Leng Hanyan was a little strange when she heard the startling voice of the one eyed dragon and others. When she heard Lin Chen's voice, she trembled. She quickly opened her eyes and saw Lin Chen beside her. Her tears flowed down and her face was full of surprise.

She had thought that if she was caught, she would not only end her life, but also drag Lin Chen down. As a result, Lin Chen jumped down like a God. Those bad people, like clowns, were all wiped out by him.

"Well, Han Yan, it's all right." Lin Chen said softly.

"Yes." Leng Hanyan nodded, and her voice was still trembling. It was obvious that she had not come out of her previous panic.

Lin Chen felt a little distressed on her face. She grabbed the rope on her body with both hands and pulled it. The finger thick nylon rope was directly torn off.

"Wait a minute. I'll clean up these people and take you back."

Lin Chen said softly, and then looked at the one eyed dragon and the elder Xiang family. His eyes became cold again. "I said, you all have to die."

Then, he looked at Xiang Huowu, "as for you, you should be glad that Han Yan is all right. Otherwise, you will die."

Xiang Huowu tried to persuade him to leave after he killed Zhou Yi. Later, he wanted to buy his martial arts skills, but he didn't want to use them. To tell the truth, he didn't hate this girl who always looked arrogant. However, now the other party is involved in the kidnapping of lenghanyan. If something happens to lenghanyan, he will never show mercy.

Xiang Huowu has been scared silly by Lin Chen's methods. Although the members of the red devil mercenary regiment are not inborn strong, there are threeorfour people who reach the peak the day after tomorrow. However, these people don't even have time to react, so they are directly killed by Lin Chen!

She has a feeling that Lin Chen seems to have become stronger than that day at the ancient martial arts conference, but it has only been twoorthree days. How could he have become stronger!

It's impossible!

In her opinion, this is undoubtedly an illusion!

However, listening to Lin Chen's extremely cold words, she was still scared and couldn't help stirring up spirits, as if facing a demon.

"Damn you, boy! You dare to kill my people! You really deserve to die. I will kill you, play with your woman, and send her to a foreign country to be a prostitute, so that everyone can play with your woman!" The one eyed dragon roared madly, and his eyes were extremely venomous. Lin Chen ruined his efforts over the years. He could hardly wait to eat Lin Chen raw.

The elder of the Xiang family said coldly, "young man, I have to admit that your concealed weapon Kung Fu is very good. Even I almost got caught, and my concealed Kung Fu is also good. I didn't realize you had arrived. But with these two examples, you can't win in the frontal fight. Besides, we have two congenital early days."

The old man seems very confident. Although Lin Chen defeated Xiang pingning, Xiang's parents at the martial arts meeting, the old man is the second strongest member of the Xiang family, much stronger than Xiang pingning. Besides, there is a one eyed dragon with the same strength as him!

Together, the two of them, even in the face of the congenital mid-term strong, can also compete, not to mention a boy in his early twenties!

No matter how talented this person is, there is a limit!

"You don't have to do anything. Let me kill him! I'll kill him myself and let him bury my brothers!"

The one eyed dragon has a violent killing intention. He is a famous one eyed devil in the world. Although his concealed weapon Kung Fu is amazing, even more terrible than bullets, he is definitely not his opponent in his opinion!

The old man heard what the one eyed Dragon said and nodded slightly. He knew something about the one eyed dragon's skills. In his opinion, there should be no problem dealing with Lin Chen. Even if he really couldn't, he would just go together.

In their eyes, Lin Chen must die.

Lin Chen said lightly, "are you sure you don't want to go together?"

The one eyed dragon scoffed and said, "boy, you are arrogant. I am more than enough to deal with you alone! Don't think you are also a strong man in the early days of your life. You can compare with me in the same realm. Your strength can also be far different. My skills have been trained with countless lives, not a little fellow like you!"

"Really? You are right about one thing, that is, the same realm, the strength can be very different." Lin Chen said.

The one eyed Dragon said proudly, "you know, I've learned all the killing skills. Where can you compare your fancy moves!"

Lin Chen said impatiently, "stop talking nonsense. If you want to start, hurry up. I will send you to accompany your men. They should be waiting for you!"

"Hum! I don't know what to do!" The one eyed dragon smiled grimly and rushed to Lin Chen's eyes in an instant. He hit Lin Chen's temple with an elbow, which was very cruel. His move was a killing move. This time, he was hit, even if he was an expert at the early stage of his life, he might die directly!

For top mercenaries like Cyclops, moves are not important to them, and there is no competition between them. Every move is for killing.

Lin Chen could feel that the one eyed dragon was really better than the elder of Xiang family at the martial arts meeting. His moves were more fierce and ferocious, and his momentum was more terrifying. But even so, it was still nothing to him today.

He moved his feet and dodged the attack. The one eyed longan God was cold and missed. He suddenly raised his knees and hit Lin Chen's belly.

Lin Chen smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth. The palm of his left hand immediately blocked the other party's knee, and his shoulder hit the one eyed dragon's chest!


The Cyclops was knocked back a few steps. It felt as if he had been hit hard on his chest by a big hammer. For a moment, he was out of breath. His face immediately became ugly.

It's easy to know which one is stronger or weaker after the master's moves. Although there were only a few moves just now, Lin Chen was obviously better than him in terms of strength and speed.

This made a storm in his heart. The man in front of him was young and even more powerful than him. He had been in the international mercenary world for many years, but he had never seen such a terrible young man.

What a monster!

Lin Chen didn't give him any time to be surprised. He took advantage of the victory to chase after the one eyed dragon. His fists were smashed at the one eyed dragon like a storm. It was like waving two hammers.

The one eyed dragon was in a hurry and tried to protect his brain. However, he was still hit by Lin Chen and his blood surged. He felt that his hand bones were about to be broken. However, he just said that he wanted to solve Lin Chen alone. He looked so arrogant that he now asked him to ask the elder Xiang family for help. He was really embarrassed.

Suddenly, he was careless, and Lin Chen hit his one eye with a fist!


The one eyed dragon screamed. If he hadn't reacted quickly and moved his head, his eyes would have been smashed by Lin Chen. Even so, at this time, his eyes were too painful to open and his vision was blurred. If he hadn't been treated in time, he would no longer be the one eyed dragon, but would have become blind.

In the blurred vision, seeing that Lin Chen's fist was about to hit his head, the one eyed dragon's scalp was numb with fear.

Seeing Lin Chen's terror, he did not dare to trust him any more. He quickly shouted: "Mr. Xiang, you should hurry up! Otherwise, you will be the only one, and you will not be the opponent of this boy!"

The elder Xiang family was terrified to see him nearby. The young man was really too strong, which was beyond his expectation. If he didn't do it again, maybe the plan would really fail tonight!

He is so terrible at a young age. It is impossible to imagine the future. Fortunately, he can be killed tonight. Otherwise, when he grows up, it will be a disaster to the Xiang family!

The old man didn't talk nonsense either. He rushed to Lin Chen's side in an instant and chopped Lin Chen's back head with a hand knife!

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