To Lin Chen's relief, the blind old man quickly took out two items from the space ring, which were the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map".

"Yes! These are the two items. They are the purpose of my visit." Linchen was overjoyed.

The blind old man glanced at the "picture of the holy meteor mountain and river", revealing a trace of surprise. It seemed that he could see what level of treasure it was. Unexpectedly, the other party had a supreme artifact.

However, he only looked at it for a few seconds, and then his eyes fell on the "God prison tower".

After seeing the holy prison tower, the blind old man's expression changed obviously. He stared at the holy prison tower. It can be seen that he cared more about the Dark Tower in front of him than the stone figure just now.

"Master, what treasure is this?" Seeing his performance, Leah asked curiously.

Lin Chen was shocked. Could the other party recognize the "God prison tower"?

He once suspected that master Shang Yan and Ji Yan might belong to the same force. If so, it is not surprising that the old man knows the "divine prison tower".

Just when he was shocked, the blind old man threw back the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" to Lin Chen, "OK, I'll give it back to you. You go."

Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He collected the "divine prison tower" and the "picture of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers" into the Tongyuan Ding. He said to the blind old man, "I'm leaving now. Before that, can you ask your name?"

If the blind old man didn't come in time, Lin Chen would either be killed or really tied up with the "great freedom deity". He was grateful to the old man from the bottom of his heart.

The old man was silent for a few seconds and said slowly, "the world calls me the heart sword venerable."

'venerable! The power of the venerable is already so terrible that how amazing should the so-called master be? "

Lin Chen sighed in his heart. He didn't ask any more questions. After saying "farewell to the younger generation", he turned and flew to yuankong. Mo Ziheng and others who were lying on the ground were all unwilling. Unexpectedly, they could not escape, but the boy ran away!

After looking at the direction where Lin Chen disappeared, Liya looked at the Xiangxin sword venerable and said curiously, "master, I have never seen you look at an object with that kind of look. Is that little tower a very powerful baby?"

The heart sword venerable shook his head.

"No?" LIA said in dismay.

"I shook my head, not saying that the little tower was not a treasure, but that I didn't know." The old man of heart sword said, "that small tower is very strange. Even with my eyesight, it is difficult to judge what level of treasure it is. I think it should be extraordinary. What I did just now was not because of the small tower, but because I saw the treasure in this shape

And thought of a great being. "

"Is the great existence very powerful? Who is it?" Leah said curiously.

"God prison master." When the heart sword venerable utters these four words, his voice is filled with awe and longing, such as devout believers who say the gods they fear.

Liya's eyes were round. She had never heard of the name "God prison master", but the weight of the word "master" had made her feel breathless and terrifying.


After finding a remote place, Lin Chen immediately entered the divine prison tower and came to the fourth floor of the divine prison tower.

A beautiful girl who is a little unreal is sitting cross legged under a tree to practice. Her skin is like jade, full of spirit and grace, just like a perfect white jade statue, which people dare not blaspheme.

Seeing this, Lin Chenchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was impossible to have anything to do with knowing that the snow marks were in here, it was only when I saw that she was safe and sound that my heart was really relieved.

Snow scar noticed the movement and opened his eyes. When he saw Lin Chen, a bright smile appeared on his beautiful little face. It seemed that the flowers and plants on the fourth floor of the divine prison tower were also dyed with a beautiful color.

"Lin Chen, did you get the divine prison tower back?"

She stood up and walked to Lin Chen.

"Senior Shang told me that the holy prison tower fell into your enemy's hands, so I will have to stay here for a long time in the future. But I knew that you would snatch it back soon."

There was a sweet smile on her face, which showed that she really believed in Lin Chen. When she was trapped here, she didn't have much psychological pressure.

Lin Chen was infected by her, and the heavy pressure in her heart vanished at the moment. She said with a light smile: "you are still here. Of course, I must hurry to get back the divine prison tower so that I can see you soon."

The white face of the snow mark suddenly became red.

"Hey! Hey! Do you think I don't exist and don't say hello to me? It's rude!"

Ling'er, who was about the size of a palm, didn't know when he appeared next to Lin Chen's head. When he saw that Lin Chen was only talking to Xue scar, he ignored himself. He wanted to kick Lin Chen's head with his little feet.

Lin Chen reached out to grab her feet and lifted her up.

"Damn you! Let me go! Let me go!" Ling'er shouted loudly, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"Little fellow, do you miss me?" Lin Chen put his other palm under ling'er's head, and as soon as his right hand was loose, ling'er fell on his left palm.

"What do you want? Smelly beauty! I don't want you. It's useless. Someone robbed the divine prison tower." Speaking of the back, ling'er made a face at Lin Chen.

Snow trace smiled and said, "she was worried about you. Before -"

Before he finished, ling'er jumped up, pressed her mouth with both hands, and said angrily, "who cares about this guy? Don't talk nonsense! In my opinion, it's a good thing that he has experienced more troubles and setbacks."

Lin Chen didn't continue to play with the little girl. He took them to the fifth floor of the divine prison tower and saw Shang Yan and xing'er who were already waiting for them here.

"Master!" Linchen said hello respectfully.

"I know what happened outside. To tell you the truth, I think it's possible for you to take back the divine prison tower, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

Shang Yan had a kind smile on his face, like an elder looking at his younger generation, But he soon became serious: "this time, if the heart sword venerable didn't come in time, the consequences would be very troublesome. The 'great freedom cult' is more difficult than you think. Your idea is to join them first, and then find a way to get rid of them. This idea is too naive. I can guarantee that if you are involved in it with your current strength, you haven't got out yet,

You have to lose your life first. "

Lin Chen felt embarrassed and scratched his head. He also knew that his previous idea was very self righteous and said:

"You taught me a good lesson, master. If the old master didn't show up in time this time, it would be really troublesome. The old master's strength really surprised me. In other words, can you beat him in your heyday?" Speaking of the back, Lin Chen looked curious.

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