In Lin Chen's opinion, Li Lingyu came at the right time. He had been in Tongyuan Ding for more than half a year.

Over the past few years, he absorbed and transformed all the remaining holy elixir and holy treasure elixir. Although it is still the peak of the holy realm, its realm and strength have been greatly improved.

He was a little distressed. What should he do next.

Without the "divine prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map", he is still not sure to deal with Li mo. even if Li Mo is really in that different space, and he can sneak into it smoothly, it is still unlikely to snatch back the "divine prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map".

However, the probability of his own death at the hands of the other party is higher.

In this case, knowing that Li Mo was seriously injured and his strength was greatly damaged, Lin Chen could not have missed this opportunity anyway. Otherwise, he might have to work hard for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years before he could be sure to deal with Li mo.

After deciding what to do next, Lin Chen and cassia immediately plan to leave Menglan City, but before that, he will do something for the people of Menglan city.


In a shabby house, a man in his early thirties looked despondent. Beside the broken wine bottle, he sat on the wall with his back against the wall, his eyes numb.

Inside, there was an old woman and a little girl of three or four years old.

The little girl was held in her arms by the old woman. She was crying loudly. She shouted: "wuwuwuwuwu - mother! I want my mother. Grandma, would you go and find my mother? Xiaoyao will not be naughty again. Would you help me find my mother? Wuwuwuwu -"

Listening to the little girl's cry, the old woman wiped her tears with the corners of her clothes. Her eyes were red and swollen like two peaches because of too many tears.

She held her granddaughter tightly in her arms and looked at her son who was worse off than death. She felt heartache and cried and scolded:

"The dog who killed thousands of dollars will be punished sooner or later! Sooner or later, God will have eyes. Without a good thing, the Menglan chamber of Commerce will come to no good end!"

Just half a day ago, several members of their family were planning to buy new clothes for their children in the market. The children were so naughty that they accidentally bumped into a passer-by. They apologized quickly.

I thought it was not a big deal. Unexpectedly, the other party was a member of the Menglan chamber of Commerce. After a lot of abuse, he captured the mother of the child.

The father of the child naturally tried to stop it. As a result, he was beaten half to death and threatened. If he dared to pester again, he would kill both the child and the old man!

For more than half a year, the Menglan chamber of commerce did not know why it stopped selling slaves. This was good for many people, but it also brought some trouble to the people of Menglan city.

Most of the oil and water of the Menglan chamber of Commerce came from the slave trade. Once the business stopped, it was good at first. After a long time, it had a great impact on the people of the Menglan chamber of Commerce.

Without income, the people of Menglan chamber of commerce are naturally unhappy. It is inevitable that they will cause trouble. In addition, in the past, their lust for animals was vented on beautiful female slaves.

Basically, they took advantage of those female slaves before selling them. But now the Menglan chamber of Commerce has stopped the slave trade, so the opportunity to take advantage of them has naturally disappeared.

They turned their sights on the women in the city.

During this time, there has been more than one case that people of the Menglan chamber of Commerce directly robbed women in the street. As for what would happen if those women fell into the hands of the animals of the Menglan chamber of Commerce, you don't have to think about it!

When the house was gloomy and crying, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a woman in plain clothes rushed in.

Seeing this woman, the three people in the room were stunned.

"Sobbing sobbing - Mom! Mom, you're back. I thought you didn't want Xiao Yao anymore. Sobbing sobbing -"

The little girl came out of her grandmother's arms, ran to the woman crying, and jumped into her arms.

The woman held her tightly in her arms, but she was also bitter.

"Yun'er! Is it really you? How did you escape from the Menglan chamber of Commerce?"

The man was ecstatic. Even though he was puzzled, his wife was just an ordinary person. She was not a powerful monk at all. How could she escape from the Menglan chamber of Commerce?

The woman walked to the man with the child in her arms. Seeing his haggard appearance, she was so distressed that she pulled him up and let him sit on the chair. Then she was excited:

"It was an adult who saved me. He not only saved me, but also killed the members of the monglan chamber of Commerce who wanted to insult me, and... He also apologized to me."


"Well, he said that he was careless. If he had thought that the people of the Menglan chamber of Commerce would mess around in the city, such a thing would not have fallen on me. He not only saved me, but also saved other people in the Menglan chamber of Commerce!"

When a woman talks about the apology between the other party and herself, she also feels like a dream. She really didn't expect that such a big man would apologize to herself.

"Do you know who that adult is? Benefactor! He is the benefactor of our family!" The man looked grateful.

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't know who he is. However, I have seen him. He is the mysterious young man who fought with the leader of the Menglan chamber of commerce more than half a year ago!"

"Is that him? Isn't he dead?" The man was stunned.

The woman gave him a white look and poked him on the forehead: "don't speak ill of the benefactor! What can't die? We should pray that the benefactor will never die!

I don't know what happened in the first place, but it's probably not what we saw. The winner of that war may not have been the leader of the Menglan chamber of Commerce, but the benefactor. "

"Yes, yes! The benefactor will never die. We will set up a stone tablet for him and pray for him day and night!" The man put the woman in his arms and said with a simple smile.

Just then, there were bursts of sharp voices outside the door.

"Fire! The monglan chamber of commerce is on fire!"

"Black flame! Hahaha! Is this the divine punishment that God finally failed to see? Hahaha! It deserves it. It really deserves it!"


When they ran out of the house, they saw the direction where the Menglan chamber of Commerce was located. The houses belonging to the Menglan chamber of commerce were all in flames without exception.

The flame seemed to be spiritual. It only burned the buildings of the Menglan chamber of Commerce. The houses next to each other had nothing to do.

At the same time.

Outside the gate of Menglan city.

Tengluo's family of three are seeing Lin Chen off.

"Your Excellency, did you kill all the members of the Menglan chamber of Commerce?" Tengluo looked at the skyrocketing flames in the city and asked curiously.

"At first, I didn't want to kill all of them, but after my interrogation, I found that none of them were innocent. In that case, I can only let all of them die."

Lin Chen looked at cassia, who was holding the tengluo family's children. She was reluctant to part with them. She said that she had stayed in the Tongyuan Ding for more than half a year. Cassia was helping to guard outside and often contacted the tengluo family. Unexpectedly, she had a good relationship with the little one.

The little boy's eyes were full of tears, and he was clearly unwilling to let Cassia leave.

Just as Cassia was about to return the little boy to tengluo, the little boy wiped his tears, looked at cassia and said:

"Elder sister, you should remember to come back with Lord Lin Chen in the future. Although they don't know anything, they can still help you and Lord Lin Chen take care of your children. I can take your little brother and sister to play. I know a lot of interesting games!"

Cassia looked at Lin Chen and stared at him.

Lin Chen took a swipe at the corner of his mouth. He looked wronged and said with a wry smile, "don't pour any dirty water on me. I really didn't teach him to say such words!"

Then he looked at the little boy and said with a smile, "after that, please help us take care of our children."

The little boy nodded with satisfaction on his face, raised his head and held out his chest, as if to say that I am very reliable. Just give it to me.

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