the one eyed longan, and he was also very unhappy. But after all, this was China, so he had to worry about it.

Seeing that the boss was angry, the poisonous snake shrank its head, and didn't dare to say anything. She stopped to solve the rope on Leng Hanyan, and her expression was very depressed.

Next, everything was ok, but a group of people from the Red Devils mercenary regiment were looking at Xiang Huowu and the Xiang family elders with some unkindness in their eyes.

After more than ten minutes, the poisonous snake leaning against the wall walked towards lenghanyan again.

"What are you going to do?" Xiang Huo danced angrily.

"Fuck you! Chick, do you care if I pee? I really think our Red Devils mercenaries are afraid of you, aren't they?" The poisonous snake said viciously.

At this time, other members of the Red Devils' mercenary regiment also stared at Xiang Huowu with cold light in their eyes, and the one eyed dragon's mouth was filled with a sneer. Obviously, if Xiang Huowu provoked them again, these outlaws who were not controlled at all at ordinary times might really want to fight with them.

To tell the truth, they really didn't pay attention to the young man who was coming. In their opinion, even if the two members of the Xiang family didn't come, it would have no impact on the action. They didn't need their help!

"Little dance, stop talking." The old man of the Xiang family murmured.

Xiang Huowu stared at the poisonous snake fiercely and didn't speak again. She also knew that if she said more, she might ruin the plan this time.

The poisonous snake snorted coldly, walked to Leng Hanyan, untied her waistband, and said with an obscene smile to Leng Hanyan: "beauty, come on, open your eyes carefully. I'm definitely more than your man, ha ha!"

Although there was no way to move the woman, the poisonous snake could not help but want to deal with her. He was lecherous. When he saw a beautiful woman, he would always feel a little uncomfortable if nothing happened.

Especially for such a top-notch girl, when she looked panicked, she had a special pleasure in her heart.

Leng Hanyan closed her eyes tightly. At this time, she also knew that the girl just now could not help herself. Even if she begged for such a person, she turned her head to the other side and did not look at the poisonous snake. Her body was shaking.

"Shit, what are you afraid of? Ha ha! Open your eyes and have a look. It will definitely surprise you!"

The Viper saw Leng Hanyan was so scared that her face turned pale, and her heart was even more happy. She laughed, and then stood directly next to Leng Hanyan, asking for a gun to discharge water.

"Fuck! Viper, you are too good at playing!"

"This boy is really abnormal. It can make him excited!"

"Isn't it? Look at that beautiful woman. She's scared to cry! Ha ha!"

"Don't say yet. Looking at her pure appearance, isn't she still a baby? I'm a little excited, too!"


The laughter and swearing of his companions were praise to him in the poisonous snake's ears, and he was even more proud, "how did I get abnormal? I'm emotional. You know shit!"

As he spoke, he reached out to take out the ugly thing. However, he did not wait for him to take it out.


A faint voice rang out.

"Be careful!" The one eyed dragon and the elder Xiang family changed their faces at the same time, and shouted loudly!

The Viper was stunned when he heard the sound, and then a sharp pain came from his underpants.


The poisonous snake let out a sharp scream, fell to the ground in pain, twitched, rolled, and turned white.


Another sound sounded, and the poisonous snake's body became stiff and did not breathe. However, he could not see any wounds on his body!

"What's going on! What's going on!" The Cyclops' pupils narrowed and roared.

The old man of the Xiang family held his breath and said nothing. He was sensing everything around him.

Others also changed their faces. Those Red Devils' mercenaries took out guns from their bodies in an instant. However, before they took any action, a small voice sounded.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Immediately, all the members of the red devil mercenary regiment fell to the ground and died instantly!

"No!!" The one eyed dragon is ready to split. These people are the elites of his red devil mercenary regiment. They are the capable generals in his hands. If they die, then he is the only bare rod commander left in the red devil mercenary regiment. It can be said that the red devil mercenary regiment has perished!

However, the voice, like death evoking souls, did not care how much he was shocked and angry, and sounded again.

Brush! Brush!

The one eyed dragon and the elder Xiang family both turned pale and reached forward like lightning. Then, a silver needle as thin as a hair appeared on their hands, glowing cold under the light.

The two of them broke out cold sweat on their foreheads at the same time. The two silver needles were shot at the temple of the one eyed dragon and the heart of the elder Xiang family. If they had been shot just now, they would have been killed instantly like other people!

They finally understood why the dead people could not see the wound, because the silver needle was so terrible that it directly shot into the bodies of those people!

"Yes, it's very quick. It's true that the inborn strong are not so easy to kill. However, you still have to die!" Lin Chen jumped down from one side of the window. His eyes looked like a ruthless hawk staring at the prey. But when he saw lenghanyan, who was scared to close her eyes, it turned into thousands of tenderness.

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