"What the above means is that he wants to take advantage of this event to completely bind limo and the 'great freedom God cult'. Although he is no longer a master of the divine realm, at least he is also a great and complete cultivator of the supreme realm.

It is of great use to the deity. However, I only paid a little attention to it. When I went back, I said that he secretly contacted the people in the "xuanhuang Temple" and wanted to betray the cult and show kindness to the xuanhuang temple. After I found him, I killed him!

Even if the people above have doubts, they will not spend time and energy on a dead man! I don't have to worry about trouble. "

Mozi Heng's face was full of pleasure, and his heart was full of the pleasure of revenge.

When a strong man rises, the soles of his feet must be full of the remains of his enemies; The rise of a powerful force is also at the cost of the collapse of other forces!

In the process of the rise of the "Taiyi divine realm", many supreme divine realms were annexed or destroyed, and the "dim dark divine realm" is one of them.

The "dim dark divine realm" was a well-known middle divine realm, but it was no match for the "Taiyi divine realm" and limo.

Finally, all the Mohists of the imperial family in the "dim and dark god realm" were killed, and the territory of the God realm was incorporated into the "Taiyi God realm".

Moziheng narrowly escaped that battle.

The time is too far away. Most people on the original continent have long forgotten the "dim and dark god realm". Who would have thought that Li Mo finally died of revenge from the "dim and dark god realm".

Mozi Heng's smile suddenly converged and his eyes were sharp as a knife. He stopped and looked back.

Behind him, a young man flapped his black wings and rushed after him.

"It was the man before."

Mozi's eyes were frozen, and he recognized that the young man had met not long ago. At that time, there were several other people beside him.

Looking at this situation, it is clear that they are here to catch up with themselves.

"Is this guy from the Li family?"

At the thought of this, Mozi Heng saw the murderous opportunity in his eyes. He did not intend to let anyone in the Li family go.

First, wipe out the evils here, and then the remaining evils in the holy city of the "Taiyi divine domain". He will find an opportunity to wipe them out without anyone knowing.

When Lin Chen arrived at Mo Ziheng about ten meters away, he stopped and asked, "did you kill those people in the Li family?"

Mo Ziheng said coldly, "are you from the Li family?"

"No." Lin Chen said.

Mozi Heng was stunned and immediately said, "are you a friend or relative of the Li family?"

"No." Lin Chen said again.

Mozi Heng was stunned and didn't have a good way: "first, you are not from the Li family, and second, you are not relatives and friends of the Li family. Did I kill them? What kind of bullshit does it have to do with you?"

Lin Chen was anxious. Before catching up with Mo Ziheng, now that the other party was in front of him, he was not worried. Despite the bad attitude of the other party, he was not affected at all. He said calmly:

"I am not a friend of the Li family, but an enemy of the Li family."

When Mo Ziheng heard the speech, he laughed and said, "you are the enemy of the Li family, so why are you chasing me? Is it possible that I killed the Li family, and you came to thank me?"

"Did you kill Li Mo?" Lin Chen didn't answer. He sensed that the other party's realm and himself were the top of the supreme realm. Under normal circumstances, even if the other party was the top of the same rank, it was unlikely to kill Li mo.

However, since Li Mo was seriously injured, it's not strange to die in the hands of a supreme realm peak.

"Yes, I killed Li mo." Mozi Heng was very straightforward.

He said: "no! Limo's form and spirit are all gone. How do you know that he was killed by me instead of escaping or being captured alive? Boy! Are you trying to set me up?"

Although he didn't care that the other party knew that Li Mo had been killed by himself, this feeling of being led by the nose still made Mozi Heng unhappy.

"I don't care about Li Mo's life or death. I just want to get back what belongs to me. He once robbed two things that belong to me. This time I come here, I want to get back. We have no grievances. I don't want to fight with you. I hope you can return my things to me!"

Lin Chen didn't deliberately cover up his breath. If Mo Ziheng hadn't sensed that the other party was a cultivator at the same level as himself, he wouldn't talk nonsense with the other party at all.

"What?" When Mo Ziheng frowned, he took away the things on Li Mo and the high-value items in the strange space.

"A palm sized black tower and a stone map."

Lin Chen described the shapes of the "divine prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map", but he didn't introduce them. After all, if the other party knew the value of the "divine prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map", it was estimated that they would not be willing to hand them over.

"Wait a minute!"

Moziheng didn't say whether he would return it. He checked the recent harvest in the space ring with his mind. A moment later, he frowned at Lin Chen and said:

"I don't have the two things you said."

Lin Chen's face became ugly, and her eyes became cold.

In his opinion, the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" are definitely in the hands of the other party. The other party is obviously unwilling to hand them over.

"I can take your word for it if you check the space ring for me." Lin Chen said.

Mo Ziheng's face also cooled down when he heard the speech, and his eyes said darkly, "I'll give you the space ring for examination. Are you kidding? It's impossible!"

Lin Chen was silent. He shook his right hand and a black light flew out of him. It was a Xuanyuan gun.

The dark flame surged out of his body and wound around him, turning into a black dragon. His eyes stared at Mo Ziheng darkly, and his mouth made a furious dragon sing.


There was a bang at his feet and he disappeared in a flash.

Mozi Heng was stunned. Before he started to fight with others, he always started his own fight first. Unexpectedly, the boy was more irritable than himself. He said no and started to fight directly?

"Hiss! I'm afraid if you don't succeed, I can even kill the supreme territory. You deserve to fight with me?"

Although the other side was at the same level as himself, Mozi Heng did not take it seriously at all. Along the way, he trampled on all the monks of the same level, and even the Tianjiao demons among the people of many worlds became his stepping stone.

If it were not for this, he would not be valued by the "great freedom deity" if he was at the top of the supreme realm!

"Today, Lao Tzu will let you know how big the difference in strength can be if you are both the peak of the supreme realm."


Without any action of Mozi Heng, there were terrible sword Qi in the heaven and earth. The sword Qi crisscrossed and ignited dark purple flames. In an instant, it turned into a large net of flames and pushed away in all directions with Mozi Heng as the center.

"In my opinion, you don't even have the qualification to let me use the sword!" Mozi Heng sneered and looked calm.

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