The wind was blowing violently, and the tornado flew high into the sky with the yellow sand. The ancient altar appeared again in front of Lin Chen and Cassia in a short time.

The entrance of the space-time tunnel also appeared again. This time, there was no accident. Under the leadership of Li Lingyu, Lin Chen and cassia also jumped into it.

In front of me, there is a thick darkness, and my body keeps falling!

"After you go inside, do as I tell you. If I want to include you in the Tongyuan cauldron, don't hesitate. You just need to cooperate with me."

Lin Chen whispered.

"OK." Cassia nodded. On important matters, she would never make trouble with Lin Chen. She knew what she should do.

After a while, a light appeared below, like the window of a black room opened, or the exit of the dark world.

It was a gap in space, and Lin Chen flew out of it together.

"The different space where the Li family lives may not be as prosperous as the city of Taiyi Shenyu, but it is estimated that it is much better than the city of Menglan."

Lin Chen whispered to himself and looked ahead, but he was stunned. The scene in front of him was completely different from what he imagined. It didn't match prosperity at all, or it was just a piece of ruins!

Cassia, too, was numb.

The area of this strange space was very large. With the eyesight of Lin Chen and cassia, they could not see the end for a while. In the distance, a city came into their sight.

The area of the city is larger than that of Menglan city. In terms of scale, it is not much different from the place where they imagined Li's family lived.

The key is that the city has been burned to ruins, blackened and covered with ruins.

"Is this really a different space for your Li family?" Lin Chen returns to his senses. His eyes are full of shock. He looks at Li Lingyu. Although he thinks that the other party is controlled by himself and will never lie, he is still unbelievable.

"Yes." Li Lingyu nodded in a dull voice.

"What... What the hell is going on?" Cassia said in surprise.

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "since this is where the Li family lives, it must be a prosperous place. From the fact that the Li family needs many slaves to serve, we can see that this is a group of guys who are greedy for pleasure. As for the reason why they are like this..."

At this point, Lin Chen couldn't go on, because he couldn't figure out why.

However, it can be judged that Li Lingyu was still thinking of going to Menglan city to find slaves, which means that there was no accident here when they left!

So who, or which force, brought such a disaster to the Li family?

"It doesn't matter to me who did it. The key is, where is Li Mo? Maybe the opposite party is coming for Li Mo?"

Lin Chen's heart thumped. He didn't care about Li Mo's life or death. The problem was that the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" were still in Li Mo's hands!

"Take us to the place where your grandfather is closed for healing!" He looked at Li Lingyu and ordered.


Under the leadership of Li Lingyu, Lin Chen and cassia soon entered the city which had turned into ruins.

On the ground, there are not only burnt ruins, but also many burnt bodies, some of which have been turned into ashes, and some of which are relatively intact.

On the faces of some corpses, there was a look of consternation and confusion. It seemed that they did not know what had happened until they died.

Lin Chen and cassia seemed cautious and nervous with each step.

If the people or forces that brought the Li family disaster are still hidden here, they may also face a crisis.

In this case, we really have to be careful.

Li Lingyu takes Lin Chen and cassia to the front of a building in the middle of the city.

The damage of this building is more serious than that of the surrounding buildings. There is no complete wall, and the ground is sunken with huge cracks. Obviously, a terrible battle has broken out here!

Perhaps it was this terrible battle that affected the whole city that caused the current situation.

Lin Chen and cassia released their thoughts, almost digging three feet to investigate, but they did not find the trace of Li Mo at all.

"Either he has been killed and his form and spirit have been destroyed! Either he has been captured or he has escaped." Lin Chen's face was very ugly. He not only failed to find Li Mo, but also failed to find the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map".

In either case, the two treasures are no longer here.

He went to Menglan city for more than half a year, but in the end he got nothing. No matter how good his mood was, he couldn't keep calm.

If Li Mo escapes, he will surely hide in a more hidden place. It will undoubtedly become more difficult for him to find out!

If the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" fall into the hands of Li Mo's enemy, he doesn't even know who his enemy is, and there is no clue.

Lin Chen was anxious, and his brain seemed to be a mess of paste. He was extremely irritable.

"Calm down. I remember you said that the more urgent it is, the more you should keep calm. No matter how long it takes to get the 'Divine prison tower' back, I will always be with you."

At this time, Lin Chen felt a little cold hand holding his hand. He turned his head and saw Cassia with a concerned face.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Cassia said, "we can ask Li Lingyu, what powerful enemy does Li Mo have?"

"It's no use. Li Lingyu is just a minion of the Li family. He can't know many things. What's more, if the other party can find him here, he may have a close relationship with the Li family. Maybe he wasn't an enemy before!"

Lin Chen became more conscious and continued to analyze: "I prefer to think that Li Mo has died in the hands of that person, or has been captured. Since the other party has a close relationship with the Li family, he naturally knows that Li Mo was seriously injured. I'm afraid he has the confidence to win!

As a result, Li Mo is unlikely to escape. And the situation in the city is definitely not as simple as being affected. If they are affected, they will not be spared. What is more likely is that the man will kill everyone in the city after winning! "

Lin Chen turned to a corpse not far away, squatted down to check for a moment, and said, "the time of death is very short, less than half an hour!"

At this moment, the black robed man he met not long ago came to his mind. His eyes were wide open!

What a coincidence.

In the desert near the entrance of the different space, no one may pass through it for several months at ordinary times. However, I happened to meet that person not long ago. Not long ago, this different space happened to be destroyed!

"Lin Chen, did you find anything?" Seeing the surprise on Lin Chen's face, cassia couldn't help saying.

Lin Chen didn't answer and said, "you enter the Tongyuan tripod first. I'm going to chase someone. I can't let him run away!"

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