Xuanyan Gushu was shocked. In his eyes, the leader of Menglan chamber of Commerce was just a little person. He didn't pay much attention to him, but unexpectedly, he was stronger than Lin Chen. It was incredible.

After the shock, he calmed down a little and noticed something wrong.

"There is no doubt that his previous breath is the great perfection of the immortal realm, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. But now, I can't detect his breath at all. Is this guy really stronger than me? Was it his disguise before? But this is impossible! What is the point of a monk who is at least at the top of the supreme realm pretending to be the leader of such a chamber of Commerce? "

Xuanyan ancient tree turned his head to look at cassia, and found that Cassia's face was very flat. He jumped in his heart and looked at Guan Qingyang flying from the sky. When he saw those eyes, his heart trembled again.

Although his appearance has been completely different, he seems to have some evil spirit in this calm, and some cynical eyes. He is really too familiar with it!

'it's him! He has become the head of the mon Lam chamber of Commerce, but why did he do that? "

Xuanyan Gu Shu suddenly realized that Lin Chen did this for fear that Guan Qingyang would be killed on the spot, which would disturb the Li family in the strange space.

'what a cunning little devil! What doesn't affect others is bullshit. He planned everything from the beginning! " The dark path in the heart of Xuanyan ancient tree.

People in Menglan city took it for granted that Lin Chen could not defeat Guan Qingyang. They knelt down honestly and looked at Guan Qingyang with fear.

"Your accomplice has been killed by me. I advise you not to resist. Otherwise, you will all die! Follow me back and maybe you can save your life."

When Guan Qingyang was about to reach the ground, he stopped and looked at cassia and Xuanyan ancient trees. He said coldly, but his voice could not tell a clue.

"Yes, I'll go back with you." Cassia is very cooperative with the tunnel.

Chen Shuan smiled triumphantly and said, "as I said, you are looking for death if you fight with the Menglan chamber of Commerce!"

Several elders of the Menglan chamber of Commerce smiled. They seemed to have expected such an outcome long ago. They all showed lightness and lightness.

"Lord leader, this family sheltered some foreign guys, so they should also be taken back. We can't forgive them lightly. If people like them don't make an example of others, I'm afraid no one will follow the rules set by our Menglan chamber of Commerce in the future!"

Chen Shuan pointed to the bloodless tengluo couple and the child in the woman's arms who was scared to cry again. His face was fierce. It was obvious that he did not intend to let them go.

With that, Chen Shuan found that the leader's eyes seemed to fall on him, and it was cold?

He looked at Guan Qingyang. Guan Qingyang looked away and said faintly, "since that's the case, take the three of them with you!"

Chen Shuan secretly laughed at his suspicions. He quickly flattered him and said, "Your Excellency is wise!"

"You lead the way in front, and I stare at these guys in the back. Their strength is estimated to be not weak. If they use any tricks in the dark, I will stare at them. They can't turn the world with their heads and arms."

"Guan Qingyang" said to several elders.

Several elders were moved when they heard the speech. The leader was thinking about us. They were busy leading the way. "Guan Qingyang" followed with cassia, Xuanyan ancient tree and Zilan.

"What are you waiting for? If you don't hurry up, do you want to die now?"

Chen Shuan looked at tengluo and said with a grim smile.

Tengluo looked despairing and followed up with his wife and children. Chen Shuan sneered, stared at them and returned to Menglan chamber of Commerce.

He thought to himself that although several of his subordinates died this time, he should have done meritorious service!

The strength of the previous man was even stronger than that of elder Lei Kong. There were more or less good things in the person with that strength, and the value was far greater than that of the dead wastes.

Plus his companions, he is definitely a great achievement!

After going back, the leader should give himself some rewards. Maybe I can ask for some more?

Thinking of this, he looked at Cassia in front of him, his eyes full of desire.

It was not until the "Guan Qingyang" group disappeared for a long time that the people kneeling on the ground dared to get up and talk about what happened today. They wondered how Guan Qingyang was so powerful that he destroyed the mysterious and powerful youth in a short time!

After today, Guan Qingyang's image in their mind has grown a bit higher, which also makes them more afraid, like a demon God who can never be defeated.

The Menglan chamber of commerce is located in the north of Menglan City, and there are dozens of buildings connected together.

Under the leadership of several elders, the "Guan Qingyang" group came to the hall of high-level discussion at ordinary times.

"You guys go down first."

"Guan Qingyang" motioned several elders to leave. He thought of something and added, "inform the following people that all businesses related to the slave trade of the Menglan chamber of Commerce will be temporarily suspended from today."

Seeing the astonished expressions of several elders, he explained: "you all know what is happening in the 'Taiyi divine domain'. It is still uncertain which supreme divine domain will take over our area in the future. It is better to keep a low profile before making good relations with the new receiver!"

Although Menglan city is located in the desert, its business is spread all over the surrounding cities. It is impossible for these high-level officials not to know what happened in the "Taiyi divine domain".

Sure enough, hearing Lin Chen's explanation, several elders showed a sudden look.

"Ha ha! You are considerate, leader. Indeed, before the situation stabilizes again, it is better not to act rashly. If you are too high-profile, you may be unhappy to take over the supreme realm here." An elder agreed with the tunnel.

Several other elders echoed, and no one doubted anything.

Soon, several elders stepped down. "Guan Qingyang" looked at Chen Shuan, who still hadn't left, and said faintly, "do you have anything to say?"

Chen Shuan was speechless. You should have something to say. Do you want to reward me?

Since you don't mention it, I have no choice but to say it myself!

He said with a smile: "today's event, although I can say that I have experienced a near death crisis, I am willing to die even if I can obtain benefits for the Menglan chamber of Commerce!"

He glanced at cassia and said with a smile: "I just hope my strength can become stronger and make more contributions to the chamber of Commerce. At present, there is a bottleneck in my cultivation. I wonder if you can give me some small pills, chief.

In addition, I know that you have always been a bad girl, and this woman should finally be auctioned. Before that, can you let her serve me for a while? "

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