Chen Shuan's voice fell, and the scene was eerily quiet.

Cassia looked at him coldly with an angry expression.

Xuanyan ancient tree looked at Chen Shuan in surprise. He really didn't expect that there were still people looking for death to this extent.

Instead, the tengluo couple, while silent, looked at Cassia sympathetically. In their view, Guan Qingyang might really agree to this condition. Even if he didn't agree to this condition, cassia's fate would not be much better.

When Chen Shuan finished, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Before he could detect anything, he heard the "crack" sound of shattered bones coming from the body of "Guan Qingyang" and the flesh wriggling. It looked very frightening.

As Guan Qingyang's appearance and figure began to change, he gradually became another person, and Chen Shuan's eyes widened.

"Would you repeat what you just said?"

Looking at Chen Shuan, who was too frightened to speak, and Lin Chen, who had recovered his appearance, said with a smile.

"You, you --" Teng Luo's wife pointed to Lin Chen and was so scared that she almost lost her voice. Teng Luo covered her mouth and whispered, "don't make a sound. Be careful to attract the elders of Menglan chamber of Commerce!"

In fact, his reaction was no better than his wife. Looking at Lin Chen in front of him, his eyes were almost falling out.

It seems that he is more sober than his wife, but he is also a little confused. Otherwise, as long as he has some logic ability, he can think that Lin Chen can kill Guan Qingyang, so he doesn't have to be afraid of the elders at all.

Besides, as long as Lin Chen doesn't want to, no matter how loud the people in the room are, the outside world can't hear them.


Chen Shuan fell to the ground, sweating all over, as if he had been soaked in water. He was busy getting up and kneeling in front of Lin Chen, pleading: "Rao -"

Before he finished speaking, a black flame lit up on his body. In the blink of an eye, the whole person turned into ashes, and his form and spirit were all destroyed. Even a scream was too late.

"What about the head of the monglan chamber of Commerce?" Cassia was not interested in seeing Chen Shuan more and looked curiously at Lin Chen.

Tongyuan Ding flew out of the space ring on Lin Chen's hand, and Guan Qingyang immediately flew out of the space ring. He looked dull and looked like a human puppet. Where did he have any authority when he first appeared.

Seeing a big living man flying out of the small tripod, tengluo and his wife stared round again. It was as if their son saw something funny. They opened their dark eyes and giggled.

Lin Chen looked at Guan Qingyang and felt a little funny. This guy was not even the supreme one. He really wanted to compete with himself. As a result, he was knocked unconscious by his own slap.

"Do you know that there are many Li people living in a different place in the desert?" After catching Guan Qingyang, Lin Chen did not have time to ask him. At this time, he directly interrogated Guan Qingyang.

Cassia and Xuanyan's eyes fell on Guan Qingyang.

Guan Qingyang nodded dully, "I know."

Hearing this, Lin Chen was overjoyed and continued to ask. He soon learned all the information he wanted to know from Guan Qingyang.

Guanqingyang not only knows that some Li people live in this desert, but also has business contacts with the Li family.

The so-called business contacts, to be precise, are that every once in a while, the Li family will come to Menglan city to take away the slaves he prepared in advance. It is precisely because of this that the Menglan chamber of commerce can get the support of the Li family and get along well.

Even Guan Qingyang knew the exact location of Li's strange space.

According to him, two days ago, it was supposed to be the time for the Li family to come and take away the slaves he had prepared. But somehow, the Li family, which used to be very punctual, still hasn't come after two days.

He also went to the place where Li Jiayi's space was located. Although he didn't know how to enter it, he knew how to contact the people inside.

In the past, after he contacted the people inside, someone showed up soon. But this time, after contacting, he waited for most of the day. No one came out of the room and there was no response.

Hearing this, cassia couldn't help but say: "could it be that the mysterious force also found that some Li family members live here, and speculated that Li Mo is hiding in a different space. We're a little late, and all the Li family members in the different space have died?"

Lin Chen asked Guan Qingyang if there were any signs of fighting at the entrance of the strange space. After he got the negative answer, he shook his head and said:

"I don't think so. They only attacked the Supreme Master and didn't hurt other people in the holy city, including the Li family over there. It can be inferred that they won't kill all the Li family here.

I think it might be that Li Mo is hiding in a different space. Because he is afraid of being found, no one is allowed to go in and out for a short time, and the different space is completely closed! "

"What are you waiting for? Since Li Mo is in a different space, let's go there now. Don't let him run away!" Xuanyan ancient tree is busy.

Lin Chen looked at him and said with a sneer, "are you expecting that we will catch Li Mo, or are you expecting that after we meet Li Mo, he will defeat me, and then you can pick up your life?"

"I... I didn't think so much. Aren't we looking for information about Li Mo? Since we have found it, we must take action. Otherwise, in case he runs away again..."

Xuanyan Gushu smiled awkwardly, and found that Lin Chen's eyes were getting colder and colder, and his voice was getting smaller and smaller. Finally, he closed his mouth honestly, and felt that all his thoughts had been seen through.

Lin Chen's words were like a basin of cold water on Cassia's head.

At this time, she also remembered that even though Li Mo was not the opponent of the mysterious forces, it was not difficult to deal with them.

Even if they have his clues, their strength is not enough to get things back!

"The more you feel urgent, the less you should worry. Otherwise, you will lose your life if you are not careful.

We are not Li Mo's opponents, and we know nothing about the situation in different spaces. Unless there is a familiar person to lead the way, otherwise, we must not rush in. "

Lin Chen tried to calm himself down and thought, "we can only wait! Wait for the Li family to come out of the different space. When they come here, we can learn from each other whether Li Mo is in the different space or not, and ask the specific situation in the different space.

During this time, I just absorbed the remaining pills. In this way, my strength will be improved again. Even in case of any emergency, it has stronger response ability! "

Although Cassia was anxious, she also knew that Lin Chen's decision was right. She prayed that the Li family would come to Menglan city as soon as possible.

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