The scorching sun scorched the earth, and the yellow sand danced all over the sky. Heaven and earth seemed like a huge furnace, burning everything into coke.

Lin Chen and his party stood several tens of meters above a certain place in the desert.

"The different space of your Li family is right here?" Lin Chen looked at the dreamland around him. He didn't see anything different from other places in the desert. The ground was a rugged desert. There was nothing else.

"Yes." Li Lingyu nodded dully.

"Where is the entrance?" Lin Chen asked.

Li Lingyu looked straight down. His hands were sealed. The wind was blowing in the heaven and earth. There was a huge vortex in the desert below. The speed of the vortex was faster and faster.

As if a sandstorm were coming, the sight was full of yellow sand.

After a while, a huge pit tens of meters deep, hundreds of meters in diameter, appeared below. At the bottom of the pit, there was an ancient altar.

Seeing the altar, Lin Chen was surprised and said, "unexpectedly, the entrance is hidden in the depths of the desert without any marks. It's quite secret! Open the entrance."

The last sentence is for Li Lingyu.


Li Lingyu bit his finger and drew a small array like pattern in mid air. He patted the pattern made of blood down and integrated it into the altar.

Soon, cracks appeared on the surface of the altar. It turned around the center like a whirlpool. A black hole appeared at the center.

The black hole is getting bigger and bigger, like a space-time tunnel leading to nowhere.

The wind is stronger, and the yellow sand blocks the view. The wind is like the roar of wild animals, which shocks people's soul. There are terrible energy fluctuations coming from the tunnel.

Just as Lin Chen stared at the bigger and bigger entrance, when she was happy, cassia, who was beside her, said in a startled voice: "Lin Chen, Xuanyan ancient tree, he ran away with his maid!"


High in the desert, two figures continue to move forward, one man and one woman. The man's face is uneasy. From time to time, he looks back at his back. The woman holds the man's arm tightly, fearing that he might abandon him.

Xuanyan ancient tree escaped hundreds of miles. Seeing that Lin Chen didn't come after him, he was a little relieved, but still didn't stop.

This time, instead of moving on, he turned his direction and dived into the desert below. He dived to tens of thousands of meters underground before stopping and hiding in a narrow space deep underground.

"Hahaha! That guy didn't catch up with me. It's true that heaven never stops me. I'm really lucky. It's not so easy to die! One day, the boy will die in my hands!"

Xuanyan was ecstatic in the heart of the ancient tree.

When Li Lingyu opened the entrance just now, the yellow sand covered the sky and completely blocked his sight. He immediately chose to run for his life while Lin Chen and cassia were paying attention to the entrance.

His original plan was to take Lin Chen and cassia to meet Li Mo, and then let Li Mo clean up these two guys.

However, it never occurred to me that Li Mo was seriously injured. If these two guys could really solve Li mo after entering the different space, they would definitely die.

What's more, he already knew that according to the kid's cunning and cautious character, it was almost impossible for him to kill him with the help of Li mo. at present, he had no other way but to find a chance to escape.

I thought that the boy was much faster than me. It was unlikely that I wanted to escape. I just took a risk. Unexpectedly, I really succeeded!

"It seems that all the attention of the boy is on the altar. I think he is thinking about the plan after entering, so he is completely unaware of my action.

Or maybe he noticed my move, but he wanted to get back his treasure faster than chasing me, so he didn't chase me! "

No matter what the reason is, they have already escaped from heaven!

"My Lord, they... They won't catch up?" Purple LAN held Li Lingyu's arm tightly, with a face of weakness and fear, which made people feel pity.

In fact, Xuanyan Gushu didn't plan to take her to run for her life at first.

It was just that the woman held his arm from beginning to end for fear of being dumped by him, so he would take him with him when he ran for his life.

At the thought of Zilan's determination to himself, Xuanyan Gushu was quite proud. It's not difficult for a powerful monk to have so many women, but it's not so easy to have such determination to himself and so obsessed.

This is enough to prove how amazing your charm is!

He smiled and comforted, "don't worry. If we were to catch up, they would have caught up. Now we are hiding here. Basically, it can be regarded as 100 -"

Before he could say the word "safety", there was a loud bang from above, and a passage appeared. Two figures flew from the passage and appeared in front of him.

Lin Chen asked with a smile, "what happened? You are 100% dead. Are you right?"

The ancient tree Xuanyan was stunned and said angrily: "no way! I have been hiding in such a place. How can you find it? When I ran for my life just now, I used my means to erase the residual air and underground breath. It's impossible!"

Cassia did not open her mouth. She stood beside Lin Chen and stared at him coldly.

"If I had to rely on myself, unless I stopped you at the beginning, you might have run away. The reason why I could find you out after a period of time was that someone helped me." Lin Chen smiled.

"Help? Who?" Xuanyan Gushu knew that the man in the other party's mouth was not Cassia. Even the boy couldn't find out himself, and the woman couldn't.

But who else could there be besides Cassia?

Those Li family members who fell into his hands?

impossible! How can you be such a waste of the young generation of Li family!

Xuanyan ancient tree racked his brains, but he couldn't figure out who the other party's helper was.

Lin Chen picked his eyebrows, but he didn't want to answer him.

"It's me!"

At this moment, the purple LAN holding Xuanyan ancient tree tightly opened her mouth, the tenderness and cowardice on her face disappeared, and the eyes looking at Xuanyan ancient tree were full of resentment.

At the moment, she still holds Xuanyan ancient tree tightly, but it gives people the feeling that she is not afraid of being dumped by Xuanyan ancient tree, but afraid of Xuanyan ancient tree escaping!

Xuanyan turned his head to purple LAN with a stiff neck and said, "why, why do you want to help him deal with me? When did you get bribed by him?"

Lin Chen looked at Purple LAN curiously.

He did not bribe Zilan, and there was no communication between them. He also wondered why the other party wanted to help him.

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