Shang Yan always gave Lin Chen an unfathomable feeling, which was very similar to his feeling when he faced Jiyan venerable and Xinjian venerable.

Of course, it can not be judged from this that Shang Yan and Xinjian venerable people are at the same level.

For example, for a graduate of the Department of mathematics, an ordinary doctor of the Department of mathematics, and a fields prize winner who stands at the peak of the mathematics field, all can only look up to them.

However, it does not mean that ordinary mathematics department doctors and fields prize winners are at the same level.

Lin Chen was always curious about the strength of Shang Yan. At this time, he was shocked by the strength of the heart sword venerable, so he couldn't help comparing him with Shang Yan. He wondered who was better.


Shang Yan was dumbfounded, but did not answer Lin Chen's question.

"Elder, are you better than him?" Seeing this, Lin Chen is more curious.

Ling'er glanced. "If the heart sword venerable knew you asked my master this question, his expression would be very wonderful."

what do you mean?

Lin Chen didn't quite understand, but she could hear her disdain from ling'er's voice. She wondered if master Shang was stronger than the heart sword master.

Is it difficult to be the master of the venerable?


There may be a huge gap between the venerable and the venerable. Elder Shang is a venerable who is far more powerful than the heart sword venerable?

Before Lin Chen could continue to ask, Shang Yan looked serious and said:

"You have a lot of doubts in your heart, but don't hurry to know the answers. Sooner or later, you will know all of them. One thing, you must remember, don't mix up with the people of the 'great freedom God'

Lin Chen seldom saw Shang Yan show such a serious face. He hurriedly said:

"Don't worry, master. I have already formed a grudge with the great freedom cult. It's absolutely impossible to go together. Besides, they don't agree with me. Do you have any grudges with the great freedom cult, master?"

"Gratitude and resentment? I don't have personal gratitude and resentment with them. How can I have gratitude and resentment with a group of dogs who eat inside and outside? They deserve it?"

Shang Yan sneered, but did not explain much.

while helping others secretly?

Lin Chen instantly thought of the word "traitor" mentioned by the heart sword venerable. He was even more curious. But seeing that Shang Yan didn't want to go on, he was also very knowledgeable and didn't ask.

After leaving from the fifth floor, Lin Chen left the divine prison tower alone and went to the inner space of Tongyuan Ding.

Cassia looked worried. When she saw Lin Chen, she hurried up and down to look at Lin Chen for a few eyes, and immediately breathed a long sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Lin Chen felt warm in his heart.

Cassia must have guessed that she had discovered the clues of the "God prison tower" and the "picture of the meteoric holy mountains and rivers" before she hurriedly included her in the Tongyuan Ding.

However, when she saw herself at this time, her first reaction was not to ask about the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map", but to confirm whether she was injured.

After Lin Chen told her what had happened, cassia was surprised and delighted. What surprised her was that the heart sword venerable in Lin Chen's mouth was too terrible.

Happily, the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" were finally snatched back. She was really afraid that it would be useless to draw water in a bamboo basket.

"Venerable. Dominator. There is such a powerful existence on the original continent. I have never even heard of it before, let alone contacted it."

Cassia and Lin Chen are equally curious.

Lin Chen took her to the third floor of the "divine prison tower" and the people of the "snake Kui tribe" met cassia and Lin Chen with joy.

These guys didn't even know that the "divine prison tower" had fallen into the hands of Lin Chen's enemies. They just thought that Lin Chen and his queen were in seclusion, so they didn't feel nervous at all.

Lin Chen was worried that they would have to stay here for a long time, which would lead to problems.

It turned out that I was thinking too much.

For one thing, the people of the Shekui tribe have been isolated from the world for countless years, so they have long been used to this state of not contacting with other nationalities; Second, the third floor of the divine prison tower is vast, which is completely comparable to an independent small world.

After a long time, they didn't feel bored at all. They liked it here.

"Your Majesty, this place is much better than where we used to live!" Many people even said that to Cassia.

When the jubilant "snake Kui tribe" left, only Lin Chen and cassia remained alone in the hall.

Lin Chen looked at cassia and said, "what are you going to do next?"

"The strange diseases that have plagued the snake Kui tribe for countless years have disappeared. In addition, now I don't have to be afraid of people from the 'Taiyi divine realm' to make trouble. I plan to lead the people back to their hometown." Cassia thought for a moment and said.

Hearing that Cassia said she was going to lead the people to leave, Lin Chen felt uncontrollably reluctant to give up, and subconsciously said, "you can't go!"

"Why?" Cassia was stunned.

Lin Chen was silent for a few seconds and patted his forehead: "now Xuanyan ancient tree is dead, and the 'Taiyi divine domain' no longer exists. Naturally, there is no way to trouble you! But we have provoked the 'great freedom divine cult' people. Then the 'great freedom divine cult' may retaliate. They are more terrible than the 'Taiyi divine domain'. At this time, you lead the people back. What if they come to the door?"

"Come to the door?"

Cassia doubted, "the members of the great freedom cult that we met on the falling star have died, and the people you talked about earlier have also fallen into the hands of the heart sword venerable. In this way, no one has summoned back the great freedom cult. How can they come to find Ma fan?"

Linchenzhenzhen said: "maybe there are other members of the great freedom cult who hid and did not fall into the hands of the heart sword venerable?

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. We have no idea how powerful the great freedom cult is, so we should be more cautious. If something happens, the price will be very heavy. "

Cassia's face became serious, and she felt that Lin Chen's words were not unreasonable. If she took her people back, the people of the "great freedom cult" would come to her door, then the whole ethnic group might be destroyed.

The result is too disastrous, so even if the possibility is small, we have to be cautious.

"In my opinion, you'd better go back to the western part of the original mainland with me to avoid the limelight first? The people of the great freedom cult are definitely looking for us in the central part!" Lin Chen said.

Cassia was moved by Lin Chen's words and nodded her head.

Lin Chen smiled. At this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly saw that snow scar and ling'er appeared at the door. Snow scar's faint eyes were staring at him.

Lin Chen: "...."

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